Her Story - Son Histoire À Elle

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 26:39:04
  • More information



Welcome to Her Story Podcast. Expect nuggets of wisdom, candid conversations, and be inspired by the women who share the 'extraordinary' of their ordinary daily lives. Son Histoire à ElleUn balado bilingue qui met en valeur non seulement le succès des femmes du Québec, mais aussi leur vies de tout les jours.


  • Mother's Day series: Elena Jennifer Montecalvo

    31/05/2019 Duration: 49min

    Elena Jennifer Montecalvo was my last guest in the Her Story Mother's Day Series where all month I have been speaking with mothers who have shared the ups and downs, their fears and hopes, the details of their fatigue & their triumphs, basically their lives inside and out of motherhood.  After years of knowing that her son was autistic, Elena spiralled downward into a deep burnout when he was finally diagnosed.  She didn't even have time for a ''I told you so moment'' as she had to learn to take care of herself ASAP,  alongside raising two children including one with severe autism.  In this episode she looks back at a life that seemed to be out of control and sees how she gained her strength in helping other families who may be going through the same type of realness.  Elena is extremely impressive, so resilient, and just so much goddamn fun to be around.  Her Story may resonate with you if your child is being a little shit or especially if you're dealing with a tough diagno

  • Mothers Day series: Catherine Bérubé

    24/05/2019 Duration: 44min

    Cette semaine je parle avec Catherine Bérubé...oui!  LA Catherine Bérubé qui a joué dans Sophie Paquin, 19-2, District 31, Les Jeunes Loups, etc.  But we are not really talking about her illustrious career as an actor, we are broaching the less glamorous subject of being a new mother and the seesaw ride of wanting to be at work but also needing to be near her daughter.  Dans cet épisode, Catherine est franche et ouverte avec à propos de son expérience en tant que maman, elle nous explique comment le fait d'être un parent a changé la game pour elle en tant qu'actrice.  Catherine Bérubé is brilliant and sparkling and grounded and honest.   It was such a pleasure to have a conversation with her.  

  • Mother's Day series: Diana Greig Stavert

    17/05/2019 Duration: 56min

    This week I sat down with the mother of all mothers, my mom, Diana Greig Stavert.  Diana Greig Stavert has over 30 years of mothering experience and at 70 years old, sure has a story to tell. We went on a journey from learning how to produce maple syrup in her back yard in the 1950's to the challenges of being a working woman in the 60's and delivering babies as an outpost nurse in isolated communities in Northern Quebec, to being an 'older' mother in the 80's & 90's. This was an emotional episode for both of us as she tells us about her experience with miscarriage* and post partum depression.  My mother is one of the most open hearted and generous women I know and I am proud to share Her Story with you.   *some of this conversation may be triggering for some. Cet épisode se déroule en anglais seulement. Je vous promets que le prochain épisode sera bilingue!

  • Mothers Day series: Alba Gil

    10/05/2019 Duration: 58min

    Ceci est le premier épisode de la série de la fête des mères.  Durant le mois de mai je parlerai avec des mamans de tout les âges.  On this episode I sat down with Alba Gil, filmmaker, yoga teacher, mother to a 4 year old boy.  Alba created the successful Family Yoga program at Naada Yoga in Montreal's Mile End.  We talk about her immigration to Canada from Mexico and the cultural differences of raising a child.  She lets us in on the daily challenges of being an entrepreneur and mother and generously shares her traumatic birth experience.  Le désir d'Alba est de créer une communauté dans laquelle les parents et enfants peuvent partager une pratique commune.  Perhaps listening to this episode we can all take from Alba to be ok with what is uncomfortable, to listen to our intuition and remember the importance of friends and community especially during the early years of parenthood.   Cet épisode de déroule en anglais. You can find Alba at:  www.naadayogafamily.ca i

  • Liz Singh

    29/03/2019 Duration: 01h44s

    I really want you to listen to this one.  Pour your bevvie of choice, lay/sit down, and listen up!  Liz has some stuff to stay and it is empowering, inspiring and surprisingly optimistic.  Liz is a writer, director, producer, & founder of Dépanneur Films.  She also works with a local social organization doing street work with youth.  I was blown away by Liz's articulate take on being a female filmmaker in the "impossible" movie industry.  She told me about her time in LA & how she made a movie by breaking all the rules.  Listening to her, it is clear that her work is political, whether that is her intention or not.  Liz has an incredibly strong and important voice for our times and it is our privilege to listen to it!    

  • Joy Ross Jones

    04/03/2019 Duration: 50min

    In this episode I speak with Joy Ross Jones.  Besides being a theatre educator, performer, activist she is incredibly eloquent, intelligent and nuanced.  Her Venezuelan upbringing gives us first hand insight on the crisis and how growing up in Venezuela has influenced her creative process.  Joy was beautifully vulnerable about the notions of beauty and the depths of her emotional life.  Although I had nowhere near enough time to ask her all the questions this episode is both uplifting and reflective.  After listening you'll want more Joy.  Stay tuned...there just might be a Joy Ross Jones ep. 2.0 Cet épisode se déroule uniquement en anglais.   

  • Katharina Kent

    15/02/2019 Duration: 48min

    We go madly off in all directions in this one...Katharina is a force!  From the moment we begin to the end, Katharina speaks candidly about her career as a model and model booking agent.  She gives us a glimpse into the fashion world that can sometimes seem so confounding but Katharina is honest and refreshing.  We veer off into topics like bullying, memories we hold as children, & the ways in which the fashion industry is changing. Katharina Kent nous parle de son rôle en tant que maman, de son récent divorce, elle nous dévoile ses insécurités de manière honnête et rafraichissante.   Katharina is so much fun and demands you keep up with her...I dare you to!   

  • Dayane Ntibarikure

    31/01/2019 Duration: 45min

    If you need a little inspiration and encouragement on how to stay motivated and inspired in an artistic career, this episode is for you.  Dayane Ntibarikure talks about her mentorship work, trusting yourself and being ok with not being ok.    Elle partage avec nous ses habitudes de vie qui la gardent bien ancrée et positive.  La conversation a aussi traité de la mort et du deuil, les choix irrationnels qui nous mènent souvent vers quelque chose de grand.  

  • Pascale Drevillon

    16/01/2019 Duration: 49min

    I spoke with actress, creator and trans-rights activist Pascale Drevillon. We talked about her experience with body dysphoria as a young child and adolescent to how she got to where she is now.  Her trajectory is anything but ordinary.  Pascale nous raconte son expérience à Cannes, et pourquoi c'est important pour elle d'explorer l'au-delà de sa feminité à travers son oeuvre. *notez que cette conversation se tient généralement en anglais *note that this conversation is held mainly in English.     

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