Kibbe On Liberty

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 259:13:38
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Libertarian Matt Kibbe puts aside politics to have mostly honest conversations with mostly interesting people. Mostly because its really hard to be honest and interesting at the same time. Mostly because we want to have some fun, even as we argue about things that really matter you know, things like beer. Kibbe digs a little deeper with guests from all over the political spectrum: Right, Left, and libertarian; smart, independent people who dont give a damn about your preferred political tribe. Lets listen and learn together. Subscribe to Kibbe on Liberty, the counter-counter-revolution of social media. Because endless virtue-signaling is a total buzzkill.


  • Ep 187 | Lockdowns Threw 100 Million People into Poverty | Guest: Jay Bhattacharya

    03/08/2022 Duration: 01h29min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor of health policy at Stanford University, to talk about the continued hesitancy of the mainstream media and government scientists to acknowledge the immense harm caused by COVID lockdowns. As one of the authors of the “Great Barrington Declaration,” Dr. Bhattacharya has been subjected to a relentless smear campaign designed to discredit him, yet the evidence is clear to anyone willing to look: Not only did lockdowns throw millions into poverty, but they were made possible by the extremely dangerous gain-of-function research that allowed the virus to spread in the first place. The hostility toward lockdown skeptics is largely an attempt by those responsible for COVID to cover their tracks and shift the blame to others.

  • Ep 186 | New Hampshire Libertarians Hold Lockdowners Accountable | Guests: Nolan Pelletier, Robley Hall, Ben Richards

    29/07/2022 Duration: 50min

    Matt Kibbe sits down with three members of the New Hampshire Libertarian Party to talk about the Free State Project and the pro-liberty trend in New Hampshire politics. As members of the Mises Caucus, which recently took over the Party's leadership, they are adamantly opposed to lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and other authoritarian responses to the pandemic. They attribute their success not only to the power of their message, but to the strong community bonds that characterize the libertarian movement in New Hampshire.

  • Ep 185 | Hollywood Is Dead; Here’s What’s Going to Replace It | Guests: Jordan and Daniel Harmon

    27/07/2022 Duration: 42min

    Matt Kibbe sits down with Jordan and Daniel Harmon, co-founders of Angel Studios, to talk about their new model for financing and distributing movies and television shows. The Hollywood machine has become so expensive and so difficult to break into that it has become all but impossible for independent filmmakers to find an outlet for their creativity. The problem is compounded when you want to make films with different values from those of the studio elites. Angel Studios is solving this problem through crowdfunding and has already demonstrated success with its popular shows “The Chosen” and “The Tuttle Twins,” based on the successful book series.

  • Ep 184 | Big Pharma Is Buying Washington’s Vaccine Policy | Guest: Adam Andrzejewski

    20/07/2022 Duration: 46min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Adam Andrzejewski, CEO of, to discuss the complex web of payola that exists between major pharmaceutical companies and scientists at the NIH. Many of these government bureaucrats, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, receive royalty payments for products they work on. Now that they are in a position to regulate, and even mandate, the use of certain treatments, this creates a major conflict of interest. We can’t trust those in the government to pick winners and losers in the marketplace when doing so allows them to enrich themselves at the expense of the American taxpayer and even at the cost of public health.

  • Ep 183 | ESG Scores Are Extremely Dangerous | Guest: Clint Russell

    13/07/2022 Duration: 45min

    Matt Kibbe sits down with Clint Russell, host of “Liberty Lockdown,” to talk about how the lockdown policies of the last two years have created the infrastructure to implement a nightmarish regime of social control to rival China’s social credit system. Under the guise of promoting environmental protection, social justice, and good governance, those who control the nation’s financial systems will be able to aggressively police individual behavior. Anyone who doesn’t behave “correctly” will find their access to society cut off, including the loss of their bank accounts. And the scariest thing is that it’s not just the government implementing these policies, but nominally private businesses acting on the government’s behalf.

  • Ep 182 | Will Brazil Embrace Liberty or Populism? | Guest: Magno Karl

    06/07/2022 Duration: 50min

    Matt Kibbe sits down with Magno Karl, executive director of Livres, to discuss the recent political changes in Brazil, the country's liberty movement, and the prospects for a freer, more open Brazil in the near future. Karl explains the difference between Brazil's multi-party system and America's two-party one, warns against the dangers of electing a populist strongman, and urges libertarians from all countries to stop bickering with each other in order to more effectively unite in creating a better world free of power-hungry dictators.

