Radio Gag - The Gays Against Guns Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 110:38:52
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Gays Against Guns NY is an inclusive direct action group of LGBTQ people and their allies committed to nonviolently breaking the gun industry's chain of deathinvestors, manufacturers, the NRA and politicians who block safer gun laws. We are New York-based but work with GAG chapters in other cities to ensure safety for all individuals, particularly vulnerable communities such as people of color, women, people who struggle with mental health issues, LGBTQ people and religious minorities. GAG condemns white supremacy, all instances of excessive force by police, and police militarization. We meet every other Thursday at 7 pm at NYC's LGBT Center (208 W. 13th St). All who want to fight for better gun laws are welcome. This radio show airs live on WBAI 99.5 FM on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. EST.


  • Whole New Ballgame

    13/09/2022 Duration: 25min

    Barry Graubart, Legislative Lead for MOMS Demand Action NY State, and Jay W. Walker of Gays Against analyze the new NY State gun laws and the possibilities for outcomes of the 2022 Midterm elections. September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. The Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund released a new report detailing the rise of people dying by gun suicide in cities. We’ll look at Key findings from the report.

  • Be A Man

    06/09/2022 Duration: 30min

    Be a man, a good guy with a gun…The Great Protector, consider your man card … You’ve heard it before … the way guns are marketed to young men. Listen to Radio GAG for a frank discussion of what masculinity, fatherhood and love mean with Jeremy Stein Executive Director of Connecticut Against Gun Violence and Mike Song from the Ethan Miller Song Foundation.

  • Activism: Back To School

    30/08/2022 Duration: 56min

    After a summer of mass killings in Buffalo, NY, Uvalde, Texas and Highland Park, Illinois, and with the beginning of school almost here, it’s time to accelerate our activism. In June, SCOTUS ruled to curtail state’s rights to regulate gun ownership and that only ups the stakes for Gun Violence Prevention Groups. Still, Legislators crafted an assault weapons ban that passed our House of Representatives. President Biden used his executive power to address ghost guns and for the first time in decades, other modest gun regulations were signed into law. Yet the fight to save our children from school shootings is far from over. Radio GAG, the Gays Against Guns Show interviews X Gonzales, the young queer activist who rocked the world with their speech at the March For Our Lives in Washington DC in 2018. After completing their Senior Thesis, X is poised to inspire voters and the public by addressing the wrongs of white supremacy and the threat to human rights embodied by politicians like Ron Desantis. We also speak w

  • Women's Convention 2022

    16/08/2022 Duration: 25min

    This week, Radio GAG talks about the armed extremists who are being encouraged to commit violence by right-wing media. We take time to remember Iris Samtos, a transgender woman, 22 years of age, who was gunned down in Houston Texas. Gays Against Guns joined the Women’s Convention 2022 in Houston to celebrate , inform and activate women from across the US. 1500 women from all cultures, age groups, and gender identities gathered , many on scholarships, from places like North Carolina, Iowa, Colorado, North Dakota and Florida.

  • Assault Weapons Ban: 2022

    09/08/2022 Duration: 26min

    Why can’t we have an assault weapons ban? Assault weapons are used in most mass shootings that have killed and wounded terrifying numbers of people in public places. So why did our Congress allow the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 to expire in 2004? Why is it so difficult to get this ban passed on a Federal level when increasing numbers of innocent people and communities are terrorized with greater and greater frequency? Gays Against Guns founding member Jay W. Walker explains the background story of why we can’t get a gun safety bill of this nature through Congress. Meanwhile Gays Against Guns will be represented at the 2022 Women’s Convention in Houston Texas by activist Brigid McGinn and Radio GAG producer Sarah Germain Lilly. Women’s March Creative Director Kim Parker Russell joins us to talk about the 2022 Women’s Convention, reproductive rights, domestic violence and other issues of self determination on Radio GAG. Our In Memoriam Keshia Geter, July 20, 2022 of Eastover, South Carolina.

  • Ripple Effect

    27/07/2022 Duration: 25min

    Radio GAG speaks with NY State Senator Zellnor Myrie about the ways NY State’s gun regulations have already become models for gun safety laws in other states. The recent gun regulation reversal of NY’s concealed-carry law is affecting other states as well. Host Sarah Germain Lilly asks Senator Myrie about how future gun regulation rulings from the Supreme Court will impact the ways our leaders can adopt gun-saftey regulations. Gays Against Guns organizer Brigid McGinn describes the role Gays Against Guns will play at the Women’s Convention in Houston, Texas in August. Guests: NY State Senator Zellnor Myrie, GAG Activist Brigid McGinn Producers Ti Cersley and Sarah Germain Lilly Host: Sarah Germain Lilly. Contributor: Libby Edwards

  • Are You Listening?

