Brand You Personal Branding



Personal Branding, Marketing, Copywriting, Consulting, Business, Coaching


  • 401: How to Turn What You Already Know Into 9+ Income Streams (MASTERCLASS REPLAY)

    05/12/2023 Duration: 01h18min

    Watch this training on YouTube here » Dive into this masterclass that will help you understand the foundational elements of building a thought leadership practice. Some of the key points: Walk before you run Your framework "frames" the work Do the difficult work of making it simple Peers rarely pay Get rich 'slow' If you're interested in working with my team and I, we've just opened enrollment for You Are the Brand Academy, a 12-month mentorship and coaching program to help you grow your practice to hit $10,000 per month, per income stream. Find out more: Enrollment closes Monday, December 11, 2023. Connect with Me on Social: Instagram  LinkedIn Facebook  Twitter  YouTube

  • 400: Embrace the Suck with Vince Fowler

    28/11/2023 Duration: 29min

    From childhood dreams of being a paratrooper to extreme ultramarathons, coach Vince Fowler shares his winding journey of self-discovery and embracing challenges... or as he calls it, to "embrace the suck". Hear Vince's emotional story of discovering he was not his father's biological son and the identity crisis it sparked, why Vince turned to ultra running, and what he realized about himself during a grueling 100K race. Find out how Vince reinvented his purpose and impact as a business coach focused on self-discovery. Connect with Vince: Web Instagram Vince's TEDx talk Connect with Me on Social: Instagram  LinkedIn Facebook  Twitter  YouTube

  • 399: How to Create a Recipe for Your Version of Success with Robert Fukui

    21/11/2023 Duration: 21min

    Robert Fukui is the co-author of the book Tandem: The Married Entrepreneurs' Guide for Greater Work-Life Balance. In this talk, he shares his recipe for success in life, business, and relationships. He reveals the five flavors that create fulfillment when blended in harmony - self, relationships, business, and wealth. Robert explains how to customize your own recipe to taste based on your unique life.  The episode covers the five biggest regrets of the dying to illustrate what truly matters at life's end, why relationships should take priority over business, as well as research on 9 AM heart attacks linked to rushing into the day. Connect with Robert: Instagram LinkedIn Robert's book, Tandem: Connect with Me on Social: Instagram  LinkedIn Facebook  Twitter  YouTube

  • 398: Burnout and Overwhelm is Real But it Doesn't Have to Be Your Story with Kent Murawski

    14/11/2023 Duration: 29min

    Watch this episode on YouTube » Burnout is becoming an epidemic in today's fast-paced world. Drawing from his own story of burnout and personal crisis, Kent Murawski explains why the common idea of "balance" can actually be exhausting and ineffective. He then introduces a new framework for avoiding burnout and moving toward "wholeness" instead. Work-life balance vs. wholeness A profoundly simple definition of burnout How "Shalom" leads to integrity Kent's "Rhythms of Rest" framework Actionable ways to replenish yourself  Kent's free Burnout Assessment: Kent on LinkedIn: Connect with Me on Social: Instagram  LinkedIn Facebook  Twitter  YouTube

  • 397: Explore Your Curiosity and Imagination when Setting 10 Year Goals with Kathy Brown

    08/11/2023 Duration: 12min

    Watch this episode on YouTube » At our recent mastermind, Kathy Brown shared her insights on the profound influence of goal setting –– especially ten year goals. Explore the core principles of long-term planning, the dynamic force of curiosity and imagination, and the delicate craft of aligning today's endeavors with the dreams of your future: The concept of a 10-year goal as a North Star for life's journey Strategies for maintaining curiosity and imagination in adulthood The value of experimenting with life choices to refine long-term goals Kathy's Free Resource: The 10-Year Goal Guide » Connect with Kathy online: LinkedIn Instagram Connect with Me on Social: Instagram  LinkedIn Facebook  Twitter  YouTube

