We talk about the current and old stuff here; You'll be going with us into Video Games, Tech, Entertainment of all kinds, Philosophical, Science, Politics, Religion, PC, Etc. What makes us unique is that we'll let freedom of speech hurt the right and left cause that is what happens when there is true freedom of speech; sometimes one or the other side will get hurt, but in a respectful way.
ENDCAST (ENG) 28: You Only Play Diablo 3 Due to Social Reasons
06/09/2019 Duration: 52minLate again, but we are here arent we? This week we covered #breastfeeding
ENDCAST (ES) 09: Esta Conversación
30/08/2019 Duration: 42minLes cuento que #Siri se a portado mal pero ya la castigaron. El nuevo #iPhone
ENDCAST (ES) 08: Gears Pop Esta Padrisimo
23/08/2019 Duration: 37minEsta semana hable sobre los feos gifs de #Samsung y enserio quien
ENDCAST (ENG) 26: Gears Pop is Looking All Kinds of Good ⚙️
22/08/2019 Duration: 33minThis week we got #Gamescon2019 and #GearsPOP is looking good, plus are video game
ENDCAST (ES) 07: La Situación Entre China y Los EEUU Necesita Harmony(OS)
16/08/2019 Duration: 32minEsta vez les doy un #tip sobre #Economia
ENDCAST (ENG) 25: You Know What PUBG
16/08/2019 Duration: 53minWe talked about why #PUBGMOBILE light is a good thing and how/why #Huawei made #HarmonyOS
ENDCAST (ES) 06: Censurar Juegos No es La Respuesta, Pero Si a Moderación?
09/08/2019 Duration: 25minEsta semana hablamos sobre ✉️ la necesidad de #moderacion en todo y como o porque no deberiamos #censurar las cosas solo porque no estamos de acuerdo con ellas
ENDCAST (ENG) 24: No to Censorship, but Yes to Moderation for Chaos is a No Go
09/08/2019 Duration: 36minThis week I got into #censorship in entertainment
ENDCAST (ES) 05: El Endcast en Español Esta Devuelta!
02/08/2019 Duration: 19minEl regreso del #ENDCAST en #español con cosas como “el f-35 es el #iPhone de aviones?”
ENDCAST (ENG) 21: Slow Week was Slow
18/07/2019 Duration: 23minSlow week, but we did have some stuff to talk about. Discussed the new #Nintendo Switch and how it just makes sense. The Huge
ENDCAST (ENG) 19: Try New Things... PS Inside was AWESOME!
08/07/2019 Duration: 51minSorry it is late, but it is here none the less! We talked about #inside the game which I loved! Thanks #xbox and we got talking about different perspectives in the
ENDCAST (ENG) 17: Subscription is the Future!
28/06/2019 Duration: 46minWe talked about the future of subscription services taking over the majority of income like it happened in the music
ENDCAST (ENG) 16: E3 Baby! Nough Said!
13/06/2019 Duration: 46minWe got our toes deep into #E3 stuff such as #Doom #HaloInfinite the future of #Xbox and my prediction of 8K 60 fps for #Gears5 and 120 fps 4K once Scarlett comes out. Also #KeanuReeves is just
ENDCAST (ES) 03: YouTube es Mas que Todo para Offline No❓
07/06/2019 Duration: 19minDije que no lo haría pero aquí esta el episodio 03 que no subí. Siento que fue un buen episodio y no era para desperdiciar. No recuerdo bien de que hable pero si de cosas interesantes