Badass Business Podcast

EP302: 5 Decisions to Make 2023 the Best Year Yet



I really love this episode because honestly, when I look back, 2022 was one of the best years of my life. I learned so much about manifestation, cultivation, and personal embodiment and I wanted to take all the medicine of that study and pour it into you. So let's dive into our episode today!  Things you'll learn inside this episode: - How to PROPERLY design a manifestation list for 2022 that sets you up for success. - The differences and red flags between creating a lot of intentions that DON'T manifest vs. having a concrete game plan for multiple outcomes of achievement this year. - How to navigate the shadow and the 3 elements of the shadow we must heal to have an effective 2023 that brings in the results we desire. - The proper FOCUS energy (how to harness, hold, and call in ANY intention you have for the 2023 year.)