Insightful Conversations With Del



Insightful Conversations, with Del Adey-Jones, is a weekly, half-hour show, that focuses on the Psycho/Spiritual Understanding, known as the The 3 Principles. Tune in each week to meet some of the worlds leading 3 Principles Teachers and Practitioners, as they share how this understanding has dramatically improved the quality of their lives and the lives of those they work with.There are no tools, tricks or skills to implement. No mantras or meditations required. Just a simple Understanding of how our experience of life is created from the Inside Out, not the Outside In. This new way of Seeing how life really works, enables us to gain a greater sense of Peace, Love and Joy in our lives, regardless of our external circumstances.


  • Jules Swales

    12/08/2020 Duration: 34min

    Jules is an accomplished Author, Poet, Writing Teacher, and Creativity Coach. Her latest book, 'Dear God - Letters From An Agnostic,' will be out next year. In addition to studying under Method Writing teacher Jack Grapes since 2003, Jules has a 22-year history exploring the psychology world, she has a MA in Spiritual Psychology, and after her introduction to the 3Principles, she spent two years as Dicken Bettinger's apprentice. Using a combination of her understanding of the 3 Principles and Method Writing, Jules teaches a unique virtual class to people around the world, and for all levels of writers. Jules also volunteered at Venice High School where she taught writing to students who were part of the POPs program.*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Jamie Smart

    07/08/2020 Duration: 27min

    Jamie is an internationally renowned, Sunday Times Bestselling Author, Speaker, Coach and Consultant. He shows individuals and organizations the unexpected keys to clarity; the ultimate leverage point for creating more time, better decisions and meaningful results. He is the author of two of my favorite 3 Principles books, Clarity and Results, and he is the founder of the highly acclaimed Clarity Coaching Academy, where he offers a multitude of different programs for coaches and individuals wanting to deepen their understanding in the 3 Principles.*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Nicola Bird

    28/07/2020 Duration: 33min

    Nicola, is the Founder of A Little Peace of Mind. After 25 years studying psychology and 10 years coaching clients, Nicola stumbled across a completely revolutionary way of resolving anxiety. It transformed her life, melted away her anxiety which means that she can now play the game of life in a much bigger way and ditch the control freak.*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Jan Christenson

    23/07/2020 Duration: 32min

    Jan has worked with people as a nurse for many years, where she developed a deep understanding of our spirit-within and true caring for humanity. Jan also has a B.A. in Psychology and has counseled people in different situations in the past. Having gone through many bouts of depression in her life and sustaining a head injury, she knows very well the dark depths that thoughts can take people to. With her life experiences, Jan shares a deep knowing of the spirit lies within all of us. It is with joy and love that she helps people find their way back to their always present innate inner health. Jan is also the founder of the nonprofit organization “In search of a peaceful Mind”*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Billy Mann

    15/07/2020 Duration: 29min

    Billy is a Father, Husband, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Coach, Blogger, soon to be Author and All-Round lover of life. His days are spent living. That living takes the many forms he describes himself as above. He can also be found coaching others to “living life to their fullest potential and experience.” If you want to connect with him, you'll find him on Facebook and Instagram at Billy Mann Coaching or email him at*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Lucy Bainbridge

    07/07/2020 Duration: 31min

    Lucy is a Facebook ads expert and Social Media Coach and Consultant for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Back in 2015 she became a Certified Clarity Coach, after having a spiritual awakening which catapulted her out of a life of addiction, and toxic relationships. She created The Social Media Priestess School to teach people how to create deep connection with their clients through Online Marketing so that they stand out from the social media noise. Having struggled with confidence issues from an early age, one of the areas dear to her heart is helping people see through their visibility fears and owning their self-worth. Her latest venture is “Creating Your Heartfelt Tribe” a coaching program which is specifically focused on being more visible online.*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Terri Broughton

    30/06/2020 Duration: 32min

    Terri is a painter, life coach and trainer, living in Norfolk with her husband Tony and their Wirehair fox Terrier, Brillo. She is a loving wife, an adoring mother, and a proud sister. In adulthood, Terri and her sisters were reunited, becoming a tight-knit family. It has taken the best part of 50 years – following an extensive and impressive career in Education – for Terri to begin to exorcise those childhood demons and embrace the now. The power of her paintings is the result of the artful deployment of allegory, symbolism and metaphor. Finally unleashing her talent and passion for painting, Terri is an emerging artist to watch.*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Andrea Morrison

    23/06/2020 Duration: 32min

    Andrea is a Transformational coach, mentor, writer, and speaker. She works with professionals and entrepreneurs, enabling them to understand how they create their experience, so that they can free their innate potential and let go of what is holding them back. Please listen to her TEDx talk ‘I stopped trying to be confident and now I’m unstoppable”*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Dominic Scaffidi

    16/06/2020 Duration: 31min

    Dominic is a certified executive coach who works with leaders and teams in organizations. He is a Master Certified Coach, credentialed through the International Coaching Federation. He has received multiple awards for his coaching programs that train leaders and people managers to be ………“Great Coaches rather than good bosses.” He is grounded in the 3 Principles as a Certified Transformative Coach through Michael Neill’s Supercoach Academy. And he also has a deep and practical understanding of the teachings of Abraham-Hicks and how we create our own reality.*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Julieanne Chazotte

