Relationship Insights With Carrie Abbott



Join our listening community for practical truth to strengthen your relationships!Every day is an opportunity to be encouraged and hear from some of the nations leading experts on important topics impacting your relationships. Using a biblical lens, we focus on issues affecting you in all five aspects: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social and Spiritual. Our goal is to help strengthen your relationships in every part of your life, and to help your family live in agreement with Gods divine design. I hope you will join our listening community that now includes 84 countries! You can listen live, download podcasts or have the weekly shows delivered right to your inbox all for free by signing up for the weekly radio recap.


  • Parents' Rights Violated by Schools Secretly Transitioning Kids

    29/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Parents are discovering, often after months of secrecy, that their child is in the process of socially transitioning, with teacher, counselor, and administration support, due to public school policy. This secrecy is putting our nation's kids at risk, and some parents are pushing back. Vincent Wagner, senior counsel with the Center for Parental Rights at Alliance Defending Freedom, joins us with two new cases from New York and Michigan. Nearly 6,000 US public schools have these kinds of policies, so we investigate the details, and even Dr. Phil weighs in!

  • What Do Employers Want in Workers, and What Is Happening in the Housing Market?

    28/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    A good job is at the top of the list for many, but new research is showing employers are now looking for a lot more than a degree before they hire someone. Nearly half of college graduates are working high school-level jobs. We investigate the needed ‘durable skills’ employers are looking for. Additionally, are people getting the wrong degrees? Then we investigate the housing market and a case that was just won against the National Association of Realtors. Gordy Marks, our resident expert, explains the case and how it impacts buyers and sellers. For help with college prep:

  • Patriots Protect; Deviants Cause Death and Destruction

    27/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin joins us to share what incredible work they are doing to ensure election integrity, and she brings her valuable insights on a number of key stories in the news, including the border crisis, Mayorkas’ impeachment, Nikki Haley’s run for President and what she should do now, and our Founding Fathers' legacy. We also look at the horrific story of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley murdered by an illegal immigrant, so-called milk from men’s breasts, AT&T’s nationwide outage, and the potential disruptions from the CCP.

  • Dennis Prager Stops By and Other Breaking News

    26/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Author and syndicated radio host Dennis Prager is in the house and joins us for a fun, spontaneous conversation, including his insights on why Jewish liberals continue to vote for Democrats—a very interesting take on this! We also look at the results of the South Carolina Primary, Trump's win, and why Nikki Haley stays in the race. Former President Trump spoke at the National Religious Broadcasters Conference in Nashville to a very excited crowd! We discuss some of the speech and other breaking stories.

  • The History of the Gideons

    24/02/2024 Duration: 55min

    How does an accountability group of three salesmen turn into an international ministry that distributes billions of Bibles worldwide? Author Jeff Pack shares the inspiring stories! The Word of God is powerful, and through accountability and “Bibling,” Gideons International has impacted millions worldwide! Jeff Pack shares special stories and inspiring history and reveals yet again how God’s truth brings hope to a hurting world. Witness to History

  • Do You Long to Experience the Presence of God?

    22/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Is the presence of God something we control or something we cultivate? What does God’s Word say about this? Pastor Alec Rowlands, author of The Presence: Experiencing More of God, shares his personal journey on this important question and gives us biblical, practical, and inspiring insights that can literally be life-changing! Seeking the presence, power, and purposes of God can change everything in your life and in the world. For the book, upcoming conference information, and more, go to: S

  • Doctor Investigated for Speaking Out on COVID-19 Concerns

    21/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Once she saw the data, pediatrician Dr. Renata Moon knew she had to speak out to protect children. In her 20 years of practicing medicine (including more than 17 years of treating high-risk patients), Dr. Moon had never been anti-vaccine—until she saw what was happening with the COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Moon joins us to share what happened when she spoke publicly in a congressional meeting about her concerns. Follow her case here

  • Ridiculous Rulings Against Trump Ignite the Masses

    20/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    The recent ruling by Justice Engoron for $355 million, plus other damaging rulings, has people everywhere responding with strong allegiance but also defiance to the un-American rulings. Kevin O'Leary speaks out on behalf of all businesses and real estate investors; a Go-Fund-Me was started by a patriotic woman; truckers are joining in, and President Trump himself has a very amusing way of responding that you won’t want to miss!

  • Waking Up to the Goodness of God

    19/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Do you truly believe God is good? Do you believe He still answers prayer? The words we say, the prayers we pray matter to God and quite literally impact our complete health. Best-selling author Susie Larson brings us a 40-day plan to wholeness, healing and a deeper understanding of Gods goodness. Join Susie and Carrie for this insightful and inspirational conversation.

