Passing The Baton Leadership Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 156:33:04
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Join author, speaker, and leadership expert Zack Hudson on the Passing the Baton Leadership Podcast for topics including personal development, time management, leading well, entrepreneurship, relational leadership, work life balance and other relevant and timely topics. Have fun with Host John Long as he and Zack cover leadership topics in this commuter style radio show so that you can listen to and finish the episode during your normal commute to work, school or while running errands. For more information, visit our website! There, you can read weekly posts on leadership and life lessons that coincide with the show and subscribe to have the newsletters delivered straight to your inbox. Passing the Baton Leadership Podcast also features interviews with world-renowned leaders and authors to hear their perspective on leadership. This is a great show for leaders looking to expand their influence, parents looking to lead their children well and students that are looking to become the next great leader. Send in your questions to be featured in an upcoming episode with author, speaker, and leadership expert Zack Hudson by visiting


  • PTB 183: Its Our Birthday! A look back at the year and things around the corner

    25/09/2019 Duration: 24min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we celebrate 4 years of content creation by looking back over the last year as well as looking ahead to some exciting things to come.  

  • PTB 182: Future Proof Your Success with Diana Wu David

    18/09/2019 Duration: 20min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we have the pleasure of visiting with Diana Wu David. She is a TEDx speaker and author of the book Future Proof. Her company, Sarana Labs, invests in young people and companies to prepare them for a bright future. Diana shares her thoughts with us on our newest podcast and as a guest on our blog. Enjoy! -ZH You can find Diana's 11 steps to future proof yourself at For more advice on the future of work, you can find Future Proof on Amazon. You can read more of Diana's insights on her LinkedIn and on her blog. You can also listen to her TEDx talk, The Difference Between Running and Running Free, here.

  • PTB 181: Gain a True Sense of Identity

    11/09/2019 Duration: 23min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  This week we discuss how to "Gain a True Sense of Your Identity." One of the common issues I see leaders face is that they identify too strongly with one aspect of their lives and ignore the other parts. It can be easy to fall into this trap because it typically starts out innocently enough as you pursue something that you enjoy or that is important to you. In the pursuit of more, we let other parts of our lives go neglected. We then begin to put all of our identity and worth into only a single aspect of our lives and we begin to lose that sense of fulfillment.  

  • PTB 180: Navigating the Corporate Environment

    04/09/2019 Duration: 19min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. How well you navigate the corporate environment can either give you a career boost or become an anchor that you will have a difficult time getting rid of. It's important that we are successful as we acclimate ourselves to the environment.  Listen in as we discuss "Navigating the Corporate Environment."

  • PTB 179: What's Your Word Worth?

    28/08/2019 Duration: 18min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  The value of your word is much like the stock market. Its value fluctuates on a continual basis. Any company out there would love the ability to be fully in control of their rating on the market. There are many outside factors that go into the evaluation of a company with many of the factors being outside of the organization's control. The good news is that while you have outside influences on the value of your word, you have full control over its value.  Join us as we discuss "What is your Word Worth?"

  • PTB 178: When Life Throws You a Curve

    21/08/2019 Duration: 20min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  Life is all about curveballs and unexpected changes. I'm not aware of anyone that has lived life exactly like they imagined and planned for. Sometimes these changes come out of nowhere and alter your life forever. A sudden job loss. The unexpected passing of a loved one. Other times you get some warning, but it doesn't make the change much easier. We are creatures of habit and dislike things that challenge and change our comfort zones and routines. Join us as we discuss what to do "When Life Throws You a Curve."

  • PTB 177: Being Comfortable Around Higher Management

    14/08/2019 Duration: 21min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  Being around people that you admire from afar, have authority or are well known can spark a number of reactions in a person. Some get overly excited, some dread the interaction, some fear it, and others embrace it. Which are you? Join us to find out as we talk about "Being Comfortable Around Higher Management."

  • PTB 176: Managing Successful Career Change Part 2

    07/08/2019 Duration: 18min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  Now that you've decided that you need to make a career change (or you are at least interested in looking) What do you do next? Join us for part 2 of "Managing Successful Career Change."

