Conscious Soul Growth With Molly Mccord

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 220:48:00
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Join bestselling author, consciousness teacher, intuitive and astrologer Molly McCord for this lively weekly show! Molly shares inspiring cosmic messages, astrological updates, spirituality insights, and timeless wisdom to add empowering awesomeness to your life - and have some fun along the way! Molly's spiritual awakening began in 2002, and she delightfully offers her years of growth and experiences in each episode to inspire, uplift and upLIGHT your journey.


  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Feb 14 to 21

    08/02/2024 Duration: 43min

    A deep desire for change and empowerment is moving through the collective frequencies as strong Aquarian energies are igniting more openings that connect with your soul's wisdom, growth, and intelligence. The Sun in Aquarius is highlighting more evolutionary changes that are right on time for you, despite any fears or discomforts, as there is a deep understanding that everything is in perfect order. At higher soul levels, it's not even possible to be off your path because everything is supporting your growth now. Venus conjunct Pluto on Feb 17 moves through a threshold of heart awakenings, creation power, and new self-love expressions, just as Chiron makes a conjunction to the North Node in Aries at 16 deg 45, which unlocks a hidden doorway to the next level of healing. The Sun enters Pisces on Feb 18, which could feel like a welcomed shift of energies that soften into where we need a break, more downtime, and to step back from the ongoing demands of modern life. More to share in this week's podcast episode.

  • Part 2 - The Time Traveler's Portal - Leap Year Energies

    07/02/2024 Duration: 34min

    An ongoing look at channeled information around leap year energies that appear every 4 years on our calendar and stretch the 3D time space continuum.   Aquarian Diamond Lightcode Meditation: In this guided visualization, you will connect with more of your cosmic talents, flush out and release expired cellular energy, call in more of your star family connections and gifts from other dimensions, embed the earth's ley lines with higher cosmic frequencies, re-align your relationships with solar consciousness, and immerse into newly encoded diamond frequency potentials.

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Feb 7 to 14

    07/02/2024 Duration: 45min

    A wild week unfolds with many active transiting energies taking us forward at an accelerated speed. The biggest influences will be the Aquarius New Moon at 20 deg 41 on Feb 9, which involves the Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus energies that were exact on Feb 8. Mars ingresses in Aquarius on Feb 12 and immediately conjunct Pluto at 0 deg, which is volatile, angry, and extreme primal expressions that can make an incredible impact. It is essential to be highly intentional this week, as it is easy to make drastic changes that either support or hinder your true self. Being aware of all of your energy and how you want to move forward can take you to new places quickly. More to share in this week’s podcast episode.   ~~ How To Read Your Solar Return Chart – Discover the main astrology themes and energies on your birthday as Molly teaches you how to interpret your solar return chart over 8 online courses. Use code BIRTHDAY to get it for 50% off now! ~~ How

  • Mars - Venus Conjunction in Aquarius - Reset Relationship Algorithms

    06/02/2024 Duration: 40min

    Mars and Venus make an exact conjunction on Feb 22 at 6 deg 59 Aquarius, but its especially powerful since each personal planet just had an intense conjunction with Pluto at 0 deg Aquarius before they reset together. This new synodic cycle is both a closing and beginning point of energies with the Masculine and Feminine themes in our lives, which can re-establish a new algorithm for connections, friendships, dreams, creations, and moving forward. Mars, ruler of the North Node, and Venus, ruler of the South Node, also signify new trajectories for soul growth, as well as seeing karmic energies and the past from a higher vantage point. A lot going on with this conjunction, and more to discuss in this podcast episode.   Join me on a "bucket list" adventure to the land of Fire and Ice and the Scottish Highlands as you connect with mystical energies and open up to more of your astrological energies! All details here:   The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to Ja

  • A Fated Healing Path For Your New Highest Potential - Chiron in Aries conj NN

    05/02/2024 Duration: 42min

    Transiting Chiron in Aries will make a rare exact conjunction to the transiting North Node at 16 deg 45 Aries, exact on Feb 19, but it has been building since late December when Chiron stationed direct and will continue into eclipse season. Chiron has already been traveling through this area of your chart, but now a new fated opening occurs with the North Node conjunction that opens up a fresh area of your self-identity, healing journey, and how you are learning to trust yourself now. Chiron will continue on to make an exact conjunction to the Aries Solar Eclipse at 19 deg 24 on April 8, igniting more self-awareness that you perhaps pushed away when you were younger or at a lower level of consciousness. The healing path is paying off if you’ve been committed to your internal work, or it may activate what still needs to be resolved and claimed if there has been a lack of self-responsibility. More to share in this podcast episode.   The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025

