Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 8:20:19
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This isnt your average mindset podcast and shes not your average host. This is Driving for Your Success with Sheevaun Moran. She will help you clear your mind, get rid of roadblocks and achieve ease and success on an open highway to your destination. Anything is possible when you have the mindset to get of your own way!Sheevaun is a business coach, energetic solutions thought leaderhaving struggled herself with more than her fair share of disappointments and even near death experiences, Sheevaun understands the value more than evern of clarity and simplicity. Sit back and let Sheevaun clear that misty, chaotic road while she helps you put the pedal to the metal and drive for your success.


  • Ep 365: Un-Diminishing Yourself

    02/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    Everyone Sheevaun here driving for your success. And today's topic is being brought to you by me Sailing for your Success. But today's topic is about something that I hear from clients and prospects all the time. You’re not just, and I remember the first time I heard this many years ago with a client, this amazing, beautiful woman, like should have been a model and had so many upheavals that we were solving to get her business, her and her husband's business on track. And she came to me and she said, I feel like I am the loser mom. And she used to do this. And I thought, oh my gosh, that's, that's sad. And so we solved, we solved that. But I didn't stop hearing it. I don't stop hearing it the other day I heard I'm just a NASA scientist, even though I'm not working there anymore. I'm just a NASA scientist. Another one I heard was, I'm just a mom. And this mom has an amazing business that we've taken from very little income to multiples of six figures and more that her and her husband are about to do. And you a

  • Ep 364: Will or Discipline

    25/04/2024 Duration: 05min

    Everyone Sheevaun here driving for your success, and I was reminded of this very important word that everyone is going to need to use at some point in time. And it's the word we actually like the least. We really do not like this word because it reminds us of being a child and being scolded. And the fascinating thing about this word is it's one of the major needle movers that will help you grow and thrive and succeed. And so that magical word, well, there are many magical words. I do love energy and words and how they're put together. But that word is discipline. And discipline is something that's important if you were to consider it as an intention, not a negative intention, but an intention to be disciplined about your process, disciplined about one or two or three behaviors in your day that you're going to do every week. So maybe you need to be disciplined not to eat sugar for a week. Okay, great. Try it for a week. Don't try it forever. That's gonna be a sure way to fail. The discipline of success is doin

  • Ep 363: Pain Into Prosperity

    18/04/2024 Duration: 04min

    It’s an odd thing to say this but Congrats for Punishing Yourself    Punishing yourself is an opportunity to be the parent to yourself. And you're actually thinking that it's a good thing to punish yourself. It is not a good thing to punish yourself. It's a good thing to reward yourself for things. And just because you got punished as a kid for something doesn't mean that you get punished. And you should punish yourself as an adult. Give yourself some grace. Today's word is grace. That grace of opportunity, that grace of the event, that grace of the mistake, that grace of the moment, that grace of breathing, that grace of self-forgiveness, that grace of the opportunity to reset and reframe this entire thing for the rest of your life. This is why you're here. Congratulations, you made it here. And now you get to recalibrate who you are, how you are, how you behave, how you talk to yourself. If you talk to yourself in a negative way, that's a self-punishment.   That is going to self perpetuate and continue to c

  • Ep 362: Fork in The Many Roads

    11/04/2024 Duration: 05min

    Hey, everyone. Sheevaun here Driving For Your Success. And I am in a beautiful location with the water in the background and just came out of the ocean water, which is always healing, always beautiful, always restorative. So if you can get into the water on a regular basis, and today's topic is about the fork in the road. And the fork in the road is something that maybe you have more than one fork in the road, but generally at any given time, you can only maintain two forks in the road. You're going to say if this, then that, and then, and then another one is if this and then that. But you're going to imagine that you're juggling multiple forks in the road. And the truth is you can only juggle two opposing or even a complimentary ideas for the solution. So the fork in the road is what you get to choose to get to that next place. And most people tend to choose fear and worry and anxiety and stress and tension and that mentality truly they get into lack mentality. I can't, I only have, you know, I'm cash strapp

  • Ep 361: Mythic Intuitive Success

    04/04/2024 Duration: 05min

    Hey everyone. Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success. And the other day I was having a conversation with a client who reengaged after a time being away, and he was saying about, you know, sales being stagnant. And since he's reengaged with the work that I do with him, the sales are up. You know, that's how what I do. I help people grow their business and get out of their way. And one of the things that I thought was valuable for you is that he talked about guilt. Guilt is one of the most fascinating energies that is going to kind of imagine all the good, happy, beautiful energy happening, and then guilt comes in and just eats it all up. And so guilt and shame are pretty  destructive eating all of the good type of energies. And so you could be doing all the right things in the right direction.   However, you have guilt about, you know, some, something with a staff member, or you have guilt about how you've handled something at home. You have some guilt somewhere. It actually permeates your entire way of

