Knowledge Boner Experience



When it comes to knowledge we all experience those "aha" moments. The moment the lightbulb goes off in your brain, and you finally "get it". You're ready to take action and apply what finally clicked because of the excitement and adrenaline that is running through your veins. Congrats...You just had a "Knowledge Boner". On the Knowledge Boner Experience we are dedicated to delivering those "aha" moments of huge knowledge bombs through our entrepreneurial journey and interviews with other extremely successful entrepreneurs who can deliver the true...boner action. Become a supporter of this podcast:


  • When Shit Hits The Fan | Knowledge Boner Experience 128

    06/07/2019 Duration: 22min

    How will you adapt when shit hits the fan in life AND in business? Guess what? It's gonna happen. These are the true obstacles that will test you on whether you have what it takes to be successful or not. June (2019) was a rough month for a lot of people. Tune in to hear what happened and how you can overcome anything. --- Support this podcast:

  • Why You Have A Habit Problem And How To Fix It | Knowledge Boner Experience 127

    11/06/2019 Duration: 27min

    Do you ever complain that you don't "have enough time" or really struggle with accomplishing your goals? You don't have a goal problem, you have a HABIT problem. Your habits are determining your outcome and you must first be aware of them to take the corrective measures. In this episode I explain how tracking tasks can give you an overview of your habits and how to know what areas you must improve on. --- Support this podcast:

  • How To Close $9k+ In One Call | Knowledge Boner Experience 126

    07/06/2019 Duration: 24min

    Your Identity, Character, and how you show up is EVERYTHING. You can't achieve your goals until you become the person worthy of that goal. Likewise, if you're an aspiring entrepreneur who wanting to close high ticket products or services, you must make your prospect aware of the character they have become and who they must be in order to get results working with you. --- Support this podcast:

  • How To Use Credit Effectively In Business | Knowledge Boner Experience 125

    04/06/2019 Duration: 22min

    Credit is KING when it comes to growing and scaling your business. In FACT, it also allows you to travel for free and gain so many other rewards while fueling your business. Wally teaches the fundamentals of what you need to know in order to get in the credit game for your business. --- Support this podcast:

  • Authority And Status Will Determine Your Outcome | Knowledge Boner Experience 124

    29/05/2019 Duration: 24min

    What's your status? Do you even have status? Now, we may not all be celebrities at an insane status level but what we DO have is situational status and we HAVE to capitalize on using it correctly and effectively. Huge Knowledge Boner bombs in this episode as we share how to steal status (cleverly) from others and turn it into our advantage so that  you have all the authority in the eyes of others. --- Support this podcast:

  • You Need To Get Referrals, Always | Knowledge Boner Experience 123

    29/05/2019 Duration: 18min

    In a generation where social media and advertising has dominated the game, many millennials have forgotten the basics: ASK for referrals. In business you will want to scale but what if you could start the scaling process through referrals alone? What would that look like and how would the numbers work? Today we cover how to ask for referrals and use them the proper way to organically scale your business. --- Support this podcast:

  • All About The Benjamins | Knowledge Boner Experience 122

    17/05/2019 Duration: 27min

    Money doesn't happen by accident. To get the benjamins, you gotta know your numbers. This is a major entrepreneurial fundamental that many people overlook. If you obsess over your numbers, you will be able to rely more on action if you lack skill. The best part? The skill will come while you're making tons of moo-lah. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Game Of Cashflow, Acquiring Assets | Knowledge Boner Experience 121

    10/05/2019 Duration: 25min

    Robert Kiyosaki is well known for his masterpiece book "Rich Dad Poor Dad". His company later created the game Cashflow which teaches you how to "escape the rat race". These skills are meant to prepare entrepreneurs for the real world.  But when it comes to assets, what other ways can you acquire assets in 2019 that doesn't require Real Estate? Learn the importance of playing the game of Cashflow in real life and how you can acquire assets without breaking your bank account. --- Support this podcast:

  • Do You Really Care? | Knowledge Boner Experience 120

    04/05/2019 Duration: 19min

    Do you even give a shit about your customers? Do you even care about their well being? you even care about whatever it is you are doing for a living? Trying to give value and actually giving a damn about helping someone are two very different things. If you apply what is covered today, it will not only help with sales, but with helping someone make the best decision for themselves. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Man, The Myth, The Legend...Jason Capital | Knowledge Boner Experience 119

    24/04/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    What does it take to be successful at a HIGH level and how do you truly achieve Status? Today, we interview Jason Capital himself and he shares so many knowledge boner bombs that you won't be able to handle it! From Sales, to Copy, to Power Speaking...Jason has a many high level skills that he feels every aspiring entrepreneur should focus on. Want to learn from Jason even further? Just go to and join his free week trial of weekly coaching and mentorship LIVE! --- Support this podcast:

  • Diversification Is For Dummies | Knowledge Boner Experience 118

    23/04/2019 Duration: 28min

    How many times were you told that diversifying is important with it comes to money? too. Interestingly enough, the highest achievers see the biggest flaw in the concept. Tune is today and see how diversifying can actually hinder your focus. --- Support this podcast:

