This Is Fifty With Sheri And Nancy

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 112:45:59
  • More information



Sheri Salata, Executive Producer of the Oprah Winfrey Show and former Co-President of Harpo Studios and OWN and Nancy Hala, Fortune 500 brand strategist and storyteller, take listeners on a Thelma and Louise style ride as they set out to rebrand and redefine midlife.The two fifty-somethings, friends for decades, have each reached a crossroads and are launching a daring quest to make the rest of their dreams come true. From getting in the shape of their lives, to calling in their soulmate men, theyll take you behind the scenes as they enlist experts to elevate their lives to whole new levels in health, wellness, spirituality, happiness, romance and sex.


  • EP 132 How Do We Keep Our Consciousness Lit? with Jack Canfield

    23/06/2020 Duration: 39min

    It’s our Season 3 Finale! And what a great way to wrap up this season, with a final conversation with Jack Canfield on the last chapters of The Success Principle Workbook. We have loved this series and all the breakthrough lessons and wisdom nuggets we’ve learned.     We kick off the episode with an honest conversation about how white people can step up to the plate and challenge our unconscious bias to help promote racial justice in the world today. Jack says we are a “cancer country with a heart attack mentality” and sadly it takes a tragedy like the murder of George Floyd to mobilize us to action. Vigilance is required to change our mindset of complacency and inaction.The people in the streets are fighting for their lives and protest is the MOST American action – this country was built on revolution.   How do we keep our awakening consciousness lit? Jack says to keep moving forward and keep the conversation going. Stay active.This is a marathon, we must be in it for the long haul.   The final chapter in th

  • EP 131 Racial Justice and the America We Can Be 

    16/06/2020 Duration: 45min

    This episode is heartfelt, revealing and important conversation about what’s happening in our country right now, and our shared history that brought this moment forth. Sheri and Nancy sit down with Sybil Amuti, executive brand strategist, philanthropist and podcast producer and host of The Great Girlfriends Podcast.    Sybil joins the show to talk about the social, cultural and political truths about being Black in America, in the midst of the Black Lives Matter protests swelling in the streets of every state in our country. Sheri and Nancy talk with Sybil about how to be effective allies in this movement of awareness and change. The three agree that the first order of business is for white people to challenge our own implicit bias and sit with the uncomfortable reality that we were all raised in a country burdened with systemic racism. We have to learn, grow, heal our hearts and souls, and then get to work to dissolve racism.    We like to say on our show that “these are the only conversations we want to hav

  • EP 130 Clean Up Your Messes and Incompletes

    09/06/2020 Duration: 53min

    The Success Principles Workbook series continues with Chapters 12 and 13. Sheri and Nancy kick off the conversation with a chat about meditation. Sheri learned Transcendental Meditation (TM) years ago then gifted the training to Nancy’s daughter Olivia for her high school graduation (and a companion gift for Nancy too). They loved it. What a great way to prepare for college.    Sheri and Nancy also recall their podcast recording with Bob Roth, CEO of the David Lynch Foundation and one of the most respected meditation teachers and leaders in the country. That was back in the early days of the show, Episode 8. Go back and take a listen, Bob is an absolute inspiration.    Sheri talks about how when young people commit to a regular meditation practice, the trajectory of their lives change. If you’re interested in meditating, a good way to start is with guided meditation (resources below). Nancy feels more creative when she is meditating, particularly when she’s writing. She recommends David Lynch’s book, Catching

  • EP 129 Never Never Give Up!

