Tarabuster With Tara Devlin

Tarabuster Weekday: GOP House of Grifter Traitor Clowns



Another day in the United States of Serfs and Lords. GOP Grifter George Santos refuses to resign. Madison Cawthorn Left Office Without Turning Over Constituent Requests, because "constituents" are not why Republicons run for office. "Diamond" of "Diamond and Silk" dies from a hoax Matt Schlapp- GOP strategist alleges powerful conservative sexually assaulted him We discuss the madness! ______________________________________ Finally! You found your new social media hub! Sign up here: https://accuratemessage.com/ ______________________________________ Frustrated enough about government policy to want to do something about it? Join "Shaping Progress," the organization founded by Tarabuster's millennial corresponded Mark Middlestaedt: Check out Shaping Progress here: https://shapingprogress.online/ _________ Join Rokfin to access exclusive tarabuster content as well as Ron Placone, Lee Camp, and more! https://rokfin.com/tarabuster BECOME A "TARABUSTER" PATRON: www.patreon.com/taradevlin J