  • Its All About Exposure | Knowledge Boner Experience 117

    17/04/2019 Duration: 23min

    Sales...Networking...Hell...even Life is all about exposure. It takes on average 8 to 12 contacts with a person in order for them to make a decision. Rushing this process and not playing "the long game" will set you up for failure. As an entrepreneur being aware of how many times you're connecting with and/or following up with someone is crucial. In this episode we go over the importance of getting those exposures as well as how to do it through social media.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Back Into The Schedule Groove & Building Confidence | Knowledge Boner Experience 116

    12/04/2019 Duration: 32min

    When events come up that will hinder your schedule due to travel, how do you get back into the routine of things and play "catch up". In today's episode we share Wally's recent travel experience to Miami and go over our thought process of why 99% of entrepreneurs fail. Confidence and dedication is key! --- Support this podcast:

  • Don't Teach Unless You Practice What You Preach | Knowledge Boner Experience 115

    09/04/2019 Duration: 02h25min

    Ever wondered what you could to teach to people and charge money for it? Yea...we've all been there. Today is a serious breakdown of how to know what you're an expert at and the action steps to bring your idea or dream into life. Huge Knowledge Boner action. If you found this episode valuable then make sure you do an Instagram Stories review with the hashtag #knowledgeboner and tag me and Wally (@dylanstarrofficial, @wally_therobot). Every episode review is an entry to be selected as our next "Hotseat" winner. Details are in the Leads, Closing, Sales Facebook Group. --- Support this podcast:

  • Traveling To Conferences Without Breaking The Bank | Knowledge Boner Experience 114

    09/04/2019 Duration: 32min

    Wally The Robot is in Miami!!! Yes, for another event. As an entrepreneur events are critical for growth so today we cover some GOLD advice on how to travel for these events without worrying about spending an ass ton of money. Remember, you're there to learn at events. Once you've accomplished your insanely large income goals, then feel free to over spend like crazy. --- Support this podcast:

  • Straight To The Point, Don't Sugar Coat Bad News | Knowledge Boner Experience 113

    05/04/2019 Duration: 18min

    *This month's "Hotseat" opportunity has begun!!! Winner will be selected in the Leads Closing Sales Facebook Group Community and will receive a one hour free business strategy and coaching session to help you LEVEL UP. In order to enter: leave a testimonial (or screenshot) on instagram stories of a podcast episode with the hashtag #knowledgeboner and tag @dylanstarrofficial and @wally_therobot. The more episodes, the more entries* Dealing with business relations is a learning process. If you want to have a successful partnership, you have to be upfront and honest about everything. Sometimes that will entail delivering bad news. Most people make the GRAVE MISTAKE of casually brushing off bad news and word it in such a way that makes it seem like "no biggie". Never do this. You're not only wasting the other person's time but not upholding your end of proper communication. In order to move forward in business all of the cards have to be out on the table and you can't do that without presenting the facts. Proper

  • Don't Be Afraid To Fire Your Client | Knowledge Boner Experience 112

    31/03/2019 Duration: 26min

    Too many aspiring entrepreneurs want that first client so badly that they'll sacrifice anything to do so. One of those sacrifices includes dealing with a client that is a complete pain in the ass. You never want your business to rely on only one client and you need to have an abundance mentality and not be afraid to let clients go. You don't need them. They need you. This mental shift will make your journey significantly less stressful. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Skills You May Not Know You Have | Knowledge Boner Experience 111

    26/03/2019 Duration: 24min

    Have you ever put yourself through a skills assessment to see how you fare in certain areas? As humans, we tend to assume we know our skills but often times we overlook certain things we do that are actually valuable. On this episode, we go into how to assess yourself in different categories and how to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses in terms of skill sets. Once you know this, you'll know exactly what to focus on in terms on improving yourself to grow your business. --- Support this podcast:

  • If You Build It, They Will Come | Knowledge Boner Experience 110

    24/03/2019 Duration: 28min

    Building a community is incredibly important. In fact, your entire structure of giving value should be driven my a community mindset over a selling mindset. Too many people make the mistake of selling first and not just realizing that the long game of building a community is key. We know first hand how powerful this is and how it can impact the lives of so many more people. In today's Knowledge Boner Action, we explain how you can build your own community to have word of mouth on your side as a driving factor for your business. --- Support this podcast:

  • Money Now VS Money Future | Knowledge Boner Experience 109

    20/03/2019 Duration: 19min

    In an age of ads, funnels, media, content, etc tons of entrepreneurs make a fatal mistake....NOT focusing on money now and only putting energy towards money future. The ironic part is that getting money now as fuel will help expedite the time it takes to play the "long game" for future money. It's important to know the difference and even more important to manage your time accordingly. Take the tips or "knowledge boners" from this episode and RUN WITH IT. Let us know how big of an impact it makes. Make sure you're following us on instagram so you can catch the behind the scenes content we put out. Dylan Starr can found @dylanstarrofficial and Wally Nguyen can be found @wally_therobot. --- Support this podcast:

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