All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri



Join well-known theologian and author Edward Sri for weekly insights on understanding and living out the Catholic faith. Delve deeper into the Bible, prayer time, virtue, relationships, marriage and family and culture with practical reflections on all things Catholic. Don't just go through the motions. Live as an intentional Catholic, a disciple of Jesus Christ.


  • Mary, Mother of the Church: Why the New Feast Day?

    21/05/2018 Duration: 10min

    We're in Rome today for the very first celebration of "Mary Mother of the Church" - the new feast instituted by Pope Francis this year. But why do Catholics call Mary "Mother of the Church"?  Is there any Biblical basis for this?  And what does this mean for us today? Recorded live in St. Peter's Square with Edward Sri's annual Rome pilgrimage group.

  • Pentecost: Climax of Easter

    15/05/2018 Duration: 21min

    "Heaven is not a place in the universe, but a person: Jesus Christ. And the closer we draw near to Jesus, the more we bring heaven on earth." - from this week's podcast. As we reach the climax of the Easter Season, Edward Sri takes us through the last chapter of Mark's Gospel as he unpacks the three key events of the last 50 days: the Resurrection, Ascension and Commissioning of the Apostles.  Episode Notes: Dr. Sri referred in this episode to a prayer attributed to Blessed John Henry Newman called "Radiating Christ." Here's a link to the prayer:  

  • Q&A with Dr. Sri - The Ascension

    08/05/2018 Duration: 21min

    Dr. Edward Sri answers listeners' questions about topics such as Mary, marriage and this week's feast of the Ascension of Our Lord.

  • Marriage Reality Check

    01/05/2018 Duration: 16min

    Edward Sri discusses the real challenges every married couple faces but not many people talk about. And he unpacks three practical ways to experience the beautiful transformation God wants to work in our hearts - not in spite of, but precisely through the real struggles of daily married life.

  • My Shot: Grow in Virtue

    24/04/2018 Duration: 19min

    Let’s unpack the Church’s top 3 ways to grow in virtue.   Episode Notes: Edward Sri recommended the following books in this episode: - Donald DeMarco, The Heart of Virtue  - Stephen Jensen, Living the Good Life - Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics      

  • Should the Church be More Tolerant?

    17/04/2018 Duration: 15min

    The real question is not “Do I tolerate others?” but “Do I have the ability to love people?”  We tolerate cold weather or a traffic jam. But Jesus calls us to love the people in our lives, not just tolerate them. And that requires virtue. If we want to have good friendships and dating relationships; if we want to build a strong marriage and family life; if we want to care for the poor and build a civilization of love, there is one thing we need that goes far beyond tolerance and coexistence. And that’s virtue. This episode is based on Edward Sri's best-selling book, Who Am I to Judge? (Ignatius Press-Augustine Institute)  

  • "I'm Free to Do Whatever I Want!"

    10/04/2018 Duration: 13min

    "Don't impose your views on me! I'm free to do whatever I want with my life!"   There are two views of freedom competing for our attention. Knowing the difference can make or break a marriage. It can start a dating relationship on the right foot or lead you toward another dead-end romance. It can help you to succeed or fail in your parenting.   Will you embrace the modern notion of freedom - the freedom to do whatever you want? Or will you discover true freedom - the freedom to love? This episode is based on a chapter in Edward Sri's book, "Who Am I to Judge?" (Ignatius Press/Augustine Institute)

  • Mary & The Lost Ark

    03/04/2018 Duration: 17min

    There’s great spiritual power for us in the title “Mary, Ark of the Covenant”—much more than anything Harrison Ford and the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark may have imagined. But what does the ancient Ark of the Covenant have to do with the Blessed Virgin Mary? In this episode, Edward Sri unpacks the Biblical background of this Marian title and how turning to Mary as the New Ark of the Covenant can help us fight the spiritual battles we face each day.

  • Simon & The Unexpected Cross

    27/03/2018 Duration: 14min

    Why is Simon of Cyrene a model of compassion? He didn’t lovingly volunteer to carry Jesus’ Cross. He was forced to do so! The Gospels, however, give us one small detail that indicates Simon was personally transformed through his encounter with the Cross on Good Friday.  And his example reminds us that the crosses bearing the most fruit are often not the ones we seek out, but the unexpected crosses--if we embrace them when they come.

  • The Palm Sunday Prophecy

    20/03/2018 Duration: 14min

    Do you know the Palm Sunday Prophecy? Discover the Biblical background to Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Edward Sri unpacks the prophecies fulfilled in this scene and the personal application for our lives today. Finish Lent strong by starting Holy Week well.

  • Giving it All: Gethsemane

    13/03/2018 Duration: 17min

    "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass." What did Jesus mean by this prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Was he trying to back out of the cross at the last minute? This prayer actually offers a window into Jesus' soul, revealing how he gives it all in the garden. Jesus goes on to say, "...not my will, but yours be done." And in so doing, he shows us the model of perfect love.

