Morning Meditations

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 167:25:56
  • More information



These meditations are 5-10 minute segments to help focus on what God might want for us in the new day!


  • Daily Lectionary- Acts 2: Everyone Who Calls on the Name of the Lord

    12/03/2024 Duration: 06min

    In this episode, we see the disciples filled with the spirit at Pentecost and Peter gets up and preaches to the people!

  • Daily Lectionary- Hebrews 3: Little Christs

    12/03/2024 Duration: 07min

    In this episode, we are called to fix our attention on Christ who is the builder of everything! We are also challenged to look like Christ in our world!

  • Daily Lectionary- Mark 11: A House of Prayer for ALL People

    07/03/2024 Duration: 07min

    In this episode, we see Jesus is overturning the temple, because it has become corrupt!

  • Daily Lectionary- Hebrews 9: Once and For All

    07/03/2024 Duration: 04min

    In this episode, we are reminded that Christ died once and for all, and that we don’t need to continue making sacrifices for our sin!

  • Daily Lectionary- 1 Corinthians Building Something That Last

    05/03/2024 Duration: 07min

    Today we are talking about building on the foundation that is Christ and that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit!

  • Daily Lectionary- John 12: Dying to Live

    29/02/2024 Duration: 09min

    In this episode, we are reminded that it is by dying to our “self” that we find life!

  • Daily Lectionary- Hebrews 11: By Faith

    28/02/2024 Duration: 08min

    In this episode, we are reminded that the great saints of the pass acted upon their faith in following God!

  • Daily Lectionary- Hebrews 1: Living as Citizens of Christ’s Kingdom

    26/02/2024 Duration: 08min

    In this episode, we are reminded that Christ’s Kingdom is one of justice and righteousness and that we are called to live as citizens of that kingdom today!

  • Daily Lectionary- Romans 3: All Are Justified

    22/02/2024 Duration: 08min

    In this episode, we talk about the fact that we all have sinned, but thankfully Christ has redeemed ALL of us and that includes everyone we will encounter today!

  • Daily Lectionary- Matthew 4: In The Wilderness

    22/02/2024 Duration: 07min

    In this episode, we are reminded of Jesus obedience in the wilderness. We are also urged to “enter the wilderness” in lent and choose obedience as well!

  • Daily Lectionary- 1 Peter 3: Living Like Christ

    20/02/2024 Duration: 07min

    In this episode, we are reminded that we are called to respond to evil with blessing, and to live with Christ as Lord!

  • Daily Lectionary- Ephesians 2: By GRACE!

    19/02/2024 Duration: 06min

    In this episode, we see that all of us are dependent on God’s grace and not our own work!

  • Daily Lectionary- Ash Wednesday- Matthew 6: Drawing Near to God

    14/02/2024 Duration: 07min

    In this episode, we are reminded that our practices are meant to draw near to God and not to impress ourselves or others.

  • Daily Lectionary- 1 Timothy 3: The Mystery that is Christ

    13/02/2024 Duration: 06min

    In this episode, we are shown that living in community is possible as we live “in Christ!”

  • Daily Lectionary- 1 Timothy 1: The Worst of Sinners

    09/02/2024 Duration: 06min

    In this episode, we are reminded of the great mercy God has had for us, and challenged to live in a position of humility!

  • Daily Lectionary- 2 Corinthians 2: The Aroma of Christ

    08/02/2024 Duration: 05min

    Today we are reminded that we are all sent out into the world and that we should be the aroma of Christ to our neighbors!

  • Daily Lectionary- Galatians 5: One Command

    01/02/2024 Duration: 06min

    In this episode, we are reminded that true salvation is by grace and the law can be summed up in loving our neighbor!

  • Daily Lectionary- Jeremiah 29: God STILL Has Good Plans

    31/01/2024 Duration: 09min

    In this episode, we attempt to read Jeremiah 29:11 in context!

  • Daily Lectionary 2024- Romans 9: God’s Choice

    25/01/2024 Duration: 10min

    In this episode, we are reminded that our inclusion in the gospel is all because of God’s mercy!

  • Daily Lectionary 2024- Acts 5: The Truth Wins Out

    23/01/2024 Duration: 08min

    In this episode, we are reminded that the things of God will stand the test of time!

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