  • Ep 181 | The Road to Racial Justice Is Liberty | Guests: Rachel Ferguson and Marcus Witcher

    29/06/2022 Duration: 54min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Rachel Ferguson and Marcus Witcher, authors of “Black Liberation Through the Marketplace,” to discuss the ways in which free markets and free people have done more for racial justice and equality than any top-down government program. While acknowledging that minorities still face real problems with structural racism in the United States, Ferguson and Witcher point out that in most cases these structures are imposed by the government rather than eliminated by them, and the largest reductions in racist policies have come during periods of deregulation. While the social justice crowds tend to demand more and more intervention by the state, they ignore the fact that slavery, segregation, eugenics, and all of the other racially motivated programs were products of a large central government, not of ordinary people. Black Liberation Through the Marketplace:

  • Ep 180 | How Can Young People Be Happy? | Guest: Leopold Ajami

    22/06/2022 Duration: 57min

    Matt Kibbe sits down with Leopold Ajami, founder of Novel Philosophy Academy, to talk about the philosophy of Ayn Rand and how it can be applied to improve people’s lives in a tangible way. Rand gets a bad rap for her defense of terms like “selfishness,” but in essence her philosophy is all about self-respect and the pursuit of happiness. In an era when young people are surrounded by prosperity and yet feel miserable and oppressed, Rand’s ideas can perhaps provide an antidote to the pessimism and fatalism that are dominating the culture experienced by America’s youth.

  • Ep 179 | Fighting the Tyranny of Local Government | Guest: Jesse Ramos

    15/06/2022 Duration: 54min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Jesse Ramos, community engagement director for AFP-Montana, to talk about the ways in which individuals can make a difference in local politics. So often, our conversations revolve around national institutions like the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court, but it’s really at the local level where we can best hope to effect real change. Issues like education, property taxes, and the lockdown policies implemented by local health departments can have a dramatic impact on people’s lives, but we can improve those outcomes simply by showing up to city council meetings and getting involved.

  • Ep 178 | America Is Starting to Look Like China | Guest: Lily Tang Williams

    08/06/2022 Duration: 48min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Republican congressional candidate Lily Tang Williams to talk about her experiences growing up under Chinese communism and the ways in which the United States is starting to be influenced by the same kinds of authoritarian policies. Mao Zedong’s socialist experiment resulted in 45 million deaths, but young people today have barely even heard of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. The lockdown policy during the coronavirus pandemic originated in China, and now the American government is openly pondering a system of vaccine passports that looks a lot like the Chinese social credit system. This is a totalitarian policy that gives the government total control over the degree to which citizens are allowed to participate in their own society.

  • Ep 177 | Disinformation Is a Giant Distraction | Guest: Olivia Rondeau

    01/06/2022 Duration: 56min

    Matt Kibbe sits down with conservatarian journalist and commentator Olivia Rondeau to talk about the Biden administration’s obsession with fighting alleged disinformation. While lies and propaganda have always been part of public discourse, the sudden focus on policing speech might have more to do with plummeting poll numbers, skyrocketing inflation, the devastation of COVID lockdown policies, shortages, unemployment, and all the other consequences of a backward policy agenda that has left voters high and dry. As a young black conservative woman, Rondeau is in a position to see through all the nonsense of identity politics and game playing leading up to the midterm elections.

  • Ep 176 | How Government Created the Baby Formula Shortage | Guest: Sen. Mike Lee

    25/05/2022 Duration: 39min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) to discuss the causes and solutions to the current shortage of baby formula in the United States. It’s mainly the result of an absurd regulatory regime that hinders competition and prevents producers and distributors from meeting the needs of consumers. But rather than dismantling or scaling back those regulations, the administration is engaging in cheap political stunts — including the use of military planes to air drop baby formula from Europe into swing states. The whole incident is a perfect illustration of the inability of a central government to effectively distribute goods in the same way that a free market is capable of doing. The senator also discusses his new book, “Saving Nine,” about the Democratic effort to pack the Supreme Court.