    02/06/2020 Duration: 35min

    Sheri and Nancy kick things off with the announcement of NEW swag, and this one is months in the making. The Sheri+ Nancy Show coffee mug is here, available in the Pillar Life Shop. On one side is the name of the show, and the other side reminds us all to reach for the “Next Right Dream” – we love this mug, DreamTribe. Took us forever to track down the perfect size and shape (from the fabled Oakville Grocery in Napa Valley). Get yours now.    The conversation picks up with the next two chapters of Jack Canfield’s Success Principles Workbook: Ask for feedback often and early, and practice persistence. Here’s the thing about feedback – nobody likes it because it feels like an invitation to hear criticism. Jack says we have to become dispassionately neutral about feedback. Easier said than done, but let’s all give it our best try, because feedback helps us grow, evolve, improve, and reach our goals.    Jack also says that persistence is key to success, and encourages us to never, ever quit or give up on our drea

  • EP 128 Jack Canfield Helps Us Break Through Fear

    25/05/2020 Duration: 49min

    Sheri + Nancy are into Chapters 8 and 9 of The Success Principles Workbook with Jack Canfield and it’s all about breaking through FEAR. Jack says we are born with only two types of fear: the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling backwards. Every other fear is learned. Fear of spiders, snakes, heights. And of course, the fear of failing or being shamed. The good news? We can unlearn a lot of these fears, if you’re willing to confront your inner critic. Jack’s big tip about overcoming fear and taking risks is to never risk more than you can afford to lose. He points out that when we are afraid of imagined things, we have an actual physiological reaction to something that hasn’t even happened. It feels real even when it isn’t. If we can feel the fear of something that hasn’t happened, we can do the same thing with our dreams and desires. Experience the success, victory and good feelings before your goal is manifested. Fears are often the result of the voice in our head Jack calls our inner critic, which wa

  • EP 127 Conscious Luck

    19/05/2020 Duration: 42min

    Are you lucky? Two wise and renowned teachers and authors – Gay Hendricks and Carol Kline – dial up the conversation around making your dreams come true with their absolutely delightful new book, Conscious Luck: 8 Secrets to Change your Fortune. Their message is that we are each as lucky as we think we are. We’re listening!    Carol shines the light on what Tina Seelig (Stanford University professor) meant when she said, “People think of luck as a lightning strike, but it's really a wind that’s always blowing.” Luck is so much your own creation. It’s the art of raising your sails to capture the wind of luck that’s wafting around you at all times.    Gay offers this gem: Let’s use this time in the world to empower ourselves with new tools for creating a lucky life. It’s all about deciding to be lucky. He shares a story from his childhood to illustrate when and where he realized that luck is a deliberate, intentional choice. He says that every breath you take is a choice between creativity and stagnation. So le

  • EP 126 Believe It’s Possible and Take Action!

    12/05/2020 Duration: 51min

    You can’t cross an ocean by standing at the shore looking at the water. No kidding, this kind of talk is like catnip for Sheri + Nancy. They leapt right into Chapters 6 and 7 of The Success Principles Workbook by one of their favorite teachers, Jack Canfield.  This week, the conversation is all about believing your goals are actually possible and then taking action to make them come true. Jack says that believing is a decision. Identifying limiting beliefs and replacing them with new, positive beliefs is crucial if you want your life to soar, instead of just limp along. Um, yes please. We want the soaring. One of Nancy’s favorite positive belief statements from Jack’s workbook is: “I have everything I need to create everything I want.” Sheri + Nancy walk through Jack’s brilliant (and super revealing) exercise for moving from “I can’t” to “I won’t” to “I will”.  Nancy has yet another epiphany that she is an “I won’t” girl. It feels so empowering to recognize and change our patterns, right DreamTribe?  Sheri re

  • EP 125 Don’t Keep Your Day Job, with Cathy Heller

    05/05/2020 Duration: 01h08min

    Cathy Heller has turned her passions into millions and this week she joins Sheri + Nancy to share her secrets. By all means, pull up a chair. This show is on FIRE. If you’re feeling stuck, worried about your job or business, or ambivalent in any way, our conversation with Cathy will deliver the burst of energy and inspiration you need.    Cathy talks about what’s really essential and how we should occupy this pause in our lives. She shares insights about how we create survival strategies from childhood to keep ourselves busy so we don’t “feel”, and how we don’t dream big because we don’t want to be disappointed.  She says it’s harder to make $45,000 a year than $1 million – because at 45k you are serving someone else’s dream. Truth.    Cathy defines the TUG – that unmistakable call to take action that you can only receive when you get still. So, DreamTribe, now is the time for us to get still and see if there is a tug in our lives leading us to something new.   There are a few things that each of us can do, r