  • Ep 360: Chaos Cleanup for More Life

    28/03/2024 Duration: 05min

    Hey there, everybody. Sheevaun Moran Driving For Your Success and have you gone through your computer stuff lately? This is a weird topic, but I think it's really important because we tend to not look through notes that we take or our files or things that we put into a folder. We tend to put it away in a drawer and tend to forget about it. And the really interesting thing that happens with computers is the more data space we have, the more we can store. And I've had cause to go through a couple of our computers at our company and my own personal one and really look at what's stored in there. And the really fun thing that occurred was I've been looking for a specific kind of program to edit some audio that I have that I really wanted to get out there. And the one I'd been using for years just wasn't working the same way for me. And I found this cool little program just stored in my applications folder. And it did wonders, did magic solve the problem in moments? And I wouldn't have found that had I not been goi

  • Ep 359: Mythic Intuitive

    21/03/2024 Duration: 04min

    Hey, everyone, Sheevaun here Driving For Your Success. And today's topic is just a little bit of a story that I think is gonna be beneficial to you. And this story is something I was telling somebody earlier today about how I have these amazing, magical experiences in my life. And I was talking about how I traveled through India from a little tiny piece of paper, but that's not how I meant to travel through India. I had a book, I had a plan, I had a driver assigned. I had, I had everything lined up and the driver didn't show up. The book got lost, the map was gone. And all I had was this tiny piece of paper. And I had my assistant at the time with me who had just graduated college. She, I took her on this trip and it was magical because what I found out later from people who live in India is that everything that we did within the two week’s time of being in India, it's nearly impossible to do all of that. And the driver that we had ended up having ham. And many of those who know me and know this story, you kn

  • Ep 358: The Worst Habits For You

    14/03/2024 Duration: 05min

    Hi everyone. Here's this phrase, the best thing for the human body. And the worst thing for a human body is another human body. And when I heard that phrase, I thought, yeah, you know, think about how energy impacts our bodies, our brains, our businesses, our immune system, our thinking, our environment, et cetera, and another human body without having the right kind of energy. Meaning if the other human body that you're around has negative energy, then you will succumb to that negative energy because you are more positive and negative always goes to positive because positive can transform transmute negative. Anyway, little esoteric talk, but you get it. And so the worst thing for human body is a human body. And the best thing for human body is another human body. And it's about the mind, the energy, the intention the diet of a human body that is going to impact another human body. That's a fact. The healthier human body is the easier it is for it to be around more challenged human body. So let's just say mos

  • Ep 357: Myth of One Day-To Winning

    07/03/2024 Duration: 06min

    When you think you're going to get to it 'one day' or some day you're going get to it almost never. Unless you reset your entire way of being, living, achieving, thinking, creating your path will never get you there 'one day'. ✨ FREE GUIDEBOOKS FOR GROWTH & PROSPERITY ✨ → Wanna learn how to GET your Epic Life and Prosper more Easily?! Get my FREE Viral Epic Life Toolkit: http://epiclifetoolkit.com Fastest path to prosperity: http://UnleashYourProsperity.com → So you’re sensitive to energy or have done a LOT of inner work and are ready to get your business and soul centered self aligned. Get my FREE 5 Essential Energies book: http://5essentialenergies.com OR get trained in energy at http://EnergyMastery.com ❤️FOLLOW ME/GET IN TOUCH ❤️ Questions? Shoot me an email at author@sheevaunmoran.com Follow me on INSTAGRAM here:      / sheevaunmoran  

  • Ep 356: Antithesis of Success Advice

    29/02/2024 Duration: 04min

    Hey, everyone. Sheevaun here Driving for Your success and today's topic is about discipline. Discipline, oh, who wants to be disciplined about anything? We want our freedom. We want creativity. We wanna do things when we're, when we feel like it. And the fact of the matter is the people who succeed the best and the fastest and continuously and consistently are the ones who are disciplined about time and energy and activity. And so the cool thing about today's little topic is the discipline of success is really discipline of knots. Like not taking your phone to dinner, not having the ringer on all the time, not allowing yourself to over communicate and over explain. Being curious, meaning not trying to talk over other people. The discipline of not jumping into solve the problem when you don't know fully what the problem is, uh, not having everything pinging you, your phone, your computer, et cetera, et cetera. The discipline of not wanting to something is actually going to be a reverse knot. So a lot of people

  • Ep 355: End Procrastination

    22/02/2024 Duration: 04min

          11 views Feb 16, 2024 Driving for Your Success Hi, everyone. Sheevaun here and I'm driving for your success. And I heard something the other day that got me thinking about what is it that I can share with you that is going to take this idea, it's a nugget of an idea and help expand it out so you can, uh, run with it out into your own world. And, and every time we say I'll get to it tomorrow, we're actually fulfilling a promise and continuing to say, I will get to it to tomorrow. And when tomorrow comes, you've actually fulfilled your objective that you would get to it tomorrow. And then you keep saying, and I will get to it tomorrow. I will do it tomorrow. I will take you tomorrow. And I love this idea because basically you're saying to yourself and your mind and who you are and how you are, okay, well, when tomorrow comes, I get to it tomorrow. And it becomes this perpetually spinning self-fulfilling prophecy of getting to it to tomorrow. And so when is your tomorrow? Today, that's what I wanna know.