  • The Cry from the Cross

    06/03/2018 Duration: 18min

    What did Jesus mean when he cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Did Jesus really think he was abandoned by the Father? Far from a cry of despair, Jesus' words are a prayer of great hope in the midst of great darkness. Jesus quotes Psalm 22, fulfills prophecy and models for us how to turn to the Lord amid the crosses we face.  Episode Notes: For the YouTube video of Edward Sri's presentation on this topic, see: This episode is based on a chapter in Edward Sri's book 'Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained" (Ignatius Press)  

  • Surprised by Silence - with Beth Sri

    27/02/2018 Duration: 22min

    Finding silence in a house with 8 kids and a busy apostolic life is not easy. But Beth and I both felt drawn this Lent to turn off the noise, be more unplugged and more tuned in to God in silent stillness. In the silence, we encounter our true selves at a deeper level. And we also have the interior space to encounter God and others more.  Why do we tend to fill the spaces in our day with so much noise and distraction? Edward and Beth Sri share from their own experiences and offer practical ways to build more silence in the midst of busy lives. 

  • The Battle for Your Mind

    20/02/2018 Duration: 16min

    Right now there's a battle going on for your mind - for how you look at reality. What is love? What brings happiness? What is a successful life? The secular world is doing everything it can to get you to look at these fundamental questions a certain way. But Jesus offers an alternative view. How can you make sure you are not conformed to this world but are transformed by a renewal of your mind? Episode Notes: This episode is based on a chapter in Edward Sri's latest book, Into His Likeness: Be Transformed as a Disciple (Ignatius Press-Augustine Institute)  

  • The Romance of Lent: 3 Ways to Start Lent Well

    13/02/2018 Duration: 14min

    The words "Lent" and "Romance" typically don't go together. Lent brings to mind drudgery, sacrifice and slogging through the dreary days of February without your favorite treats. What's romantic about that? At its essence, however, Lent is all about love. It's about creating more space in our hearts to encounter God. Edward Sri offers practical ideas for starting Lent well as he unpacks how the three main devotions of Lent help us love God with all our heart, soul and strength.  Episode Notes: See Edward Sri's article "The Romance of Lent" at  

  • When You Hit the Wall: Struggles in the Spiritual Life

    06/02/2018 Duration: 15min

    A crucial moment in the spiritual life comes when we hit the wall: when we experience our weaknesses and sins and fear that we'll never get better - we'll never change. In those low moments, we might be tempted to give up trying and settle for mediocrity.  But when we dare to come to Jesus in our weakness, as we really are, in the valley of humility, God does the most profound work of healing and transformation in our souls. Episode Notes: Edward Sri, Into His Likeness: Be Transformed as a Disciple (Ignatius Press-Augustine Institute)

  • More Than Groundhog's Day: The Presentation of Our Lord & Prophecy Fulfilled

    30/01/2018 Duration: 17min

    The Feast of the Presentation (Feb 2) commemorates a significant turning point in the history of the world: God's glory returning to the temple. Edward Sri unpacks the prophecies fulfilled in this scene to help prepare our hearts for this great feast. Recorded on location in Jerusalem on the Southern Steps of the Temple. Episode Notes: For more on the Biblical background of the Presentation, see Edward Sri's Walking with Mary (Image Books); Dawn of the Messiah (Servant) and Praying the Rosary Like Never Before (Servant). See also his film documentary Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother (Ascension). 

  • The Battle for Prayer

    23/01/2018 Duration: 16min

    We like to pray when we feel we're getting something out of it. But what do we do when the feelings fade, when we're "too busy" or prayer is dry? Will we still show up? Faithfulness to Jesus in prayer is more important than the feelings we might receive in prayer. And sometimes God withdraws the feelings of His closeness in order to test our hearts - to test whether we'll still come to Him for Him alone - and not what He gives us in prayer.    Episode Notes References Edward Sri's new book Into His Likeness: Be Transformed as a Disciple of Christ (Ignatius Press - Augustine Institute)

  • What We Wish We Knew Before Marriage - with Beth Sri

    16/01/2018 Duration: 30min

    Nothing can fully prepare you for the real challenges of married life. Edward Sri hosts his first guest, his wife Beth, as they share three things they wish they did before they were married...and they continue to work on today.

  • "But I'm Not Hurting Anyone!"

    09/01/2018 Duration: 18min

    Many say, "What I do in my private life doesn't matter - as long as I'm not hurting anyone." But there are many ways we hurt people simply by failing to be the best we can be. In this week's episode, Edward Sri helps us respond to this objection and talk about moral truth, underscoring how what we do in our 'private lives' greatly impacts other people - for better or for worse.   Episode Notes: The Objection: "What Could be Wrong With This? I'm Not Hurting Anyone!" First Response: C.S. Lewis Fleet of Ships Analogy Don't Collide (Social Laws - Don't Hurt Others) Each Individual Ship is Seaworthy (Individual Moral Character) Why Both Are Necessary Second Response: Two Ways to Fail In Life "In What I Have Done" "And In What I Have Failed to Do" The Myth of "Private" Life How What We Do In Our Personal Lives Impacts Others Three Examples Studies Prayer Fatherhood References: C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity Edward Sri, Who Am I to Judge?

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