Kibbe On Liberty



Libertarian Matt Kibbe puts aside politics to have mostly honest conversations with mostly interesting people. Mostly because its really hard to be honest and interesting at the same time. Mostly because we want to have some fun, even as we argue about things that really matter you know, things like beer. Kibbe digs a little deeper with guests from all over the political spectrum: Right, Left, and libertarian; smart, independent people who dont give a damn about your preferred political tribe. Lets listen and learn together. Subscribe to Kibbe on Liberty, the counter-counter-revolution of social media. Because endless virtue-signaling is a total buzzkill.


  • Ep 46 | A Story of Heroes and Villains | Guest: Randy Barnett

    01/01/2020 Duration: 59min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Prof. Randy Barnett to talk about the Constitution and how it should be interpreted. Barnett’s new book, “An Introduction to Constitutional Law,” highlights 100 Supreme Court cases that everyone should know to understand how the law of the land has evolved over the course of America’s history. An Introduction to Constitutional Law: 100 Supreme Court Cases Everyone Should Know:

  • Ep 45 | A Very Kibbe Christmas | Guests: Free the People Staff

    25/12/2019 Duration: 53min

    In this special Christmas episode of Kibbe on Liberty, Matt Kibbe is joined by the motley Free the People staff, Terry Kibbe, Matt Battaglia, Kara Pally, Sam Martin, Logan Albright, and Joel Davis to talk about video storytelling and conveying the message of liberty to a younger generation. The gang dives into some of their exciting new projects on the horizon for 2020, and wishes season's greetings to all viewers young and old. Find the projects mentioned in this episode at or

  • Ep 44 | Be the America Hong Kong Thinks You Are | Guests: Lee Bishop and Cyan Banister

    18/12/2019 Duration: 55min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Lee Bishop and Cyan Banister, two of the voices behind the NBA protests in support of a free Hong Kong. They explain their motivation for getting involved and why Americans owe it to themselves to support Hong Kong's struggle for the same types of freedom and democracy we enjoy at home. Free Hong Kong - 香港人加油 美國支持你:

  • Ep 43 | Baby Yoda for President | Guest: Andrew Heaton

    11/12/2019 Duration: 56min

    Comedian Andrew Heaton sits down with Matt Kibbe to discuss the perils of Scottish soil, science fiction, and the incipient dark-horse presidential campaign of Baby Yoda. It’s a whirlwind tour through all the hard-hitting issues, and it’s as weird as it sounds.

  • Ep 42 | Politicians Are Trying to Control Your Life | Guest: Logan Albright

    04/12/2019 Duration: 50min

    Free the People writer Logan Albright joins Matt Kibbe to discuss his new book, “Our Servants, Our Masters.” He outlines how a huge number of so-called public servants, from the education system to health care, are actually more about reducing your options and telling you what to do than offering the help they promise. The guys also learn a thing or two about Irish whiskey. Our Servants, Our Masters:

  • Ep 41 | Republicans Have a Messaging Problem | Guest: Steve Forbes

    27/11/2019 Duration: 52min

    Steve Forbes, editor of Forbes Magazine and two-time presidential candidate, sits down with Matt Kibbe to explain where the Republican Party is going wrong in trying to hold the line against democratic socialism. The problem, Forbes says, is that Republicans focus on how much the Democrats’ proposals will cost, instead of explaining how they will make life dramatically worse for ordinary Americans. A positive vision of more choice, more wealth, and more opportunity is the only way to win this political game.

  • Ep 40 | Politicians Can’t Keep You Safe | Guest: Nick Freitas

    20/11/2019 Duration: 49min

    Virginia Delegate Nick Freitas sits down with Matt Kibbe to talk about his successful write-in campaign and the empty promises of mainstream politicians. As a former Green Beret, Freitas recognizes that everyone is responsible for his own safety and that anyone who promises to protect you is really just disguising his urge to control you.

  • Ep 39 | She Survived History's Greatest Mass Murderer | Guest: Li Zhao

    13/11/2019 Duration: 57min

    Chinese expatriate Li Zhao talks to Matt Kibbe about her experiences growing up under the communist regime of Chairman Mao Zedong. Between her grisly stories of starvation and totalitarianism, she explains why it's so important to continue fighting for worldwide freedom and to resist the allure of democratic socialism today.

  • Ep 38 | Why America Is Like Great Jazz | Guest: John Wood Jr.

    06/11/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Matt Kibbe sits down with John Wood Jr. from Better Angels USA to talk about political polarization in America and the importance of listening to each other. They discuss Wood’s effort to unseat Rep. Maxine Waters, the influence of the intellectual dark web on free speech, the problem of identity politics, and how jazz is a perfect metaphor for how society functions.

