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The Year 2022 In Gaming



After a three year hiatus, Solo and Lilo reunite to take a look back at all the top gaming stories of 2022 & make a few speculations on what to expect in gaming in 2023 | - 0:55 call of duty league, esports future in trouble? 5:05 bayonetta (?) scandal  7:55 Netflix in gaming  13:20 Google stadia and cloud gaming 18:40 G4 shutdown, why isn’t there money in gaming media  19:30 FTC/ Activision blizzard, modern monopolies and competition in gaming  24:00 how gaming fits into unionization movement  29:50 Halo  34:30 EA loses fifa  35:47 steam deck  38:40 gta (Slow year in gaming, impact of Cyberpunk, but idk if really separate topic)  40:35 top games of 2022 47:17 2023 predictions (man lilo is obsessed with breath of the wild isn’t he)