  • 396: Lessons from 100 Hours of Meditation in 10 Days with Eugene Choi

    31/10/2023 Duration: 39min

    Watch this episode on YouTube » In this keynote, Dr. Eugene Choi delves deep into the transformative power of meditation... 100+ hours in 10 days! While I've always appreciated the serenity meditation offers, Eugene's approach is on another level. It's not just about finding peace; it's about unraveling the very fabric of one's identity.  Tune in to discover the profound depths of meditation and embark on a journey of self-discovery like never before. Connect with Eugene: Eugene's Podcast, The Neurohacking Podcast Eugene on Instagram Connect with Me on Social: Instagram  LinkedIn Facebook  Twitter  YouTube

  • 395: Finding Balance and Saying No - Lessons Learned from a Busy Year

    24/10/2023 Duration: 19min

    Watch this episode on YouTube » I share insights from a busy year, including the importance of not letting your mouth overload your back by saying yes to everything. Some takeaways: Saying no and managing your time/energy is crucial, even when you see opportunities everywhere.  Consistency and setting boundaries is key.  Invest time in high-impact activities like building skills, systems, and connections. YouTube has been a fun creative outlet and a way to expand reach and impact.   Connect with Me on Social: Instagram  LinkedIn YouTube TikTok Facebook  Twitter    Get helpful templates and resources from my bestselling book, You Are the Brand, totally free:

  • 394: Recap of My Live Mastermind in Charleston

    26/09/2023 Duration: 28min

    Watch this episode on YouTube » This past week I had the privilege of hosting ~40 amazing folks at my live mastermind in Charleston, SC.  It was a great two days with everyone, and about an hour after the event ended I headed back to my AirBnb with my videographer Jeremy to get a few things done before heading back out to meet folks for dinner. I was super tired but last minute, I decided to record a raw video of my thoughts about the event and hosting masterminds in general... and I was surprised at how emotional I got right around the ~15:00 minute mark.  I thought long and hard about whether I wanted to share this video (I had a "vulnerability hangover" the next morning!) but I think there's a lot of stuff here learned from running masterminds and building a business in general that might help you, so here it is.

  • 393: Personal Brand Business Systems Made Simple with Chelsea Brinkley

    19/09/2023 Duration: 24min

    Chelsea Brinkley helps entrepreneurs build teams and create systems that scale their business. Chelsea will share practical insights about building systems that will give you more freedom, reduce overwhelm and ultimately get more clients. A few key points: Get organized. Make it a priority You need to be able to find what you are looking for in under two minutes Get your docs in the cloud Your team MUST know where everything is Create uniform filing nomenclature Block time to work ON your business, rather than in it. Create SOP’s, including using Loom video or some other screen capture software Automate, delegate, eliminate Connect with Chelsea: Chelsea on Instagram Connect with Me on Social: Instagram  LinkedIn Facebook  Twitter  YouTube

  • 392: Protecting Your Business with Legal Bubble Wrap with Ashley Fillingim

    12/09/2023 Duration: 20min

    Business owners often neglect the legal aspects of their business, which can exact a heavy cost. Attorney Ashley Fillingim breaks down some of the legal basics that every expert, influencer, and thought leader should understand and implement in their own business. Some key points: Understanding contract basics: offer, acceptance, consideration Why formality must increase as the stakes increase Why contracts are relationship builders Why collaboration contracts are necessary Why you must protect your intellectual property Connect with Ashley: Ashley on Instagram Connect with Me on Social: Instagram  LinkedIn Facebook  Twitter  YouTube

  • 391: The Intersection of Mindset, Marketing, and Finding Your Ideal Client with Daniela Nica

    05/09/2023 Duration: 31min

    Daniela Nica is a speaker, coach, and entrepreneur who runs businesses in three different languages: Romanian, Italian, and English. This presentation is a very pragmatic approach to helping you build your business. Some key points: Speakers have power and should use their platform to serve others Practice, practice, practice Focus your content on your ideal client How to touch your ideal client’s heart It’s not the tribe you belong to, but rather, it’s the tribe you build We all have a need to belong Why you should belong to multiple communities Connect with Daniela: Daniela on Instagram Connect with Me on Social: Instagram  LinkedIn Facebook  Twitter  YouTube