  • PTB 175: Managing Successful Career Change Part 1

    31/07/2019 Duration: 19min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. A career change (or your first real career-type job) can be intimidating. The journey is a road of unknowns with little guarantee. It can also be an extremely stressful time as well. This week we will look at some areas of your life and your current job to determine if you really need to make a career change or something else.  So join us as we discuss "Managing a Successful Career Change" part 1.

  • PTB 174: How to Turn Around a Bad Reputation

    24/07/2019 Duration: 20min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  There are few things in life that are permanent. You can even have your old tattoo of Hello Kitty that you now hate removed. People sometimes believe that you can't shake a bad reputation. Instead of trying to climb out of the situation, they instead embrace it because they really don't see another option. If you'd like to turn your reputation around or know someone that could use the help, be encouraged that there is a way out with hard work and dedication. So listen in as we discuss "How to Turn Around a Bad Reputation."

  • PTB 173: "Working With an Absent Leader"

    17/07/2019 Duration: 18min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. Have you ever had a boss that just wasn't there? (Maybe that's your wish!) Perhaps they are physically present but are not engaged in your relationship or the job that they are holding. That's when it's important to know how you can be "Working With an Absent Leader."

  • PTB 172: How to Be a Great Mentor

    13/07/2019 Duration: 20min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. It can feel great when someone asks you to be their mentor.  It means that they highly value your input and want to model at least part of their life after you. Mentoring can often be a bit intimidating at first. That's why we talk about "How to be a Great Mentor" this week.

  • PTB 171: How to Find a Great Mentor

    03/07/2019 Duration: 19min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we talk about "How to Find a Great Mentor." I owe a lot of my success in life to my mentors and advisors who have helped me along my life journey. Their guidance kept me on the right path when things got confusing, helped me make the right decisions during difficult times and supported and encouraged me in my growth.  Where do you look to find a mentor and how do you go about starting that kind of relationship? It can be less intimidating if you know where to look and how to go about it. 

  • PTB 170: Finding Leadership in Running

    26/06/2019 Duration: 22min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we continue our series by talking about "Finding Leadership in Running."  Running is certainly a passion of Zack's and we have talked about it a good but have never really correlated how it translates to leadership.  Many of you have asked for this episode so here it is.

  • PTB 169: Finding Leadership In Video Games

    19/06/2019 Duration: 20min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  It's safe to say that video games have firmly established themselves in most people's lives in some form. The latest PlayStation console has sold nearly 100 million units. Games dominate the sales in Apple's app store and people make a living by recording themselves playing games. Gaming has become a serious business. Have fun with us this week as we talk about "Finding Leadership in Video Games"

  • PTB 168: Finding Leadership in Puzzles

    12/06/2019 Duration: 17min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we continue our series about finding leadership in simple things by talking about "Finding Leadership in Puzzles."  

  • PTB 167: Finding Leadership in Lego's

    04/06/2019 Duration: 17min

    Join author, speaker, and leadership expert Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. You probably have, had or know someone who has Legos. They are the little building blocks that have inspired generations and grown from small playthings to multimedia pop culture icons. These little playthings can teach us a few things about leadership and life. Join us as we "Find Leadership in Lego's"

  • PTB 166: Are Your Morals for Sale?

    29/05/2019 Duration: 20min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. What value do you put on your morals, values, and ethics? Are your morals something that you highly value and would never give away, or something that perhaps you'd trade for? Would a new car do it? A new house? Everyone has a point where an ethical choice will cause them to pause. Listen this week as we discuss "Are Your Morals for Sale?"

  • PTB 165: How to Own Your Personal Development

    22/05/2019 Duration: 21min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. Wouldn't it be wonderful if your job had a personal, unique development plan that gave you a step by step guide on how to grow and develop yourself and your career? I'm sure that it's out there, but it extremely rare to find this in the workplace.  That's why it's so important that you know "How to Own Your Personal Development."

  • PTB 164: Gain the Persistence to Excel

    15/05/2019 Duration: 17min

    Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  The act of continuing on in spite of difficulty or opposition. Some people would call that foolishness. Why keep at something that is not working out? Others see it not as a reason to stop, but as a reason to keep at it. Many of our most cherished accomplishments come from our persistence to keep going. Here are a few keys things to remember as you look to "Gain the Persistence to Excel."  

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