  • EP 124 Jack Canfield Teaches Goals, Affirmations + Visualizations

    28/04/2020 Duration: 01h08min

    Jack Canfield is back! He joins Sheri + Nancy this week in their continuing journey through his amazing Success Principles Workbook. Jack talks about how to transcend fear in these challenging times by focusing on the goals you’re dreaming for yourself. You can’t worry and focus on the positive at the same time, so now’s the time to make the best choice for ourselves and our futures.    Jack recommends a special meditation, created by Dawson Church, which combines EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, i.e. “tapping”) and Heartmath. It’s been shown to increase immunoglobulins that help fight viruses. (Link below.)   The conversation moves on to goal setting, which is all about reviewing the areas of your life you really care about (that’s the Eight Pillars for us) and turning your dreams and visions into specifics – giving form to intention. Start with an easy goal that you can accomplish in less than six weeks and build some success. Rather than saying you’ll work out “every day” say you’ll commit to six days a w

  • EP 123 SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life with Julie Morgenstern

    21/04/2020 Duration: 54min

    We know that all our closets, cabinets, corners, crevices, habits and beliefs should be vibrant, never stagnant. World-famous decluttering expert Julie Morgenstern has a signature approach to enliven our spaces called SHED, and it's all about getting unstuck.  Julie joins the show to talk about the big difference between organizing and decluttering. Organizing is about designing systems that make you more efficient. Decluttering is about identifying and releasing what is obsolete in your life, to help you move forward. Nancy has an epiphany (of course) about an old set of her mother’s china that she’s been carrying around for years (she calls it her “Guilt”), and Julie gives the DreamTribe an exercise to try as they begin to SHED: First, name your theme – come up with a word or phrase that defines your next chapter, and the path you want to light up. Second, inventory everything that is holding you back from that path – walk through your house and put Post-it notes on areas that feel stagnant. Third, on a she

  • EP 122 Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

    14/04/2020 Duration: 01h07min

    Sheri and Nancy are diving into the deep end of the pool, embracing Jack Canfield’s best-selling The Success Principles Workbook in a big way, and wow… things are happening.  Nancy has had an epiphany. She sees that she’s a life-long excuse maker and finally decides to master this part of her life, starting with a daily yoga practice she’s been putting off for too long. In the same vein, Sheri realizes she complains too much and has decided to make a huge shift to a non-blaming, non-complaining life.  Nancy leads us through Chapter 2 of the workbook, which is all about finding our life’s purpose. She looks back on her most joyful times: raising her kids, falling in love with David, working with her beloved BrandStory clients. Sheri talks about finally coming out from behind the scenes and claiming her space on the center stage. One big takeaway from this chapter is that sometimes realizing your life’s purpose is more a subtle knowing than an explosion of fireworks.  Sheri leads Chapter 3, which is all about e

  • EP 121 The State of the World with Poet, In-Q

    07/04/2020 Duration: 58min

    We’re all still in lock down, separately and together, and Sheri and Nancy discuss their feelings and mood swings over the past week. They come up with some tactics to keep their Pillar Lives on track and their spirits uplifted during these unsettling times. In-Q, poet, performance artist and wisdom keeper, joins Sheri and Nancy to offer his own perspective on the state of the world. He shares his practice for staying present and aware in the unusual “Now” we all find ourselves in, and offers a particularly interesting angle on the benefit of meditation, which has to do with developing the right emotional “muscle” to resist overreacting to external events. In-Q reads two of Sheri and Nancy’s favorite poems from his beautiful new book of poetry, Inquire Within, and ends the episode by asking them what they would do if they had only 60 seconds left on earth. By all measures, this was the conversation we needed this week  And as always, Sheri reads Nancy their latest iTunes reviews from the DreamTribe, which nev

