Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 055: Keith Luedeman, Founder of GoodMortgage



This week we continue our two part interview with Keith Luedeman, founder of GoodMortgage. Last week, we spent most of our time talking about Keith and GoodMortgage in a really exciting interview.  This week, we wanted to turn the page and talk to Keith about his newfound role as startup advisor and angel investor.  Since he is new to this space/role, we were fortunate to get some really good insight into where Keith is in the process and I think we get a glimpse into where he will be in the future too.  It’s an awesome discussion with someone Charlotte should be thankful we have on our team. Enjoy listening to Keith discuss the following and more. At what point in time after selling Good Mortgage did you realize you wanted to get involved in the startup community? How did Keith find the Charlotte angel investing and entrepreneur scene? How is Keith going to tackle his new hobby of being an angel investor?   After all, it’s not something he has done before so how does he expect to grow into this new role?