  • The Time Traveler's Portal - Energies of Leap Year February 29, 2024

    01/02/2024 Duration: 27min

    Every 4 years, we have a "leap year" that adds an additional day to the Gregorian calendar to account for the additional time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun (365.25 days in a 24 hour period). In comparison, the sidereal day is about 4 minutes short of 24 hours, which means there are about 366.25 sidereal days in one Earth orbit period. So even with sidereal calculations, the Earth would still not orbit the Sun in a whole number of days (based on 24 hours). The leap year holds significance for the calendar year, but I'm also being shown it is important for the experience of the 3D time-space continuum that is especially powerful for time traveling and moving between dimensions as this is a day that stretches and closes energies more effortlessly. It is a day of expansion multidimensional energies in our reality, and ancient cultures were connected to this knowingness, too. I'll share more in this extra bonus episode!   ~ Channeling Your Cosmic Connections - A guided visualization and meditation for

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Jan 31 to Feb 7

    31/01/2024 Duration: 45min

    Electric energies continue to pulse through the cosmos as February begins and more planets move into Aquarius this month. The extremes are very real, almost like wrestling yourself in a straight jacket, as we integrate new levels of soul intelligence and knowingness for the first time ever. Venus in Capricorn and the Sun in Aquarius both connect with Chiron in Aries on Feb 5, aligning you with the ability to move ahead on your own terms and strengthen what has been uncertain and vulnerable. Mercury is powerful this week with a softening sextile to Neptune in Pisces at 25 deg on Feb 2, and then enters Aquarius to make the first conjunction to Pluto in Aquarius on Feb 5. Powerful communications, higher levels of awareness, deep fears, and intense awakenings are now unfolding in your personal world with this conjunction that initiates new visions and insights. Much more to share in this week’s podcast.   ~ The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025, bringing energy and focus

  • The Major Astrology of February 2024

    25/01/2024 Duration: 41min

    February brings a focus to 4 areas of your astrology chart, as clear conjunctions highlight the key themes and areas of development the Universe has assigned us for this month. The 3 personal planets – Mercury, Mars, Venus – will embark on a Hero’s Journey experience as each one enters Aquarius and then immediately conjuncts Pluto for the first time ever in our lives. We are deeply transforming into more elevated versions of Self, that require facing what is not aligned with the path ahead. Then Venus and Mars will be conjunct from 5 to 8 degrees Aquarius, adding more energy to what we’re newly creating. Chiron is conjunct the true NN at 16 deg Aries for the second half of the month. Plus Saturn in Pisces sextiles Jupiter in Taurus at 7 deg for the second time, before making an exact conjunction with the Sun and Mercury at 9 deg Pisces on Feb 28. Focused energy this month means February has clear intentions for growth, healing, and important decision-making. More to share in this podcast episode.   The Node

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of January 24 to 31

    24/01/2024 Duration: 45min

    Dynamic energies are being ushered in from the highly active Sun and cosmos as Aquarius season is moving us into new terrain, which could feel like you’re straddling 2 timelines at once. Pluto in Aquarius is asking you to be mindful – how are you using your power to make changes in your story? Whatever you’ve been moving through over the past week will be coming back around in the second half of 2024. The Leo Full Moon on January 25 illuminates how your power is ready to evolve now with the incoming frequencies, as well as feeling like you’re in a pressure cooker of deep change. The personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) are all in Capricorn, and making beneficial trines to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus on Jan 28 and 29, signaling that developments and manifestations are arriving in physical form. Plus they square the Nodes of Fate, which requires ownership and responsibility over relationship patterns and what is not in alignment with your true potential now. More to share in this podcast episode.   The No

  • Uranus Stations Direct: Upleveling Your Self-Worth and Authenticity Frequencye

    22/01/2024 Duration: 44min

    Uranus stations direct at 19 degrees Taurus on January 27, 2024 and now all planets will be direct until April 1st when the next Mercury retrograde begins. Uranus wants your authentic frequency, independence, creativity, and sovereignty to be strong, as well as beautifully integrated into your self-worth and core stability. The energy of freedom from a past version of self and previous consciousness is also coming up, especially since this same territory of your chart has been activated since the middle of 2022. This station triggers an area in your chart that was initially ignited in July 2022 when Uranus was conjunct the North Node, activating more growth, changes, and new openings to expand beyond what the Taurus energies may prefer to choose. An internal struggle may still be underway. More to share in this podcast episode.   ~ New! 2024 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2024 and how the energies will show up in your natal chart, including the 4 Mercury retrogrades, powerful Venus

