Black Man With A Gun

Shooting is Mental - 702



Gun ownership requires responsibility.  There is more mental energy required than just owning a gun and shooting it recreationally. (that is what I mean by Shooting is Mental) Training will save you money and save your life.  Seek some before you buy and you’ll thank me. Firearm ownership is not for everyone but it should be for anyone who has not given up his or her right to do so. Buying a firearm should be an educated decision not an emotional one. Shooting is mental because you have to navigate fact from fiction, and hype from reality. You have to make some judgement calls. You have to train your brain not to do what you have seen on TV or on social media.  You have to make decisions that are literally life or death.  Am I prepared to defend myself? Am I ready to go through with what is coming after I stop a bad guy?  Can I handle the political foolishness?  Have I been on the right side of this thing?  Who do I believe now?  Where do I get training from?  Who is legit and not a mall ninja?   Shooting is