Sam Sylk Show

I'm Pregant By A Coworkers Who Is Married



Dear Sam I am getting up in age, I have a successful career, and because of that career I have put a lot of things on hold. The biggest is having a family. I have had a hard time finding the man of my dreams because of work. However I have been a little more than friends with a married co-worker. Before everyone starts dogging me I know I am wrong for sleeping with this but I don't want him. As a matter of fact I just needed to get pregnant, which I did. I never told him about the baby but what happened was before I even started showing I lost my job. Unfortunately I do need his help a little now that the baby is here. I went to him and told him. He hit the roof and told me to go to hell and stay away from him. My question I guess is am I out of bounds if I take him to court? How should I handle this I still don't want him but I do need a little help?