Reality Reflections With Kendra Von Esh



I thought I was living a happy, fulfilling life but in REALITY, I was buying into the "me culture" and materialismnever finding peace, happiness or love and acceptance. Then I found God and everything that I believed was the purpose of my life turned upside down.


  • Sacrifice and Suffering

    26/09/2019 Duration: 08min

    I don't know about you, but I forget to offer up my sufferings and sacrifices - even the little ones - which happen all throughout the day!  Let's focus on that today - listen in to what I mean! --- Support this podcast:

  • Enjoy The Ride and Be Present

    25/09/2019 Duration: 10min

    Struggle with learning and living your Faith in this world with all its demands and temptations? I still just want to shut out the world and read only spiritual books and learn about my faith ... but I can't! I have responsibilities and things I must do each day - listen in for some ways to enjoy the ride and learn about our faith and ways to live it each and every day!  --- Support this podcast:

  • Are You Your Worst Enemy?

    24/09/2019 Duration: 09min

    Sometimes I am my worst enemy! I put these ridiculous timelines and projects on myself and when I don't achieve my goals, I beat myself up calling myself a failure, lazy and unfocused. Listen to this so you can stop the same patterns and for those pressing and hard deadlines, call on the help you need when you need it!  --- Support this podcast:

  • No Routine Today

    23/09/2019 Duration: 03min

    Well, today had absolutely no routine to it and I was pretty out of sorts this morning.....but listen to what I did and I am so happy..... --- Support this podcast:

  • I Am So Grateful For My Family and Friends!

    20/09/2019 Duration: 08min

    You know, I always mention being grateful to God for all our blessings! But I think I forget to be grateful to my family and friends in the craziness of the world! This is a reminder of that for us all - especially to those who are closest to us! God bless you - so grateful for you all! --- Support this podcast:

  • I Am Too Busy To Pray!

    19/09/2019 Duration: 08min

    Struggling to keep up with all the things you have to do in your life that your "list" is overwhelming - prayer is one that keeps getting kicked down a notch? I am telling you - YOU NEED PRAYER!  Check out my video prayer course you can do ANYWHERE and it only takes 15 minutes a day!  It NEVER expires and you can review people who took the course comment and sharing their feedback and resources on the journey!  Prayer will give you the peace you need to deal with the stress in life - I promise you that!  --- Support this podcast:

  • Love and Learn Like a Child

    18/09/2019 Duration: 12min

    A child chooses to behave by fear of being punished, by looking for a reward, allowance or accolades or by pure love for their parents. Let's try and act like a child who behaves today out of pure love of God as His child - listen in to see what I mean.... Here is the Catechism for Living in Christ which is rich with moral virtues, theological virtues and the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.  Bookmark this so you can reflect and read often to see how you are growing and nurturing the way you are living in Christ! --- Support this podcast:

  • Are You A Gossiper?

    17/09/2019 Duration: 09min

    Do you find it hard not to talk about people, especially those who have done you wrong or you don't think deserve your respect? Listen and try this to help you bite your tongue and love your enemies and neighbors as God wants you to.... --- Support this podcast:

  • Why has God abandoned me?

    16/09/2019 Duration: 09min

    Trusting in God in the trials and sufferings in our lives is sometimes hard! He DIDN'T abandon you - He is making you more holy! WHAT? Listen to hear what I am talking about! --- Support this podcast:

  • What Is Your Purpose - Who Are You Supposed To Be?

    13/09/2019 Duration: 13min

    Ever wonder what the heck you are doing on this earth? In a profession or vocation that you know is NOT your calling? Listen to this for a bit of inspiration to begin taking steps toward your desires, dreams and using those God-given talents now.... --- Support this podcast:

  • Uh, I have to love "that guy"....?

    12/09/2019 Duration: 10min

    Yep, you have to love all those people you do not like - especially those people you do not like! Uh, how do you do that?? Listen in to find out how... --- Support this podcast:

  • Pray for Priests and Speak the Truth

    11/09/2019 Duration: 11min

    Yesterday just empowered me even more about praying for priests and speaking the truth - listen in to this important message for every Christian person and Catholics for sure! --- Support this podcast:

  • I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends!

    10/09/2019 Duration: 06min

    I am so blessed for all the prayers you have sent my friends, old friends, Deacons, is awesome! May Mary wrap me in her mantle and may the Holy Spirit speak through me today as I talk to about 160 priests!!! Yeowza!

  • Having a Crazy Monday?

    09/09/2019 Duration: 05min

    Whoa, what a Monday! I found myself running around like a mad woman and also freaking out about a talk I have to 160 priests tomorrow that is making me wig out a bit. Listen in as I share how I calmed and rooted myself back to peace. Maybe you need some miracle prayers with some things you are struggling with, if so, download this FREE prayer guide to help! - Have a blessed and inspired day! --- Support this podcast:

  • What does meek really mean?

    06/09/2019 Duration: 10min

    "The meek shall inherit the earth" uh, what does that even mean? I thought about that many times before my journey began and I finally learned exactly what it means and how I need to live ...  --- Support this podcast:

  • Consistency In The Little Things.....

    05/09/2019 Duration: 11min

    It's the little things we sometimes think, "Eh, that isn't worth that again? It didn't work before...." Listen in to see what I mean! --- Support this podcast:

  • I Cannot Believe My Life Now....

    04/09/2019 Duration: 15min

    I was in awe this morning at how God changed my life so much in this short 6ish years!!!!  My life is SO INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT and so peaceful and loving that I am beside myself with joy and praise for His healing and love!  Check this out and some REAL PRACTICAL advice and resources for you, too! Unbound - by Neal Lozano - READ IT! --- Support this podcast:

  • Labor Day Thoughts

    03/09/2019 Duration: 07min

    This should change how you view work and appreciate those who work with and around you. --- Support this podcast:

  • I Put Friends First

    30/08/2019 Duration: 06min

    Man, did I prioritize the past two days in the right order! I am lit up like a fire and am so grateful for the spiritual friends in my life! I could have easily made up excuses and kept focused on my ministry and other "stuff to do" but chose the better half, listen to what blessed! --- Support this podcast:

  • Where Are You God?

    29/08/2019 Duration: 11min

    Sometimes we are in such a mess with life and dealing with things that we don't feel God's peace in our lives. Maybe you feel deserted or he left you or you aren't praying much because the less you feel Him, the less you pray? Listen in - you have to be persistent!  --- Support this podcast:

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