Make It Plain with Mark Thompson

Sen. Kamala Harris Explains the Justice in Policing Act



First up: The Poor People's Campaign is holding a Mass Poor People's Assembly and Moral March on Washington on June 20th; every day leading up to that day of action, we'll be featuring real stories of struggle and poverty to raise awareness and make the subject a priority. That's what you'll find at the top of the episode, and today's speaker is Francine from Chula, MS, who has some words to share on the systems and politicians in this country that keep people poor. Next up is Sen. Kamala Harris, who, along with Sen. Cory Cooker and the other members of the Congressional Black Caucus, authored the Justice in Policing Act, which seeks to hold police officers accountable when they break the law. It's not all-encompassing, as they know there are changes that need to be made at the community level, but it's a start--a start that holds consequences for murdering unarmed, innocent Black people. In this episode they discuss what's in the bill, including bans on choke-holds, subpoe