Thinking Clearly



Thinking Clearly is a radio show about the process of critical thinking and related topics. The show airs on the first Thursday of every month from 7-8 PM on northern California community radio station, KMUD.


  • #75-How to Get Real by Mastering and Using Critical Thinking-with guest Jon Guy

    07/10/2022 Duration: 58min

    Under very unusual conditions, Jon Guy made a transition from one who never thought much about skepticism, the nature of science and critical thinking to learning and mastering those topics and writing the excellent and comprehensive book: Think Straight—An Owner’s Manual for the Mind—described on the Rowman & Littlefield web page as: “a tour de force through the science and philosophy of the human mind.” In this episode, a variety of important tools for improving our thinking are discussed as Jon emphasizes that improving the quality of our thinking, improves the accuracy of our representation of reality, which leads to better decisions and a higher quality of life.

  • #74-Teaching and Learning Critical Thinking—back to the basics—with Melanie Trecek-King

    02/09/2022 Duration: 58min

    Our guest, Melanie Trecek-King, Associate Professor of Biology at Massasoit Community College, became dissatisfied with students mindlessly memorizing facts about biology, so she designed a general-education science course that puts less emphasis on facts and more on science and information literacy and critical thinking. Her commitment to these topics also prompted her to create the wonderful teaching and resource-filled website, which can be found on-line at: Thinking Is Power.

  • #73-Back to the Nuts and Bolts of Critical Thinking-with guest James Zimring

    02/08/2022 Duration: 59min

    Dr. James Zimring, professor, medical researcher and author of the books What Science Is And How It Works and Partial Truths-How Fractions Distort Our Thinking, describes how the form of a simple fraction can be used as a conceptual framework to understand errors that we commonly make in our thinking. Many aspects of critical thinking are discussed, including: heuristics and biases, the advantages and disadvantages of our human tendency to perceive patterns, the primacy effect, the power of disconfirmation and what we can do to minimize errors in our thinking.

  • #72-Trust and the Semantic Pointer Theory of Cognition-with Paul Thagard

    07/07/2022 Duration: 59min

    Dr. Paul Thagard is our guest on this final episode of a three-part series on The Nature of Trust. Paul is a philosopher, cognitive scientist, author and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Philosophy from the University of Waterloo. As described in his 3-book Treatise on Mind and Society, he discusses the relatively new approach in cognitive science, called the Semantic Pointer Theory of Cognition and explains how trust can be viewed through that lens. The discussion also includes some of his perspectives on misinformation that will be found in his forthcoming book: Misinformation: How information works, breaks, and mends.

  • #71-The Nature of Trust in this age of Polarization-with guest Kevin Vallier

    02/06/2022 Duration: 58min

    This second edition in a three-part series on The Nature of Trust features guest Dr. Kevin Vallier, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Bowling Green State University and author of the books: Must Politics Be War? and Trust in a Polarized Age. Topics discussed include the importance of social and political trust in our liberal democracy, the relationship between trust and political polarization, possible causes of falling trust levels, how our declining trust levels might be strengthened, the role of cultural change in trust and polarization, whether there are fatal flaws in our democratic system, and the relationship of trust to critical thinking.

  • #70-The Nature of Trust

    05/05/2022 Duration: 59min

    In this episode of Thinking Clearly, Bob and Julia introduce the issue of trust. They examine what it is, give a sampling of some of the extensive research on trust, present results from survey information on trust and discuss how trust relates to critical thinking. In this episode, you’ll also hear a clip from recent recordings Bob made, with a sampling of people talking about what they trust and what they don’t trust.

  • #69-Strategies for Constructive Conversations-with guest Tania Israel

    06/04/2022 Duration: 58min

    Thinking Clearly guest, Dr. Tania Israel, Professor in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara—author of the book: Beyond Your Bubble: How to Connect Across the Political Divide—discusses the importance of (and how to learn) crucial communication and relationship building skills, including reflective listening and well-crafted questions, to more effectively connect with those whose beliefs are different from ours.

  • #68-Hidden Tribes and the Perception Gap-with guest Stephen Hawkins

    03/03/2022 Duration: 58min

    Guest Stephen Hawkins is the director of research at More in Common—a non-profit organization focused on understanding the forces driving us apart and working to bring us together to tackle our shared challenges. The discussion focuses on research findings revealing a number of hidden political “tribes” in America, the lack of accuracy with which opposing partisan groups perceive each other, and ideas for what needs to happen to bring Americans together to tackle our shared challenges.

  • #67-Street Epistemology-with guest Anthony Magnabosco

    04/02/2022 Duration: 59min

    Street Epistemology is a conversational tool that helps people reflect on the quality of their reasons and the reliability of the methods they have used to form their deeply-held beliefs and to clarify the degree of confidence they have in those beliefs. Anthony Magnabosco, co founder and Executive Director of the nonprofit organization Street Epistemology International, join Bob and Julia to discuss the benefits that come with learning and practicing the technique.