  • 390: Why Slowing Down Could Be the Fastest Way to Grow with Teresa McCloy

    29/08/2023 Duration: 33min

    Watch this episode on YouTube » Meet Teresa McCloy, the mastermind behind The Real Life Process. We delve into the art of living from a place of rest, not rush. Teresa shares her personal journey and introduces a unique framework that promises to change the way you approach life. Key Takeaways: The importance of living from a place of rest. How to manage your time through the "Four Blocks" method. The role of healthy relationships in personal growth. Full-circle energy: What it is and why it matters. The power of intentional slowing down. How to cope with life's most challenging moments. The concept of "Prep Blocks" and how they can revolutionize your productivity. Step-by-Step Process: Identify Your Present Block: Take time to understand your current state and feelings. People Block: Allocate time to nurture relationships that matter. Project Block: Prioritize your tasks and projects. Prep Block: Prepare for the upcoming tasks or challenges. Quotes: "Living from a place of rest is not a luxury; it's a n

  • 389: Each Obstacle is an Opportunity with Vernice "FlyGirl" Armour

    15/08/2023 Duration: 27min

    Watch this episode on YouTube » Dive into the incredible journey of Vernice "FlyGirl" Armour, who, against all odds, transitioned from flying attack helicopters to becoming a motivational speaker. From personal stories about military life and embracing challenges, to the significance of perseverance and taking risks, this speech is a testament to the power of determination and ambition. Tune in to discover: FlyGirl's journey from wanting to be a police officer riding horses in Chicago to joining the military after an unexpected Mardi Gras twist. Her groundbreaking achievements: becoming the Marine Corps's first black female pilot and America's first black female combat pilot. A serendipitous moment at a conference which became the catalyst for her transition from military life to motivational speaking. Connect with Vernice: Instagram LinkedIn Connect with Me on Social: Instagram  LinkedIn Facebook  Twitter  YouTube

  • 388: Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs: A NASCAR Champion's Guide To Success with Matt Clark

    01/08/2023 Duration: 26min

    Watch this episode on YouTube » Matt Clark shares the journey from being a successful NASCAR team builder to uncovering and battling imposter syndrome. He provides insights into how our minds can be the ultimate horsepower driving our success, with our beliefs acting as the transmission that applies speed and power. Tune in for a transformational discussion that challenges common mindsets and encourages the exploration of self-belief. Dive into the intricacies of belief formation, how our brain interprets environmental events and how these interpretations become our beliefs. Learn about the 'manual' and 'automatic' transmissions of our mind: our conscious and subconscious. Understand how our brains, while perceived to be the ultimate horsepower, can also be surprisingly lazy, always searching for meaning and creating patterns. Discover how our beliefs aren't just abstract but have a physiological response that our cells begin to crave. Be inspired by the transformation journey from feeling like an imposter i

  • 387: The 3 Levels of Listening (for Coaches and Entrepreneurs) with Jason Frazell

    25/07/2023 Duration: 18min

    Watch this episode on YouTube » Our guest speaker series continues with coach and entrepreneur Jason Frazell, who shares his deeply personal journey from the heights of corporate sales to the depths of self-doubt, and his subsequent rise through the transformative power of presence, mindful communication, and saying 'no' while opening up to new possibilities. A real-life demonstration of how emotions create habits and the undeniable power of active listening, this episode promises practical takeaways that can revolutionize your personal and professional life: Discover the powerful mantra 'Why am I talking?' and explore its impact on communication in every aspect of life, from business conversations to parenting. Learn the three levels of listening and how advancing from one level to another can make you a better coach, entrepreneur, or simply, a more understanding human being. Gain insight into the 'no, and...' concept that replaces the popular 'yes, and...' improvisation principle, enabling you to explore

  • 386: Tiny Habits - The Small Changes that Change Everything with Linda Fogg-Phillips (Keynote)

    18/07/2023 Duration: 31min

    Watch this episode on YouTube here » Today, Linda Fogg-Phillips takes us into the transformative world of the Tiny Habits Method. Based on the best-selling book, Tiny Habits, by her brother BJ Fogg, Linda unveils the compelling science and psychology behind this powerful approach, showing that making small changes can lead to major shifts in our lives. As head of the Tiny Habits Academy, which has helped over 120,000 people worldwide, Linda and the Tiny Habits program offers a compelling approach to behavioral change. A Sneak Peak: Learn about the Tiny Habits Method, a powerful approach that has changed the lives of over 120,000 people worldwide. Understand the science behind why people change best when they feel good, not when they feel bad. Discover the two maxims of the Tiny Habits Method and how they apply to real-life scenarios. Find out about the anatomy of a tiny habit, consisting of an anchor moment, a tiny behavior, and an instant celebration. Dive into a practical coaching session, demonstrating ho

