I Cant Afford To Quit

From Sports To Politics To Racism



Finally got my Dad in To a Podcast , We Discussed, The Future of the OKC Thunder and Paul George, Rookie of the year, Kyrie doing work in Boston, the media protecting Micheal Jordan's legacy,Thibs minutes management of the T'Wolves starters,The NFL Payout, Lomachenko vs Rigondeaux, The Future Of the WelterWeight Division,Wilder Joshua Fight, Redlining in America, Policing in urban Areas, The Doug Jones election victory, Voter Suppression,  11 year old Girl Being handcuffed and held at gunpoint,Donald Trump's Accusers,Trump adminstration Cutting Funding for Civil Rights agency of the Education Department Father goes viral for Whooping his Daughter and shaving her Head, Keaton Jones controversy, and More