Da Rehab Show



Show about life, love and relationships. Centered around dating & relationships - we discuss situations from the male and female perspective, give advice and share experiences in an effort to learn from each other and enjoy a few laughs along the way. We also review travel destinations, restaurants and fun excursions. Follow us on Instagram: @darehabshow


  • How to Attract Abundance & Level Up

    18/06/2019 Duration: 37min

    The only thing that stops you from getting everything you want is YOU! Change your mindset, change your behavior, change your energy and watch how your life COMPLETELY transforms into everything you’ve wanted it to be.

  • Run

    12/06/2019 Duration: 22min

    Toxic people are an epidemic because they can drain you emotionally, financially and physically. Instead of being drawn into the drama of a person that refuses to get help or change their behavior, find out what you should do in order to hold on to your sanity and avoid taken advantage off.

  • Get a “NEW TYPE”

    04/06/2019 Duration: 15min

    People are creatures of habit and as a result most people date the same “type” of an individual and then wonder why it didn’t workout. In this episode, we share tips on how you use the past experiences to create your “New Type” so you avoid some of the past mistakes and still attract someone that you are compatible with. The goal is to give you the skill set to pick better dating candidates that result in more fulfilling relationships.

  • How to SUCCESSFULLY move on from Unrequited Love

    28/05/2019 Duration: 42min

    Some ppl spend weeks, months & year’s chasing a person and/or a relationship that isn’t healthy b/c the feelings and effort isn’t mutual. The love is one sided and the lack of reciprocation often leads to self esteem issues, depression, insecurity etc. for the individual that continues to believe in an unrealistic dream of being with the other. In this episode, we talk about how to see and accept the reality of the situation and instead of continuing to invest in a dead-end situation, how to completely move on by first finding self love and then finding someone that is receptive & reciprocates the love given to them.

  • Women Empowerment- Red flags of abuse

    22/05/2019 Duration: 35min

    In this series, we will talk about what kinds of abuse women endure, journey to finding healthy mindset and inner strength, how to overcome challenges, where to get help, how to then go into healthy relationships and push forward in life goals. Whether it’s you that can benefit or someone in your life can, this series is all about empowering and helping women and making a difference. This first episode talks about different culture where women endure abuse and the red flags on how abuse starts. If you need additional info on domestic pls check out National Domestic Violence’s website: www.thehotline.org. To further identity signs of emotional abuse, please read this article: https://www.healthline.com/health/signs-of-mental-abuse

  • Healthy Relationships Start w|Self Love ❤️

    16/05/2019 Duration: 31min

    Most relationships fail because people don’t have self love. In order to love someone else, you have to first love yourself. Only then can you enter into healthy relationships that are fulfilling and long lasting.

  • Never judge a book by its cover!

    14/05/2019 Duration: 07min

    Never assume people are as they seems or anyone’s life is perfect. A little kindness really goes a long way, so strive to know what lies beneath the surface instead of taking people at face value.

  • Love Your Haters

    07/05/2019 Duration: 22min

    Most ppl get upset when they realize that people are talking about them unnecessarily but guess what? If you weren’t doing something right in your life, you wouldn’t have haters. Instead of being upset look at haters at free PR and marketing and be thankful that these people are taking the time to make you famous

  • How to Clap

    27/04/2019 Duration: 26min

    This episode is inspired by the Queen B herself and her clap back on Jay- Z after he messed around w|Becky

  • Instagram vs. Reality of Relationships

    23/04/2019 Duration: 11min

    Ppl often watch other ppl’s relationships on social media and get envious of carefully curated moments of joy, love and happiness. The reality of the relationship is often times very different than what’s projected online, which leads to some ppl feeling less fulfilled in their own relationship because they think that others are happier. In this episode, we talk about how to look past the illusion and realize that often times what we see is far different from the reality. In fact studies show that happy couples often refrain from sharing their relationship online vs. those who are insecure or dissatisfied in their situation.

  • Need A Hero? Become One

    16/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Comic books and legends tell stories of people that either saved others or needed saving but few tell tales of the REAL SUPERHEROES, people that save themselves and empower others to do the same. In this episode, we discuss the real meaning of how and why being your own hero is the best thing you can do for everyone because the true legacy one leaves behind is empowering others to make their own decisions, help their own selves and find the strength within. This episode is extra special because it lies on the fundamental values of our show, which at the end of the day is to empower the lives that we touch.

  • Pick Mr. Right☝

    10/04/2019 Duration: 19min

    Ladies, if you’re looking for longevity then there are 4 types of men that you should avoid dating because these guys can’t give you what you’re looking for but there is one type of man that you should be investing into. Guys, if you want a woman to take you seriously and invest into you then make sure she sees you as Mr. Right instead of all the Mr. Right nows.

  • Don’t Lose Yourself For Anyone

    07/04/2019 Duration: 13min

    Most folks get into relationships where they get comfortable and shift their focus from their goals, dreams, hobbies etc to the relationship and over time experience more fights and arguments because they are so consumed with the relationship that they have lost themselves. Healthier relationships are the ones where people hold on to their individuality and together help one another reach new heights.

  • Wanna know if they’re THE ONE? BREAKUP!

    04/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Real love stories aren’t filled with roses, they also come with thorns. A breakup may actually be the best way to really get to know who your partner is, how you truly feel about them, how they feel about you and if relationship last the test of time.

  • The Power of Belief

    31/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    Success isn’t handed, success is earned. Most successful individuals make it to the top because the never stop believing. In this episode, we discuss why and how a strong belief often leads to success.

  • Break-up Series: Welcome to the Glow Up Tour

    28/03/2019 Duration: 20min

    In this episode we talk about what to do right after a break-up to position yourself for personal, professional and mental growth. Learn how to level up all around and turn the heartbreak of a break-up into massive success. Follow us on IG @darehabshow

  • Co-dependent Relationships

    23/03/2019 Duration: 13min

    In this episode we talk about what are co-dependent relationships? Why we get into one and how to turn co-dependent relationships into healthy relationships.

  • This is the Da Rehab Show

    16/03/2019 Duration: 02min

    Da Rehab Show started over 10+ on wbmb radio channel and after a long break we are making a much needed comeback. The show is about all things tied to life, love and relationships. This episode gives you an insight on what to expect from the show. Please subscribe and participate so together we can navigate through relationship challenges and help one another make better romantic and life decisions.

  • Da Rehab Show (Trailer)

    15/03/2019 Duration: 35s
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