  • 385: Overcome Adversity and Reach Personal Success with Tony Grebmeier

    11/07/2023 Duration: 35min

    Tony Grebmeier shares his story of overcoming adversity and reaching new levels of personal success. From falling into the trap of addiction and debt, to rebuilding his life and inspiring others, Tony takes us through his transformative journey. Tony urges us to get uncomfortable, face our blind spots, and seek to level up in every aspect of our lives. Listen in to learn how he managed to flip the script of his life, find his purpose, and achieve true fulfillment. Discover how Tony hit rock bottom and rose again, reshaping his life and mindset. Learn about the "trap of life" and how breaking out of your comfort zone can lead to transformation. Uncover the significance of having an accountability partner and how it can help you level up in life. Tony explains why you should stop living out other people's dreams and start building your own brand and legacy. Hear about the pivotal moments and figures in Tony's life that helped shape his journey towards success and fulfillment. Episode Resources: Tony's websit

  • 384: Mindset Isn't Everything But It Affects Everything with Lauren Johnson (Keynote)

    04/07/2023 Duration: 22min

    Watch this episode on YouTube » Tune into this talk by my friend Lauren Johnson from my You Are The Brand LIVE conference. Lauren is a former mental performance coach with the New York Yankees, former collegiate soccer player, and professional coach and speaker. Lauren takes us on a journey through her life-changing experiences, the power of mindset, and how we relate to our problems. Here's what you can expect from this keynote: From the Field to the Sidelines: Explore the story of how an abrupt end to Lauren's soccer career led her to discover the fascinating world of sports psychology.  The Power of Mindset: Mindset isn't everything, but it impacts everything. Discover how Lauren's perspective on mindset could help you reach your full potential, regardless of your profession or personal goals. The Evolution of Performance: What can the evolution of Formula One pit stops teach us about personal growth and development?  Problems vs. Our Relationship with Problems: Are the problems in our lives truly the iss

  • 383: A Career Retrospective: Five Things I Didn't Do Earlier that I Wish I Did

    27/06/2023 Duration: 23min

    Watch this episode on YouTube » It's my birthday week, and I always get reflective and introspective around this time of the year. On this episode, I share some vital pieces I wish I knew earlier. I hope this episode serves as an enlightening guide for entrepreneurs at any stage of their business journey, and that you can benefit from the wisdom (and hard lessons) both learned and earned over my career. Discover how systems and SOPs revolutionized my business operations, making his business more efficient and productive. What did I learn from my integrator Chelsea Brinkley that I wish I knew earlier? Learn why holding less 'energetic space' for people can be a game-changer in client relationships, especially for coaches, consultants, and freelancers.  Unearth the potential of running social media ads for business growth.  Find out how a different approach to financial management can propel your business forward. How can changes in personal circumstances force a different approach to business growth, and what

  • 382: Learn From (and Launch) My Simple Five-Figure Remonetization Strategy

    20/06/2023 Duration: 13min

    Watch this episode on YouTube » Learn my recent re-monetization strategies following a not-so-perfect marketing launch. Despite strong registration numbers for my AI Marketing Crash Course webinars, the live attendance left me disappointed. However, instead of letting this set me back, I utilized the recorded content to create an affordable, mini-course that turned out to be a hit. Tune in and: Discover how I turned a disappointing marketing launch into a successful mini-course, using recorded webinars Understand the power of AI tools and how they can enhance your content repurposing strategies Learn why it's important to align your content strategy with technological advancements, like AI My streamlined content creation approach that leverages my work for maximum output without multiplying my efforts Find out how you can effectively use transcriptions of your webinars or podcasts to create valuable written content for various platforms Episode Resources: My AI Marketing Crash Course (use the code "Fuji" t

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