  • Life-saving Medical Diagnostic Breakthrough!

    16/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Millions of patients struggle with chronic and often life-threatening infections because the medical establishment clings to a testing method (C&S or "tube and plate") that dates back to the Civil War era. Patients are being denied the benefits of far more accurate testing based on DNA analysis called Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Rick Martin, CEO of MicroGen Diagnostics joins us with the incredible details.

  • Raising Spiritual Champions

    15/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    In Raising Spiritual Champions, renowned researcher and bestselling author George Barna reveals that who your child will be as an adult is essentially determined by the age of 13—their core beliefs, morals, values, desires, and lifestyle. George joins us for a compelling look at the research and the fabulous approach any parent, pastor, or leader can use to train up the next generation and adjust the worldview of those who are older. Inspiring and important! Raising Spiritual Champions Book

  • Why Marriage Matters

    14/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Marriage is a key foundational component to a thriving society and the best model for raising healthy kids. Marriage rates have dropped by 42%. We look at the reasons why, based on current research. Men and women want to marry and are looking for similar things in a future spouse, yet singles continue to postpone or even sabotage their future marriage. Where is the church in this vital conversation, and what role should the church have going forward?

  • Prosecuting Peaceful Pro-Life Advocates

    13/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    After a week-long trial, a federal jury in Nashville, Tennessee, found six pro-life demonstrators guilty of violating the so-called Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) for blocking access to an abortion clinic in a nearby city three years ago. They each face up to 10 1/2 years in prison and fines of up to $260,000. Attorney Stephen Crompton, representing one of the defendants, joins us with the details in this important case.

  • News and Views

    12/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Super Bowl champs The Kansas City Chiefs' reps give God glory and fans a big win! Special Counsel Robert Hur is not recommending criminal charges for Joe Biden, but the report is devastating, and it looks like it is at the hands of a ‘friend’. Donald Trump Jr. weighs in on the report and the danger of Biden in leadership in any capacity. Beneath the Gaza Strip headquarters of the controversial U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, the Hamas terror group hid one of its most significant assets, and Tucker Carlson interviews Putin—a once-in-a-lifetime interview with fascinating results.

  • Freedom From Addiction

    09/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Porn, pills, money, alcohol, body image, status, sex, anxiety, or whatever you struggle with, John Elmore understands. He shares his story of addiction and freedom in Christ that will inspire you. John oversees the largest recovery ministry gathering in the nation. He explains how recovery effectively happens in churches and offers the blueprint for every church. Inspiring! Discipleship, Care, & Recovery Program | re:generation

  • Breaking News

    08/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Tik Tok is promoting child mutilation, according to Michael Brown. A gender doctor says parents who don’t support transition are "mentally ill." WHO admits there is no science or research to support childhood transitions, and a father sues a school district. Super Bowl stories include two anthems, Robert Kraft’s Foundation buys a Super Bowl ad to combat antisemitism, Axis offers sports tips, and Toby Keith graduates to heaven.

  • Religious Persecution and Wrongs We Should Notice

    07/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Intolerance toward Christians appears to be on the rise in the West. One very dangerous symptom of this upward trend is government officials and entities targeting Christian churches, organizations, and individuals for prosecution or punishment based on their religious beliefs. Arielle Del Turco from FRC joins us to discuss a new report highlighting specific cases. We also look at the E. Jean Carroll case against Trump and an FBI case.

  • Justice Happened in Seattle

    06/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    Kristie Huffaker worked for the city of Seattle for 28 years until vaccine mandates forced her out. She took the city of Seattle to court, and she joins us to share her important story and the justice that has happened. It is only the beginning! Washington State spent millions of COVID dollars on something unrelated, and we examine the latest research on mRNA vaccines and the faulty models used in the pandemic.

  • News and Views

    05/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    The US and its allies carried out a series of attacks on the Houthi rebels in Yemen. Biden’s border crisis is on purpose, according to Elon Musk and for one main reason. The Senate border bill is not what it seems, a tampon machine placed in a boys bathroom highlights the ridiculous nature of left leaning thinking, and we share what happened, hint (boys will be boys). Big tech CEOs were grilled by the Senate Judiciary committee for enabling child sexual exploitation.

  • National Marriage Week and Protecting Gun Rights

    02/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    February 7-14 is National Marriage Week, and Arlene Pellicane joins us to share the exciting details of how this can strengthen your marriage and encourage others. Arlene is a top marriage and parenting author and speaker who has co-written books with Dr. Gary Chapman and has appeared on many outlets, including The Today Show, Fox & Friends, TLC, Family Life Today, and more. Pete Serrano with the Silent Majority Foundation joins us to discuss gun legislation as well as make a big announcement!

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