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of January 17 to 24

    17/01/2024 Duration: 50min

    We move into Aquarius season with a lot going on in the cosmos, pushing us into new versions of ourselves that we haven’t experienced yet. Quantum openings, quick realizations, powerful breakthroughs, and ending deep karmic lessons are all in the mix as the Sun and Pluto connect at 29 deg 59 minutes of Capricorn, and then enter Aquarius. Revelations, enlightening insights, and higher understandings may be jolting you this week as we adapt to the new frequencies. Mercury in Capricorn is ready for conversations, decisions, and taking ideas forward with concrete steps. Lift off energy is heightened, and we are entering into new potentials for the first time in this life. Much more to share in this week’s podcast.   ~ Channeling Your Cosmic Connections - A guided visualization and meditation for opening up to your cosmic support team. Available for purchase as an mp3 download or listen online.   ~ Join me on a "bucket list" adventure to the land of Fire and Ice a

  • 2025 to 2026 Saturn and Neptune Dancing Through Final Degrees of Pisces

    15/01/2024 Duration: 46min

    Saturn and Neptune will be dancing together through the final degrees of Pisces in 2025 and 2026, even though they will not have an exact conjunction until they are both at 0 deg Aries in February 2026. Both planets at the end of the zodiac is very important to how our reality will be evolving again through Piscean themes: endings, removals, disassociation, dissolving, karmic completions, healing potentials, health issues, escapism habits, ascensions, trusting your intuition more, and going higher on your spiritual path. We will experience voids, surrender, loss, grief, and removals of ego and mind as we learn to embody Pisces energies with this influential energy signature. Much more to share in this podcast episode as we look at these energies and potentials.   ~ Channeling Your Cosmic Connections - A guided visualization and meditation for opening up to your cosmic support team. Available for purchase as an mp3 download or listen online.   .

  • Transiting Saturn in Pisces Interacting With All 12 Astrology Signs

    12/01/2024 Duration: 58min

    Transiting Saturn is moving through Pisces from 2023 into 2026, so let’s take a look at how it is interacting with all 12 astrology signs. Saturn in Pisces is asking us to remove, release, and close out energies, while also taking responsibility and acceptance of what is in our reality. Saturn is signaling it is time for endings, but also to deeply integrate more of your spiritual wisdom into your journey going further. The blessings of connecting with your God self and aligning with more of your Soul essence in practical ways is important. We’ll journey from Aries to Pisces energies as Saturn interacts with each one and highlights important lessons, themes, and turning points.   Discover how the transiting planets are working with your natal chart and planets through 6 teaching videos, including understanding the 12 astrological houses, aspects, and how to read an ephemeris. Use code TRANSITS for 50% off this online course.   .

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of January 10 to 17

    10/01/2024 Duration: 48min

    It’s time to level up and take control of your life in a new way! Strong renewal energies and ambitious activations are coming through with the Capricorn New Moon at 21 degrees on January 11, followed by Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus, and the Sun in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces. Openings may finally line up and offer a clear direction forward, especially around something that you’ve been sitting with for over a month. Saturn energy is increased right now, which also highlights your natal Saturn by sign and house placement as is this is how you are learning and applying Saturn energies in this life. Pluto at the final degree of Capricorn is also strong, highlighting accountability, karmic completions, and taking responsibility for your energy is all ways. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode.   ~ New! 2024 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2024 and how the energies will show up in your natal chart, including the 4 Mercury retrogrades, powerful Venus ener

  • Pluto in Aquarius Working With Each Pluto Generation

    08/01/2024 Duration: 52min

    Pluto enters Aquarius in 2023/2024 and will be interacting with each Pluto generation differently as the transformation, destruction, and empowerment themes show up through various life-changing experiences. We’ll look at each Pluto sign from Cancer until Capricorn, and how notable 2024 to 2044 will be for each Pluto generation.   ~ New! 2024 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2024 and how the energies will show up in your natal chart, including the 4 Mercury retrogrades, powerful Venus energy in June, 4 eclipse points, a Galactic Grand Trine, Sedna in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter in Gemini, and more. Wow! Use code “2024” to get the full program for only $33 USD: .

