Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs (SACPA)

Why should we bother trying to save old buildings, even if they are historic? With Ross Kilgour and George Kuhl



Ross Kilgour and George Kuhl will provide an overview of the City of Lethbridge’s heritage program. Why should we protect Lethbridge’s heritage? How does the City’s heritage program work today? And how will the upcoming new Heritage Management Plan change things? Speaker: Ross Kilgour and George Kuhl George Kuhl is a graduate of the University of Lethbridge with professional roots in urban and regional planning. As a planner with the Oldman River Regional Planning Commission, George worked on City of Lethbridge projects and an array of rural and small-town projects for over 21 years providing him with invaluable community development experience. He became Senior Development Officer for the City of Lethbridge in 1997 and led the Planning Department for nearly 7 years before becoming the Downtown Revitalization Manager. In 2004, George was advisor to City Council’s Downtown Revitalization Steering Committee (DRSC); his role evolved to becoming the Heart of Our City Master Plan Project Manager. George continues