Chain Of Wealth - Debt, Investing, Entrepreneurship, Wealth & More

How To Get Started With Credit



Building your credit is an absolutely fundamental thing to do.   In this episode, we'll walk you through all the step you should take to move towards a high credit score.   [1:38] What did you do when you started building your credit Katie? Kate was added onto her brother’s credit card when she went to college Kate’s mom also opened an account for her and then made the payments When she had to pay for her teeth she had to open a care account A credit card application came after college because she had her student loan that was now due She’s not got the Uber credit card [5:35] Denis had quite a different story for his credit history He had a platinum credit card in South Africa, however in the US it does not translate Denis was told he had no credit history so he had to start from scratch The easiest way is to open up a secured credit card- essentially you fund the credit card Pro tip- put more money in then you can use the points Eventually after 6/7 months Denis started getting stuff in the mail Denis no