    20/07/2022 Duration: 21min

    We’ll be sharing the latest gun violence news of a dynamic that’s changing in America. We learned today MSNBC is stepping up their Gun Violence News coverage! Late to the party, MSNBC. Live and in person from WBAI studios Sarah Germain Lilly and Ti Cersley will go to the phones after the news because we want to hear from you!!! Call in at 212.209.2877 to talk to us live on the radio. If you’re sick and tired of the American gun violence epidemic, we want to talk to you! No Guns in Heaven, lyrics by Terry Abrahamson; vocalist, producer and co-composer Derrick Procell.

  • Summer Of Shame Part 1

    13/07/2022 Duration: 33min

    Radio GAG is back after a short break with our Summer Shame episode. The show is all about the very big news in our national conversation about gun violence. We’ve had a Supreme Court ruling on New York State’s hand gun permit process. Our legislature has passed a number of new laws designed to keep us safer. Our federal government has passed bi-partisan gun reform legislation for the first time in more than 20 years to address the crisis of gun violence. This week our country was shocked as gunfire rang out amid the floats and brass marching bands at the Highland Park Fourth of July Parade. Hearts are heavy and protestors have hit the streets, pushing back on the killing of young Jayland Walker in Akron, Ohio by police. Here at home, Azsia Johnson was killed while pushing her young child in a stroller. And seven people gathered to watch that Fourth of July Parade were killed. Our focus this week is on the intersection of these killings and Domestic Violence. Domestic and Family violence play into the he

  • Pride Equals Power

    28/06/2022 Duration: 32min

    Pride Equals Power when queer activism is engaged! This tumultuous week included the Federal Gun Reform Bill being signed into law, the Supreme Court trashing NY State’s hand gun permit law and the overturning of Roe V. Wade, a decision that impacts queer people and other groups because the right to privacy is central to our freedom and autonomy of our bodies. Commentary includes Barry Graubart, Legislative Lead for MOMS Demand Action NY, and Antonius Wiriajadja speaking on his role as board member of Teachers Unify to End Gun Violence. Gays Against Guns reports on the Queer Liberation March and a special highlight comes from the Poor People’s Campaign: Charleston resident and Activist Jerome Smalls describes the recent memorial of the Mother Emanuel church massacre. You won’t want to miss this episode as we move into the summer of 2022, a summer of power and action!

  • Cele Break Juneteenth

    14/06/2022 Duration: 27min

    Gun Violence and the passionate and righteous voices demanding change are right at the center of the American debate and this episode of Radio GAG. We are in the middle of Gay Pride Month, marking the six-year anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shootings in Orlando Florida that killed 49 people and birthed Gays Against Guns. What better time to celebrate our activism than "Juneteenth," 6/19/22 with BABEC, the Black and Brown Equity Coalition in Fire Island! Producers Sean Stephanic and Libby Edwards interview Tomik Dash and Victor Jeffries about this powerful event, while Ti Cersley and Michael Sylvan Robinson discuss organizing over 100 volunteers as "Human Beings," veiled in white, carrying posters that represent innocent lives lost to gun violence in a memorial to Pulse. Host Sarah Germain Lilly guides you through this amazing episode that starts with NYS Attorney General Letitia James and includes a breakdown of the vital gun violence prevention news in the headlines.

  • Teacher Talk

    01/06/2022 Duration: 31min

    Teachers Talk about Gun Violence. Radio GAG Producer Sarah Germain Lilly brings together her teacher colleagues from around the US to talk about their views on children's safety, gun violence and solutions to end the epidemic. Teachers have been directly affected by the rise in school shootings and the context of violence we live in. We'll hear views from NYC, Oklahoma, and Florida. Each teacher shares some of the names of the children who died at Uvalde for our In Memoriam. And Radio GAG will be reporting on gun violence prevention actions around the city and upcoming events for Pride Month., including our Pulse Memorial 6.12. Join Us!

  • The State of New York Part 2

    24/05/2022 Duration: 25min

    The State of New York part 2 is a round table of gun violence prevention activists sharing their views on gun violence in our region. Tune in for a report back from GAG's action, Stop the Presses! On Saturday May 21st, GAG took to the streets and shamed local and national media for ignoring the upcoming Supreme Court case set to dissolve NY state's gun safety laws. Dressed as Newsies, Gaggers passed out our newsletter the GAGzette and interviewed a few concerned citizens to discuss gun violence prevention. Roundtable participants include Son Mun, physician and Gun Violence Prevention activist with Moms Demand Action and Gays Against Guns, Wendy Jones, writer, publisher and community activist, Jay W. Walker, activist and founding member of Gays Against Guns , Sarah Lilly NYC High School teacher and Radio GAG producer and Ti Cersley, Gays Against Guns member and Leading Radio GAG producer. You can hear our podcasts anytime on your favorite podcast platform.

