Air Force Handbook 1, Airman, is the source document for all enlisted promotion study guides. Enlisted promotion study guides contain content that is used as study reference material, and is the same material used to develop the Promotion Fitness (PFE) and USAF Supervisory (USAFSE) examinations. Information in the study guides is tailored to only include MKTS applicable information for promotion to 'the next grade'.
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 15 Personnel Programs - Section 15H
04/02/2019Chapter 15, Personnel Programs - Section 15H, Airman Promotion System
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 15 Personnel Programs - Section 15G
04/02/2019Chapter 15, Personnel Programs - Section 15G, Awards and Decorations
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 15 Personnel Programs - Section 15F
04/02/2019Chapter 15, Personnel Programs - Section 15F, Personnel Records and Individual Rights
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 15 Personnel Programs - Section 15E
04/02/2019Chapter 15, Personnel Programs - Section 15E, Benefits and Services
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 15 Personnel Programs - Section 15D
04/02/2019Chapter 15, Personnel Programs - Section 15D, Reenlistment and Retraining Opportunities
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 15 Personnel Programs - Section 15C
04/02/2019Chapter 15, Personnel Programs - Section 15C, Family Care
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 2 Enlisted History - Section 2E
04/02/2019Chapter 2, Enlisted History - Section 2E, Gulf War, Military Operations (1991-2003), and Iraq and Afghanistan
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 2 Enlisted History - Section 2D
04/02/2019Chapter 2, Enlisted History - Section 2D,The Air War Expands, Vietnamization, Humanitarian Airlift, and Post-Vietnam Conflicts
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 2 Enlisted History - Section 2C
04/02/2019Chapter 2, Enlisted History - Section 2C, Cold War, Berlin Airlift, Korean War, and War in Southeast Asia
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 2 Enlisted History - Section 2B
04/02/2019Chapter 2, Enlisted History - Section 2B, Milestones of World War I and World War II
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 2 Enlisted History - Section 2A
04/02/2019Chapter 2 Enlisted History - Section 2A, Overview
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 1 Air Force Heritage - Section 1F
04/02/2019Chapter 1 Air Force Heritage - Section 1F, Airman Exemplars
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 1 Air Force Heritage - Section 1E
04/02/2019Chapter 1 Air Force Heritage - Section 1E, Vietnam, Desert Storm and Operations (1992-2014)
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 1 Air Force Heritage - Section 1D
04/02/2019Chapter 1 Air Force Heritage - Section 1D, Tuskegee Airmen, Air War in the Pacific, Air Force Independence, Cold War, and Cuban Missile Crisis
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 1 Air Force Heritage - Section 1C
04/02/2019Chapter 1 Air Force Heritage - Section 1C, General Headquarters, Air Corps Prepares for War, and Airpower in World War II
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 1 Air Force Heritage - Section 1B
04/02/2019Chapter 1 Air Force Heritage - Section 1B, Dawn of Flight, Early Days of Aviation, First Air War and the 1920s and 1930s Airpower
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 1 Air Force Heritage - Section 1A
04/02/2019Chapter 1 Air Force Heritage, Section 1A—Overview
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 7 Enforcing Standards and Legal Issues - Section 7E
04/02/2019Chapter 7, Enforcing Standards and Legal Issues - Section 7E, Punitive Actions
Air Force Handbook 1, Ch. 7 Enforcing Standards and Legal Issues - Section 7D
04/02/2019Chapter 7, Enforcing Standards and Legal Issues - Section 7D, Individual Standards