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of January 3 to 10

    03/01/2024 Duration: 49min

    Capricorn season continues with Mars, Sun, and Pluto all in the 10th sign of the zodiac, and perhaps bringing up more determination to get to higher ground in your life in 2024. A powerful reflection phase could also be arriving as you look at how your life and Capricorn energies have dramatically transformed since 2009. Stay cautiously aware as the Sun in Cap squares Chiron in Aries at 15 deg on Jan 6 and then Mercury in Sagittarius makes a third and final square to Neptune in Pisces at 25 deg on Jan 8, which could feel like mental exhaustion, fatigue, or overwhelm at what you need to do in the new year. Energy clearing could be very beneficial right now, especially with strong Aquarius energies arriving later in January that will take us to higher timelines and potentials. Much more to share in this week’s podcast.   ~ How To Read Your Progressed Astrology Chart – Discover the main astrology milestones and soul growth in this lifetime as Molly teaches you how to interpret your progressed astrology chart o

  • Major Astrological Energies of January 2024

    01/01/2024 Duration: 48min

    January is one of the most powerful months of acceleration, dynamic changes, and big energies of 2024, as Pluto enters Aquarius, Uranus stations direct, the 3 personal planets enter Capricorn, and all planets are direct by January 27. Earth and collective energies will continue to be disruptive and unpredictable, as we are guided into more of our spiritual gifts, unexpected awakenings, and sovereign power throughout the year. New intentions are supported around the Jan 11 Capricorn New Moon, as well as January 20 to 22 as both the Sun and Pluto are conjunct in Capricorn before moving into Aquarius together, which coincides with the Human Design Rave new year on January 22. 2024 is going to be a wild ride, so here we go!   ~ Channeling Your Cosmic Connections - A guided visualization and meditation for opening up to your cosmic support team. Available for purchase as an mp3 download or listen online.   Join me on a "bucket list" adventure to the land of Fire a

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Dec 27 to Jan 3

    26/12/2023 Duration: 48min

    The year ends with encouraging realizations as the Sun in Capricorn trines Jupiter, Venus enters Sagittarius, Jupiter stations direct on Dec 31, and Mercury stations direct on Jan 1. You may feel a rising trust in what you want to create in 2024 as you end karmic energies and comfort zone habits that have been limiting. Mercury RX conjunct Mars in Sag and squaring Neptune in Pisces can be fatigue, disappointment, and mental exhaustion, but the energy picks up as we enter January. Become an observer of yourself to see what is working and not working for you, as there could be many possibilities presenting themselves to consider and sample. More to share in this week’s podcast episode.   Publish You Masterclass – LIVE 4-week online course in Feb taught by Randy Davila, president of Hierophant Publishing, and president emeritus of Hampton Roads Publishing. All details, dates, pricing, and more is at the link right here:   Join me on a "bucket

  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Dec 20 to 27

    20/12/2023 Duration: 43min

    An active week of astrology energies leads us through the Capricorn Solstice on Dec 21, including Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun, the Cancer Full Moon at 5 deg, and Chiron stationing direct at 15 deg Aries. Realizations of what you have been through may be strong. Reviewing past choices to make new decisions in 2024 is supported based on what you have healed, or are in the processing of understanding. Mars in Sagittarius trines the North Node in Aries at 21 deg on Dec 23 and 24, providing momentum for next steps and taking a risk. The Sun in Capricorn trines Jupiter RX in Taurus at 5 deg on Dec 27, which is a clearer direction and defined path ahead based on what you’ve been sitting on and patiently observing. A lot more to discuss this week, too!   ~ New! 2024 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2024 and how the energies will show up in your natal chart, including the 4 Mercury retrogrades, powerful Venus energy in June, 4 eclipse points, a Galactic Grand Trine, Sedna in Gemini, Pl

  • Acceptance, Alignment, Ascension - Saturn in Pisces sextiles Jupiter in Taurus

    18/12/2023 Duration: 41min

    Your luck is about to change in early 2024 as the spiritual work you’ve been doing and the karma you’ve been releasing is going to help you move ahead – finally! The energy shifts when Jupiter stations direct at 5 degrees Taurus on Dec 31 and makes a supportive connection to Saturn direct in Pisces. A second exact sextile is forming between Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus at 7 degrees on February 5 to 8, 2024. Accepting What Is may have been a hard energy to navigate, as disappointment or loss could have been strong. But as you accept what has transpired, and put energy into your own frequency alignment, you ascend into new manifestations and opportunities that have been waiting for you. More to share in this podcast episode.   ~ New! 2024 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2024 and how the energies will show up in your natal chart, including the 4 Mercury retrogrades, powerful Venus energy in June, 4 eclipse points, a Galactic Grand Trine, Sedna in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius, Jup

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