  • Ep 37 | Karl Marx Goes South of the Border | Guest: Gloria Alvarez

    30/10/2019 Duration: 39min

    Economist and social activist Gloria Alvarez sits down with Matt Kibbe to discuss the popularity of Marxist ideas in Latin America. She explains how young people are indoctrinated into feeling like victims and associate the free market with corruption and imperialism. She articulates her vision for a big-tent libertarianism that embraces anyone who is skeptical of authoritarianism and top-down control.

  • Ep 36 | Can Justin Amash Win as an Independent? | Guest: Rep. Justin Amash

    23/10/2019 Duration: 48min

    Matt Kibbe and Rep. Justin Amash team up at America’s Future Foundation’s Laissez Fair for a special live edition of Kibbe on Liberty. Amash discusses his break from the Republican Party, Donald Trump’s impeachment, whether or not Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian spy, and his potential run for president.

  • Ep 35 | Rand Paul Makes the Case Against Socialism | Guest: Sen. Rand Paul

    16/10/2019 Duration: 25min

    Matt Kibbe talks to Sen. Rand Paul about his new book, “The Case Against Socialism.” In it, Paul takes on the myth of kinder, gentler socialism from progressives like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, pointing out that the ideology is, and has always been, one that leads to poverty, suffering, and death.

  • Ep 34 | How to Teach Kids About Free Markets | Guest: Julie Borowski

    09/10/2019 Duration: 30min

    Author and celebritarian Julie Borowski sits down with Matt Kibbe to discuss her new children’s book, “Nobody Knows How to Make a Pizza.” Inspired by Leonard Read’s classic essay “I, Pencil,” the book is a concise and fun explanation of economic cooperation and collaboration. Julie also reflects on the disintermediating influence of the internet and how anyone can reach out and find an audience without having to appeal to government gatekeepers. Nobody Knows How to Make a Pizza:

  • Ep 33 | Does Silk Road’s Founder Deserve Two Centuries in Prison? | Guest: Lyn Ulbricht

    02/10/2019 Duration: 46min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Lyn Ulbricht, CEO of, to discuss the cruel and unusual punishment inflicted on her son by the criminal justice system. After founding Silk Road, a free market trading website, Ross Ulbricht was sentenced to more than two life sentences in prison despite not having hurt a single person. After seven years, she continues to ask anyone with a sense of justice to step up and help free Ross. Sign the petition to free Ross Ulbricht:

  • Ep 32 | Has France Given Up on Liberty? | Guest: Alexandre Pesey

    25/09/2019 Duration: 28min

    Alexandre Pesey, founder of Institut de Formation Politique, joins Matt Kibbe to talk about the state of liberty in France. In their conversation, Pesey reveals the truth about the Yellow Vest movement, why the government is cracking down on free speech, and how some of America’s worst ideas originated with French thinkers.

  • Ep 31 | How Do We Learn from Venezuela’s Mistakes? | Guest: Daniel Di Martino

    18/09/2019 Duration: 40min

    Venezuelan expatriate Daniel Di Martino talks to Matt Kibbe about what it was like to grow up under the government of Hugo Chavez. While young people in America are flirting with democratic socialism, Martino explains how these same policies catapulted his country from prosperity to almost unimaginable poverty and oppression. Will America learn this lesson before it’s too late?

  • Ep 30 | The Truth About Kamala Harris' Record | Guest: Elizabeth Nolan Brown

    11/09/2019 Duration: 49min

    Reason magazine's Elizabeth Nolan Brown joins Matt Kibbe to discuss presidential candidate Kamala Harris' fluid understanding of her own time as a California district attorney. Despite what she may say in presidential debates, the former DA has a clear record of viciously prosecuting victimless crimes and lobbying to keep the innocent in prison, giving rise to the popular "Kamala is a cop" meme.

  • Ep 29 | Better Red Than Dead | Guests: Naomi Brockwell, Avens O’Brien, Terry Kibbe

    04/09/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Matt Kibbe is joined by Naomi Brockwell, Avens O'Brien, and Free the People CEO Terry Kibbe, three of the leading lights in the modern liberty movement. Together, they discuss the potential of blockchain technology to change the world, the power of storytelling, and how education doesn't have to take place in a classroom. Oh yeah, and they also all happen to have red hair.

  • Ep 28 | The Free Market Loves You | Guest: Jeffrey Tucker

    28/08/2019 Duration: 51min

    Jeffrey Tucker from the American Institute for Economic Research sits down with Matt Kibbe to debunk the idea that the free market is shallow and impersonal. On the contrary, his new book, “The Market Loves You: Why You Should Love It Back,” posits that markets are really about love and that giving people more freedom inspires more love and mutual respect.

  • Ep 27 | Yes, Libertarians Can Win Races | Guest: Jeff Hewitt

    21/08/2019 Duration: 46min

    Elected Libertarian Jeff Hewitt teaches Matt Kibbe how people like him can succeed in local politics through a combination of hard work and smart messaging. Instead of always shooting for the presidency, libertarians should be populating state and local governments. Only then can they change the world.

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