    09/06/2020 Duration: 27min

    Julie and I wanted to let you know that we recorded this conversation a couple of months ago, prior to all that is happening in our world today. We talked about the timeliness of airing the show given the sensitivity of the times we are living through. We came to the realization that what Julie is speaking to is of immense value regardless of what we are going through in our lives. We hope that what we are pointing to is helpful in navigating these challenging times both personally and as a society, when we realize that we can access the health of our mind at any time.Julie is a Three Principles Practitioner and Transformational Life and Business Coach. She is passionate about helping people uncover the natural health of their own minds and flipping the conversation about stress on its head. She deeply believes that this is the one conversation that can change individual's lives and the world! When we live from a healthy mind, we create a healthy life.�*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packag

  • Diane Xuereb

    02/06/2020 Duration: 31min

    Diane was born in Malta and now lives in the Netherlands. She is the host of a podcast called …Permission to be You. A podcast which intends to Nudge, Push and Inspire people to give themselves the permission to be exactly who they are.It was through surviving difficulties in her own life, that Diane was inspired to want to help others find the freedom to express and embrace the power of being themselves.Diane, like me, has a wonderful fascination with storytelling. She is a woman after my own heart, and I know this is going to be a great conversion.*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • David Key

    26/05/2020 Duration: 27min

    David is an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author and Award-Winning Coach dedicated to helping people realize their goals, both personally and professionally, to achieve a more rewarding and satisfying life. The insights he has gained since stumbling across the 3 principles 7 years ago, have transformed David's life, both personally and professionally, and he now spends all his time taking the message to other trainers and coaches, to businesses and private individuals.And in the last few years, some fifty-five thousand people, from over 40 countries, have completed one of David's award-winning coaching programs.*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Gabriela Maldonado Montano

    19/05/2020 Duration: 37min

    Gabriela has dedicated her entire professional live to helping her clients discover the wellbeing and natural genius that resides at the center of human beings. In over two decades of sharing the fundamental laws that create the human experience, she has worked individually and in groups across many settings including; education, alcohol and drug recovery, youth and adult incarceration, community development, burn out prevention, and executive coaching. Seeing her clients blossom, regardless of their particular culture, gender, age or circumstance, inspires her to continue her work in English and Spanish across this awesome world.*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Nicole Barton

    12/05/2020 Duration: 27min

    Nicole is a Life Mentor, and something of a “unicorn” within the self-help industry for her candid notion that nobody needs self-help. Nicole is Committed to supporting people in Finding Freedom from whatever their particular form of suffering is. She is a breath of fresh air in her admission that, while playing in anything such as yoga and meditation shifts us from our heads into our hearts, none of these practices are prerequisites to finding peace. Nicole supports people to embody their own wisdom through embracing self-re-discovery, via her online summit, group programs, one-to-ones and events and retreats. She is also working on her first book. Visit her at*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Cherie Ray

    05/05/2020 Duration: 34min

    Cherie is an international consultant and coach specializing in human potential, peace-of-mind, and creativity. She brings an uncommon blend of caring, experience, and commitment to her work. Her clients gain a deep understanding of how people universally operate, how possibilities and opportunities can be seen, and how the creative process works. From this new understanding clients see fresh change, increased inspiration, and unprecedented creativity. Cherie also facilitates Workshops that support the true exploration of 100% creativity. This is creating free of a desired outcome, goal, or product. She does this through the process of Intuitive Painting.*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

  • Jacquie Forde

    28/04/2020 Duration: 24min

    In addition to being a 3 Principles Teacher and Transformative Coach, Jacquie is also a trained midwife and doula, and a mother of 3 beautiful Daughters, one of whom is about to become a mother herself.Jacquie is going to be addressing a very important subject that is very close to her heart and that is how the Covid 19 Pandemic, is reshaping how women around the globe will navigate their pregnancy and experience the birthing process.Instead of enjoying the wonderful, awe-inspiring journey of bringing a new life into the world, expectant mothers are now experiencing anxiety and panic attacks.

  • Lyn McCright

    21/04/2020 Duration: 30min

    Lyn is the founder of the online Advancing Holistic-Health Coaching Program, for licensed health professionals and nurses. Lyn’s mission is to help support our Health Care Workers, tap into the resilience that lies within all of us. Never before has this subject been so important. Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, our health care workers are being stretched to the max. They are on the front lines, risking their own lives and dealing with unimaginable hardships. Please join us for this very timely and important show on how best to support ourselves and our heroes, the Health Care Workers

  • Marnix Pauwels

    15/04/2020 Duration: 33min

    Marnix is a transformative coach, copywriter and author living in Amsterdam. He’s working hard on making the world a nicer place by writing books, blogging, and coaching people back to their natural, joyful, resilient states. He was a depressed and anxious addict who has happily come alive again.

  • Laurie Holmes

    08/04/2020 Duration: 31min

    Laurie is a spiritual teacher, author, intuitive, certified, transformative coach, clarity mentor, trainer and facilitator of women’s groups, massage therapist, grandmother and, a curious explorer of life’s endless highway of opportunities, creativities, and adventures just waiting to be uncovered and discovered. She lives in Hardeeville, South Carolina, with her bossy cat Chloe, and see’s each day with fresh eyes and a contagious zest for life.

  • Marina Pearson

    31/03/2020 Duration: 33min

    Marina came to me a few months ago struggling with conflicting emotions around ending an unhealthy relationship. After just one session together, Marina had a major Insight into the unconscious thinking that was keeping her stuck in this toxic relationship dynamic. Listen in to find out how she was able to end her relationship, with love and compassion, while maintaining healthy boundaries.*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages please contact me at

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