  • Ep 175 | The Left-Right Political Spectrum Doesn’t Describe America | Guest: Tony Woodlief

    18/05/2022 Duration: 01h04min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Tony Woodlief, author of "I, Citizen," to talk about how Americans can address political polarization and the increasingly fragmented communities that leave us at each other’s throats. If you only view the country through the lens of social media, you could be forgiven for thinking that the country is on the brink of a civil war. The reality is that we are less divided than we seem. The tendency to break everything down into Left and Right doesn’t actually reflect people’s real attitudes. In reality, most people fall somewhere in the middle, or else have a complex blend of views from both sides of the aisle. The kind of Manichean thinking that reduces everything to red versus blue is what’s dividing us more than our actual views. I, Citizen:

  • Ep 174 | A Young Person’s Guide to the War in Ukraine | Guests: Ukrainian Students for Freedom

    11/05/2022 Duration: 26min

    While visiting Prague to attend the New Intellectuals Conference, hosted by the Ayn Rand Center Europe and LibertyCon 2022, Matt Kibbe ran into several young persons from Ukraine who were eager to tell the world about what is going on in their country. It’s shocking to hear about the devastation and ruined cities brought about by the Russian forces. Yet, contrary to all expectations, Vladimir Putin is encountering massive resistance not only from the Ukrainian military, but from the ordinary citizens of the country as well. It’s inspiring to hear these students describe their experiences in occupied Ukraine and proclaim their determination to keep their country free and democratic. As they say, freedom is in Ukrainians’ blood.

  • Ep 173 | Ukraine’s Underground Railroad | Guests: Tom Palmer, Andreas Jürgens, Tomek Kolodziejczuk

    04/05/2022 Duration: 49min

    Matt Kibbe talks with Tom Palmer, executive vice president for international programs at Atlas Network, along with co-conspirators Andreas Jürgens and Tomek Kolodziejczuk about their efforts to transport badly needed supplies into Ukraine during the Russian invasion. Unwilling to wait for governments to act, Tom, Andreas, and Tomek decided to take matters into their own hands, organizing a network of individuals willing to risk their own safety to bring food, transportation, and body armor to the Ukrainian people. Their actions are a testament to the power of voluntary cooperation and personal responsibility at a time when most of the world is looking for someone else to solve their problems for them.

  • Ep 172 | The Rhetoric of Liberty | Guest: Deirdre McCloskey

    27/04/2022 Duration: 58min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Deirdre McCloskey, distinguished professor emeritus of economics and of history at the University of Illinois in Chicago, to talk about the language we use as advocates of free market economics. McCloskey points out that economics is essentially a series of metaphors, and that we can best explain its concepts through stories rather than the dry language of academia. Meanwhile, certain jargon or stigmatized terms like “capitalism” are doing more harm than good when it comes to helping people understand why the freedom to innovate makes life better for everyone.

  • Ep 171 | Why America Doesn’t Have Free Speech on the Internet | Guest: Glenn Beck

    20/04/2022 Duration: 59min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Glenn Beck, author of "The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of 21st-Century Fascism." They talk about the gatekeepers of the internet who suppress ideas, news, and stories that do not fit the mainstream narrative. Glaring similarities can be seen to China’s model of a social credit system—both in free speech online and the pandemic lockdowns, when so many of our freedoms were stolen in the name of safety.

  • Ep 170 | Why The SEC Is Coming After Blockchain | Guest: Jeremy Kauffman

    13/04/2022 Duration: 46min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Jeremy Kauffman, CEO of Odysee and LBRY, to talk about how Blockchain can provide a safe haven for free speech online through alternate social media platforms. Because of its decentralized nature, Blockchain-based services can’t be censored or tampered with in the same way that other websites can, with the implication being a freer, more secure internet in the future. Of course, this also means that the government is eager to crack down on this technology, as it poses a threat to its ability to control communications.

  • Ep 169 | Why Democrats Suddenly Declared Victory Over COVID | Guest: Jenin Younes

    06/04/2022 Duration: 31min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Jenin Younes, litigation counsel for the New Civil Liberties Alliance, to discuss the jarring reversal of the Biden administration and other Democratic politicians regarding COVID-19 and lockdown policies. As empirical evidence and public support for their positions evaporated, the “follow the science” crowd appeared to lose interest in a subject that has preoccupied them for two years, declaring victory over the virus apropos of nothing other than poor polling data and a desire to change the subject prior to the midterm elections.

  • Ep 168 | Washington’s War Rhetoric Is Flippant and Irresponsible | Guest: Dan Caldwell

    30/03/2022 Duration: 53min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Dan Caldwell, vice president of foreign policy at Stand Together, to discuss the increasingly fervent calls for U.S. intervention in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Too many armchair pundits fail to realize the catastrophic implications of a conventional war with Russia, or the fact that it is ultimately the Ukrainian people who will pay the greatest price for a prolonged conflict rather than a diplomatic solution. Additionally, calls for a no-fly zone over Ukraine fail to take into account what enforcing such a policy would actually mean and how quickly the situation could escalate into an all-out global war. All this goes to show how little politicians in Washington have learned from the country’s costly, multi-decade interventions in the Middle East and that the military-industrial complex will be deterred by neither evidence nor common sense.

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