Shaykh Riyadh Ul Haq

Giving Advice (Naṣīḥah)



Giving Advice (Naṣīḥah) Delivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on Friday 26th February 2021 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester Video: We are often presented with the opportunity to give advice to others. How and when we give this advice is vital as it may be considered unsolicited by the receiving party. This topic falls under the wider meaning of "al-dīn al-naṣīḥah". Two types of advice to others are identified: solicited and unsolicited. Regarding the first type, it is deemed an obligation to respond to a request for advice without wriggling out of it. Aḥādīth that enumerate the rights of a Muslim over another are quoted for this reason and expounded on. The exception on giving advice is when the person fears insincerity or lack of wisdom in his advice, in which case it is better to decline. The importance of sincerity is even more emphasized for unsolicited advice. Positive examples of unsolicited advice are mentioned to be that of the prophets of Allah and Jarīr ibn Abdullah r.a