

Denis O'Brien [0:09]Hey Money Clan, a very warm welcome to the Chain of Wealth podcast. I'm your host, Denis O'Brien.Katie Welsh [0:20]And I'm Katie Welsh.Denis O'Brien [0:21]So Katie, just to give everyone a quick update this episode is dedicated to diving into our wedding budgets.Katie Welsh [0:27]Yeah. So right around the corner.Denis O'Brien [0:30]Yes. So our actual date of the wedding is July 20. And or super pumped.Katie Welsh [0:37]We had our wedding shower over the weekend, which was a complete surprise for us. And now I feel like it's actually like the real deal. Like it's coming. They had a countdown.Denis O'Brien [0:49]Yeah, we have less than 60 days to go until we will be tying the knot. So really, really exciting. And on a money front, we thought we'd give you guys a nice update and we'll really dive into some of the numbers. And let you know exactly where we're at in our budget. All right, Kate, well before we dive on into today's episode, if y