Peacock Politics



Get behind Canberras closed doors. In PodcastOnes new series, Peacock Politics, Adam Peacock speaks with politicians and leading commentators to find out how the Australian political system functions and why it was set up the way it was.


  • The Brexit effect

    25/09/2019 Duration: 31min

    What does Brexit mean for Australia? Host Adam Peacock speaks with former advisor to Tony Blair, Nick Rowley, to unpack the dynamics of the situation that have lead to Brexit, and how it could impact the political climate in our own backyard.

  • Managing a political crisis

    18/09/2019 Duration: 24min

    How does a politician survive when they do something (or someone) they shouldn't? Host Adam Peacock speaks to crisis management expert from Inside PR, Michael Smith, about the steps he takes when handed a political catastrophe and why the cover up rarely works.

  • Women in politics

    10/09/2019 Duration: 31min

    In the words of Beyoncé, who run the world, or at least when it comes to politics? Adam speaks to former Deputy Leader of the National Party, Fiona Nash, about why life is different for women in parliament, how that plays out on the party room floor and what needs to change.

  • The internet

    03/09/2019 Duration: 27min

    How our political views are being shaped by the online world. Host Adam Peacock speaks with reformed hacker from CTRL Group, Bastien Treptel, about the dark web technologies being used by politicians and third parties around the world, to manipulate our political views - and how we vote.

  • The American influence

    27/08/2019 Duration: 30min

    Is Australia removed from the political madness that seems to have swept the Western world? Host Adam Peacock chats with Bruce Wolpe from the United States Studies Centre about how overseas political trends are shaping our politics back home.

  • The first 100 days

    20/08/2019 Duration: 34min

    How crucial are the first 100 days in government, following an election? Host Adam Peacock sits down with Senator Arthur Sinodinos to find out what happens behind-the-scenes during this period and why it sets the tone for how a government will actually govern for the remaining term.

  • Winning the unwinnable

    04/06/2019 Duration: 27min

    How the Liberal Party won. Former Liberal Party politician, Christopher Pyne, reveals to host Adam Peacock the campaign strategy that lead Scott Morrison to victory - and how much of it was luck.

  • Show me the money

    14/05/2019 Duration: 26min

    How are political parties funded? The Chaser's Charles Firth explains to host Adam Peacock where political parties get their money from and the impact large donations have on their policies.

  • The campaign

    13/05/2019 Duration: 36min

    How far will a politician go to win power? Senior Fellow at Australian National University, Mark Kenny, speaks to host Adam Peacock and breaks down what goes into creating a campaign - and what it takes for one to fall apart.

  • Inside the newsroom

    13/05/2019 Duration: 32min

    What goes on behind-the-scenes when a big story hits? Sky News Chief Political Reporter, Kieran Gilbert, reveals to host Adam Peacock the tricks journalists use to navigate the never-ending political spin.

  • Whose personality is it anyway?

    07/05/2019 Duration: 31min

    Personal beliefs vs pursuit of power. Host Adam Peacock sits down with former press secretary to Bob Hawke and political journalist, Barrie Cassidy, to find out who our politicians really are - and what they believe in - behind closed doors.

  • The Canberra bubble

    07/05/2019 Duration: 27min

    Are politicians out of touch with the real world? Host Adam Peacock speaks to former senator, Stephen Conroy, about why those in power seem to lose perspective once they make it to Parliament House.

  • The relentless media cycle

    23/04/2019 Duration: 44min

    How much does the media influence politics - and vice versa? Host Adam Peacock chats with Kevin Rudd's former senior press secretary, Lachlan Harris, about the tricks leaders use to get their message across and why politicians never seem to give a straight answer.

  • Making your vote count

    09/04/2019 Duration: 37min

    Breaking down the ballot paper. Host Adam Peacock speaks to ABC's election analyst, Antony Green, about how to vote in a federal election and what your vote really means in the grand scheme of things.

  • Is Australian politics broken?

    12/03/2019 Duration: 33min

    Why did we choose a mixture of a Washington and Westminster political system? Host Adam Peacock asks political commentator, Dr Keith Suter, how the Australian framework was created and whether it’s still effective today.

  • The House

    12/03/2019 Duration: 33min

    How does the House of Representatives work? Host Adam Peacock sits down with former Speaker, Anna Burke, to discuss what goes on in the Lower House and her run-ins with Tony Abbott during Question Time.

  • The Senate

    12/03/2019 Duration: 33min

    Why do we need the Senate? Former Senator and leader of the Democrats, Natasha Stott Despoja, speaks to host Adam Peacock about how the Senate works and why decorum seems to have flown out the windows of Parliament House.

  • The left and right divide

    12/03/2019 Duration: 26min

    Is politics becoming more polarised in Australia? Host Adam Peacock asks Australian National University Emeritus Professor, John Warhurst, how the ideologies of those on the left differ from those on the right and whether it's evolved over time.

  • The Labor Party

    12/03/2019 Duration: 31min

    Is Australia’s oldest political party still relevant? Host Adam Peacock speaks to political powerbroker and commentator, Graham Richardson, about how the party was formed, who really runs it and whether it’s moved with the times.

  • The Liberal Party

    12/03/2019 Duration: 32min

    What does the Liberal Party stand for? Former Senator, Amanda Vanstone, talks with host Adam Peacock, about why disagreements are a good thing, the ideals that drew her to the Liberal Party and the challenges they face today.

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