Blue Skies

Music Monday: The Journey Home!



Today is the 9th of January 2023! Happy New Year! Well, it’s a little late for that I suppose. Today’s Music Monday, the first of this new year is a little late. You see, today’s Music Monday’s song is We Three Kings, which seems a little late because Ephinany is over. Now, Ephinany celebrates the 3 kings seeing the baby Jesus and bringing him gifts. And the Bible tells us that the Kings were advised to leave by a different route on their way home. And that’s all it says about them leaving - go home a different way. Well, there is no mention of how they might have been feeling. I can imagine that they were awe struck initially, then as they thought about and talked about it they started getting excited. The further they went, the more excited they got. And so, here is my musical thoughts on the 3 Kings journey home. Did I mention I think they were all musicians?