Your Mileage May Vary

My Gay Fiance, Holding Off Climax, Women Demanding Dominance, Porn Viewing Trends, Mystery Anal



We conduct a review of some of the latest trends in porn watching, according to PornHub. Here's the full report if you're interested in reviewing it: Keith wonders if it would be easier or harder for him to find high-quality partners if he were gay. There's general agreement that finding partners would become easier, but quality is the key metric there. What do men really mean when they announce that they're close? Is it generally possible for them to hold off? And do women actually care, or are they just looking for the experience to last longer to have more intimacy (i.e. more foreplay)? Two men have female partners who want more dominance. And another didn't realize he and his girlfriend were having anal sex until she told him. Is this consensual? We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week: https: