Higher Ed Now

Kenny Xu: An Inconvenient Minority



Higher Ed Now kicks off 2023 with a conversation between Steve McGuire, ACTA's Paul & Karen Levy Fellow in Campus Freedom, and KENNY XU, president of the raceblind advocacy group Color Us United, an organization that investigates and takes on corporations whose woke policies are potentially harming employees and our culture of excellence. Mr. Xu authored the book An Inconvenient Minority, and hosts the podcast Inconvenient Minority, which deeply investigates race, identity, and culture. He has written commentary for the Wall Street Journal, City Journal, Quillette, Newsweek, The New York Post, National Review, The Federalist, and many more.  His journalism is beloved by communities of all races who share his passion for making the United States a more fair and meritocratic society.  He has spoken on colorblindness and critical race theory in front of groups as diverse as the nationally renowned Pacific Legal Foundation, the Boston Rally for Education Rights, and the all-Black Connecticut Parents Union. Mr