  • EP 120 Jack Canfield, The Principles of Success Launch

    31/03/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    Sheri and Nancy announce a DreamCamp 2020 faculty headliner. He is the number-one most heralded expert on success today, and the creator of the world-famous Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Visionary, author and leader, Jack Canfield.  This episode kicks off a special four-month (every other week) series that we know our DreamTribers are going to love. It’s a free “course” you can take as you listen along with The Sheri + Nancy Show and it’s based on Jack’s best-selling book, The Success Principles. In this episode, Jack takes Sheri, Nancy and the ‘Tribe through Chapter 1 of his newest book, The Success Principles Workbook. They talk about what it means to take 100 percent responsibility for your life.  Listen along as we dive straight into how complaining and blaming will hold you back from everything you want. Jack shares his personal practice of asking his wife each week how she would rate their relationship and what he needs to do to make sure his rating is a solid 10. Wow. That’s brave.  Powerful, perso

  • EP 119 Dr. Anna Cabeca, The Girlfriend Doctor

    24/03/2020 Duration: 52min

    Sheri + Nancy open the show discussing the one thing on everyone’s mind right now, the Coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe. It’s frightening, and we’re practicing extreme caution, rescheduling the April 3rd Vancouver luncheon and all other upcoming travel. We’re lighting a candle for everyone affected by this illness, but at the end of the episode, Sheri + Nancy share a “Better” that might help us all through this (it’s not a product, it’s an approach to the crisis that can shore us up).  Then, Dr. Anna Cabeca joins the show and Sheri + Nancy are giddy to announce another member of the DreamCamp 2020 faculty: The Girlfriend Doctor herself. She’s our first call about everything related to our sexual health and overall wellness.  Dr. Anna talks to us about her groundbreaking new book which will be released in May, Keto-GreenTM16 and why she believes the traditional approach to Keto is not great for women over 40. Her new Keto method is all about layering in the Green (plants and alkalinity). She also chats

  • EP 118 Future Vision Boards with Sarah Centrella

    17/03/2020 Duration: 30min

    Sheri has been a magazine fanatic for most of her life, and in fact her habit of tearing out pages of magazines to save ideas for better things, places, people and ideas was the foundation of Sheri + Nancy’s “Betters” … but all that has changed folks. Sheri’s practically had a meltdown about the state of publishing. She unpacks it for Nancy as the show opens.  Then Sheri + Nancy announce their first esteemed faculty member for DreamCamp 2020. It’s none other than Sarah Centrella, the expert on manifesting your dream life with Future Boards. Sarah is back in this episode sharing some of the amazing things she’s created in her own life using her signature tools, and what she has planned for our DreamCamp. Sheri + Nancy also reveal the best-selling Better of the week. Nancy gets candle suggestions from the DreamTribe, and lots of new DreamTribers have figured out how to leave iTunes reviews (we could not be more grateful).    In this episode: Spend the weekend with Sheri, Nancy and Sarah Centrella at DreamCamp

  • EP 117 Beauty Hunting with Jen Pastiloff

    10/03/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    What’s your superpower? For best-selling author Jen Pastiloff, it’s listening, and her near-total hearing loss turned her on to how essential listening can be, along with dropping your bullshit stories, and above all else, hunting for beauty in every scene and scenario, no matter how small or hidden that beauty may seem.  Jen joins Sheri and Nancy for an intimate conversation about struggle and triumph, how to cope with challenges, rise above them, and find what you’re meant to do and be and know.  Jen wrote a stunningly personal and vulnerable memoir, On Being Human, and in it she describes why her personal mantra is: Let me have done love.  Don’t miss this intimate conversation about beauty, joy and being human.    In this episode: Learn more about Jen at Get Jen’s memoir, On Being Human at Get your DreamBook 2020 now (last day to order is March 31st)) – It’s a gorgeous tool for your Dream Practice: Join us at DreamCamp 2020 a