  • #66-Political Depolarization and the Work of Braver Angels-with guest Ciaran O’Connor

    07/01/2022 Duration: 57min

    With the view that America is now as polarized as it has been since the civil war, and that this amount of polarization drastically impairs our democratic process, the organization Braver Angels was founded "to bring Americans together to bridge the partisan divide and strengthen our democratic republic." From his experience as head of marketing, digital, and communications strategy for Braver Angels, Ciaran O’Connor discusses political depolarization, the work of Braver Angels, and what people who use the variety of programs offered by Braver Angels can experience and learn.

  • #65-Considering Risks and Benefits of our Actions and Beliefs-with guest David Ropeik

    03/12/2021 Duration: 59min

    When making a judgment about what to do or believe—when there are risks involved—it becomes important to look at the consequences of our choices, and this involves accurately assessing both the risks and benefits of those choices. With the help of guest David Ropeik, who coined the term "perception gap" and has authored two books on the subject, Bob and Julia examine risk-benefit as a critical thinking tool.

  • #64-Bob and Julia discuss perspectives to help understand dysfunction in the ability of people with opposing views to have productive dialogues

    05/11/2021 Duration: 58min

    Starting with a discussion of taking an evolutionary perspective and then briefly describing: Human Evolutionary History, Predictive Processing, The Dual Processing Model, Cultural Co-evolution, Group Polarization, Identity Protective Cognition, and the impact of Cultural Change on Polarization, the hosts conclude with thoughts about the COVID pandemic as a challenge to our ability to find common ground and work cooperatively toward common goals.

  • #63- How Reality-Based Communities and the Constitution of Knowledge Can Help Turn Disagreement into Truth-with guest Jonathan Rauch

    08/10/2021 Duration: 59min

    As many of us search for ways to escape from this post-truth world and set foot on solid ground where we can trust each other to make legitimate arguments about our differing beliefs and strive together to find shared truths, Jonathan Rauch, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, offers a possible path forward. Jonathan is an experienced journalist, deep thinker and author of eight books and numerous articles on a wide variety of topics. His most recent book is: The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth.

  • #62-How to Talk to a Science Denier-with guest Lee McIntyre

    01/09/2021 Duration: 58min

    As part of background research for his new book How to Talk to a Science Denier: Conversations with Flat Earthers, Climate Deniers, and Others Who Defy Reason, philosopher, educator, and author Lee McIntyre attended the 2018 Flat Earth International Conference in Denver Co. In this episode, Professor McIntyre discusses that experience, describes the nature of science denialism, and suggests what to do when we encounter it.

  • #61-Teaching Critical Thinking to American Military Future Leaders-with Guest Stephen Gerras

    06/08/2021 Duration: 58min

    Colonel (retired) Steve Gerras teaches critical thinking at the Army War College. On this edition of Thinking Clearly, he shares his advocacy and passion for the subject, and his experiences of teaching it to future military leaders. Professor Gerras has a Masters Degree and PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Pennsylvania State University and has authored and coauthored many publications including the widely circulated: “Lying to Ourselves: Dishonesty in the Army Profession.”

  • #60-The Attention Economy-with Guest Michael H. Goldhaber

    02/07/2021 Duration: 56min

    The term “attention economy” has become a buzzword in our current zeitgeist. But 30 to 40 years ago Michael Goldhaber, who has a PhD in physics coupled with a passionate 1960’s brewed concern about social and political justice, began thinking and writing  about human attention as a scarce resource and made predictions about how the newly emerging internet would interact with our attention and eventually transition us to an attention economy. His early predictions were then rediscovered and described in a New York Times article published in Feb., 2021. Topics discussed in this episode include: the attention economy, how it contributes to misinformation and what we can all do can do to reduce the pollution in our information environments.

  • #59-Deep Questions about Critical Thinking

    04/06/2021 Duration: 55min

    Hosts, Bob Froehlich and Julia Minton, review the Thinking Clearly definition (and longer description) of critical thinking and discuss the importance that genuine curiosity has to the critical thinking process. They then discuss a number of "deep questions" that have grown out of their background research from doing Thinking Clearly for almost five years. 

  • #58-Exploring the New Science of Cognitive Immunology-with Guest Andy Norman

    08/05/2021 Duration: 56min

    With their guest Andy Norman, Bob and Julia discuss the idea of applying biomedical concepts such as infection, immunity, and inoculation to what happens when humans are exposed to invasive false, misleading and harmful ideas and beliefs. Andy Norman is the author of the recent book: Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind-Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think and the founder of CIRCE, The Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative.

  • #57-Political Depolarization-How to Navigate Political Discussions with Friends and Family-with guest Bill Doherty

    04/04/2021 Duration: 51min

    Dr. Bill Doherty, professor in the Department of Family Social Science at the University of Minnesota, joins hosts Bob and Julia to discuss how to best manage those difficult political discussions with family and friends who have viewpoints sharply different from ours. Also discussed is the work of Braver Angels, an organization co-founded by Bill Doherty with a mission to: “bring Americans together to bridge the partisan divide and strengthen our democratic republic.”

  • #56-The Relationship of Group Identity to Critical Thinking-with Guest Amber Gaffney

    06/03/2021 Duration: 57min

    How do the groups that we belong to affect our feelings, beliefs and behavior? Can we really think critically about issues without being strongly influenced by the norms established by those groups? These and others questions are discussed with Professor Amber Gaffney from Humboldt State University.

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