  • The State Of New York

    17/05/2022 Duration: 25min

    “The State of New York” a round table of gun violence prevention activists sharing their views on gun violence in our region. The urgency in the discussion is both the rising incidence of gun violence in our state and the pending Supreme Court decision on whether the Second Amendment should restrict the legal process on issuing handgun permits. Tune in for recent coverage on the horrific racist mass shooting in a supermarket in Buffalo and a pertinent, frank discussion of the times we are living in and how this violence impacts our communities, especially, Asian, Black, and Jewish communities and other marginalized groups. Participants include Son Mun, physician and Gun Violence Prevention activist with Moms Demand Action and Gays Against Guns, Wendy Jones, writer, publisher and community activist, Jay W. Walker, activist and founding member of Gays Against Guns, Sarah Lilly, NYC High School teacher and Radio GAG producer and Ti Cersley, Gays Against Guns member and Leading Radio GAG producer.

  • Military Suicide Prevention

    03/05/2022 Duration: 25min

    On Radio GAG this week producer Ti Cersley shares his experience with suicide prevention training in the military. Rates of gun suicide are particularly high among former and current military members; there are steps that can be taken to address this challenge. We talk with senior policy analyst for Gun Violence Prevention at American Progress, Marissa Edmund about Gun Suicides Among Former and Current Military Members. In Memoriam- Ronnie McNutt September 9, 2020.

  • Terror Practice

    19/04/2022 Duration: 25min

    Brooklyn’s subway shooting on 4.12.22 was a frightening example of domestic terrorism. A deranged man advertised his insanity and completed a cross country trip ending in a local subway station and firing into a subway car during rush hour. Radio GAG producers Sarah Germain Lilly and Ti Cersley share their thoughts about the incident and the larger implications of domestic terror, the dangers of living in a country where weapons are widely available and the dawning of action by our leaders to confront this crisis. Interview with Sandy and Lonnie Phillips from about their Survivors Toolkit.

  • Toxic Masculinity

    05/04/2022 Duration: 25min

    “Toxic Masculinity”- On Radio GAG this week host Ti Cersley talks with Paige Tetens from Everytown for Gun Safety about the organization’s research on Misogyny, Extremism, and Gun Violence. We discuss men's idolization of mass shooters and how misogynists are radicalized online. In a report released earlier this year, their research has found that among the many reasons people purchase firearms, a sense of empowerment is one that particularly resonates with men, who tend to find greater feelings of empowerment from gun ownership. In gun violence prevention news: Mass shooting rattles Sacramento. In Memoriam- Sergio Harris, 38 years old, April 3rd 2022 Sacramento, California.

  • Enough Plays To End Gun Violence

    29/03/2022 Duration: 24min

    On Radio GAG this week we talk with Director Michael Cotey, producer of Enough Plays to End Gun Violence, a nationwide project of play readings sponsored by the Dramatist' Guild. Michael explains the development of the project and what it hopes to do, while host Sarah Lilly includes voices from High School students in Brooklyn who are working to perform the plays in Ft. Greene. Brooklyn has seen spiking rates of gun violence in the last two years and has gained the attention of elected officials from Mayor Eric Adams, to Governor Cathy Hochul and President Biden. The community, tired and traumatized from this gun violence epidemic, is coming together to raise awareness and hold these public officials accountable for reducing gun violence and making the five boroughs safer. #enoughplaystoendgunviolence

  • GAG State of the Union

    08/03/2022 Duration: 25min

    Radio GAG, the Gays Against Guns Show covers the State of the Union in the context of the American gun violence epidemic. Radio GAG news reports on the lawsuit against the NRA brought by NY Attorney General Leticia James and the growing pressure on the White House to move decisively against gun violence. Next we hear from Gays Against Guns in action, marching in the 'St. Pat’s for All' parade in Sunnyside, Queens with elected officials, including NYS Attorney General Letitia James. Radio GAG gets the scoop from Michael Vesulo, a staffer for Letitia James and a brand new GAG member along with Virginia Vitzthum who makes the connection between gun violence and international warfare. In Memoriam: Karen Friedstrom.

  • Accountability...Finally!

    01/03/2022 Duration: 25min

    Ti Cersley speaks with Sara Knizhnic from Newtown Action Alliance joins the show to discuss her work on Ethan's law. As well as the Sandy Hook families recent settlement with Remington and CA Governor Newsom's new proposed law to allow private individuals to sue people who make, sell or distribute weapons banned in the state. In Memoriam- Christi Spicuzza, 38 years old, 2/10/22, Monroeville, Pennsylvania.

  • GAG: Then and Now

    22/02/2022 Duration: 25min

    Radio GAG remembers the first GAG actions and campaigns and the impact on the conversation around gun violence prevention after the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla, that sparked the group’s founding. We review the events between then and now that have led to an unprecedented coalition of activists and elected officials united to end the epidemic of gun violence in our country. Now in action, Radio GAG reviews the settlement between families of the Sandy Hook Massacre and Remington, and other victories in Gun Violence Prevention.

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