  • EP 116 The Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid

    03/03/2020 Duration: 54min

    Oracle, Spiritual Medium, and one of Sheri and Nancy’s favorite friends. Colette Baron-Reid joins the show today to talk about how to “rehearse our way” into the lives of our dreams. She’s a best-selling author and creator of the divinely beautiful and wholly original Oracle Cards, which Sheri and Nancy use to nudge themselves awake whenever they fall prey to spiritual sleepiness.  Colette leads us through an inspired (which for her means “filled with spirit”) conversation around manifesting, positivism in all things, and praising the abundance and good fortune you see in others.  Colette ends the conversation by giving us all the gift of a special Oracle reading for the DreamTribe. This is a powerful energy for our manifesting fires in 2020.    In this episode: Shop Colette’s three most popular Oracle decks: Learn more about Colette Get your DreamBook 2020 now (last day to order is March 31st)) – It’s a gorgeous tool for your Dream Practice: www.

  • EP 115 BETTERS: Part 2!

    25/02/2020 Duration: 46min

    This is round #2 of our BETTERS. One of the great things about living The Pillar Life is finding the product, the process, or the mindset that help us expand and support each pillar. From Nancy’s favorite frying pan to Sheri’s candle strategy to changing a perspective on things you think you cannot and will not do – these betters are changing our lives, and here’s another entire episode dedicated to them.  And the BETTER news is that many of our favorites are available in The Pillar Life Shop.   In this episode: Shop the Betters! Get your DreamBook 2020 now (last day to order is March 31st)) – It’s a gorgeous tool for your Dream Practice: Join us at DreamCamp 2020 at the jaw-droppingly beautiful 1440 Multiversity in Santa Cruz, CA: Join our private FB Group and meet DreamTribers where you live! Mention the podcast to be admitted. Subscribe to our newsletter at

  • EP 114 The Adventurous Life

    18/02/2020 Duration: 46min

    Sheri and Nancy discuss their dreams of living and working abroad. France. Italy. Canada. Stirring up the new. They chat with Katy Sewall, co-host of The Bittersweet Life podcast (her BFF Tiffany Parks is her cohost), about how she made her “expat” dream come true by living a year in Italy.   Here we go DreamTribe. Diving deep into our Adventure + Discovery pillar!   Relevant Links:   Check out Join Sheri + Nancy in Vancouver for a ‘Dream Your Life’ Lunch Shop the Betters! Get your DreamBook 2020 now (while supplies last) – It’s a gorgeous tool for your Dream Practice Join us at DreamCamp 2020 at the jaw-droppingly beautiful 1440 Multiversity in Santa Cruz, CA Join our private Facebook Group - mention the podcast to be admitted Subscribe to our newsletter More Nancy at  More Sheri at 

  • EP 113 The Blue Zones with Dan Buettner

    11/02/2020 Duration: 45min

    In the Blue Zones people eat better and live longer. It’s a fascinating window into what we can learn from cultures and their cuisines. Sheri and Nancy are ALL IN. They have eliminated sugar, cut back on alcohol, removed dairy, and things are looking and feeling pretty good.  Dan Buettner joins the episode to talk all about Blue Zones and his latest best seller, The Blue Zones Kitchen (oh how we love to dig into recipes). Dan is part anthropologist, part travel writer, part amazing cook. He reveals the secrets to living longer, healthier lives through food, movement and community.  These secrets have been passed down from generation to generation and yes, Dan actually sat in kitchens with grandmas watching them add a pinch here and a pinch there to create their peasant food masterpieces. This conversation is everything we love about food: real, honest, whole goodness. Bring it!    Relevant Links: Buy Dan’s book, The Blue Zones Kitchen Meet Sheri + Nancy in Canada: https://sheri-nan

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