  • Ep 354: How to Write your own Success Story

    15/02/2024 Duration: 02min

    Everyone Sheevaun here, Driving for your Success. And today's topic is pretty off the cuff around where we get stuck in our inner marketing world. What the heck is inner marketing? Our marketing is when we're telling ourselves stories, you know, ever tried to explain a movie and really couldn't get the point across and they tried to describe Dr. Strange, right? And it's like, what? What is that about? Some guy waving his hands around and moving energy and it's like, Oh, that sounds like some wacky crap. And you know, we have all of these really fascinating stories that we tell ourselves and maybe it's about money. Maybe it's about time, maybe it's about energy and maybe it's about hustle. Maybe it's about hard work. How much hard work do you need to do in order to achieve a result? Less is more, but we have to know the tools that we need to use in order to do less is more.   So what story are you telling yourself that is preventing you from really stepping forth, stepping forward and really thriving in a way

  • Ep 353: What to do about all the fear you’re feeling

    08/02/2024 Duration: 06min

    Everyone, Sheevaun here. I want to talk about something that I'm seeing a lot in our community and the folks that we're helping. We're an elevated community for folks who are looking to provide a solution out into humanity and really do good work in the world. And I help businesses grow and thrive and expand and make sure that they're on the right track and that they're physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, financially, on the right track. The interesting thing that I've been noticing during this time is this thing around fear and that fear energy. I'm looking at my notes over here because I wanna make sure to be really mindful of the current climate of fear and how to talk about that. So if you watch the news a whole lot, they just put this on Sunday, CBS Sunday morning. Kind of cool that they put this on CBS Sunday morning. Because we've known, in the work that I do that this, this body of science exists. They said that, thoughts are contagious. News is contagious. Thoughts are conta

  • Ep 352: The Rituals for Success

    01/02/2024 Duration: 05min

    Full site http://bit.ly/cpENJY Twitter   / sheevaun   Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn   / sheevaunmoran   Blog site http://bit.ly/2fn67jh Subscribe to my channel!    / energeticsolutions   Explore the podcast   295 episodes Driving for Your Success Sheevaun Moran

  • Ep 351: Beyond Ordinary: Uncover Hidden Magnetic Attraction Abilities

    25/01/2024 Duration: 05min

    Everyone, Sheevaun Moran here, and I'm thinking about anybody who's in business, whether you have your own, you're working for somebody or you're in the business of you. One of the ways we've been taught to create and to bring things about is to use our will, but our will requires the use of our adrenals in a very unhealthy way. Kids don't use their adrenals. They move around and walk around and run around, and they're using the energy from around them. And once you get to the age of say seven, you start actually learning how to use your adrenals in order to get something accomplished. And so no wonder we have an adrenal burnout with most people who are strivers and leaders and achievers. And, it creates this whole dysfunction of how our brain can receive and create and enjoy and even move our bodies.   And so think about your adrenals a bit, and they're in the back. You know, if you were to hold the palms of your hands behind you and breathe and hold and exhale and breathe, what will happen is you will find

  • Ep 350: Unblocking Your Successes

    18/01/2024 Duration: 06min

    Full site http://bit.ly/cpENJY Twitter   / sheevaun   Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn   / sheevaunmoran   Blog site http://bit.ly/2fn67jh Subscribe to my channel!    / energeticsolutions   Explore the podcast   293 episodes Driving for Your Success Sheevaun Moran

  • Ep 349: Prospering When Spiritual

    11/01/2024 Duration: 04min

    Hi everyone, Sheevaun Moran here, and I want to give you one of my famous made-up words Prosperituality. What? Yes, prosperity, eventuality, and spirituality. Prosperituality. So what I have found is oftentimes when people get awakened in their conscious life, they forget how money works. They forget how to play the energy is money game, because the way it was working before you had the awakening isn't this way it's going to work going forward. You actually have to learn a new way to prosperity. You need to blend the prosperity, the eventuality, and the spirituality so that it is more in alignment with who you are. So that's one of the reasons I tend to talk a lot about prosperity because prosperity is not just money. It's time. It's money. It's energy. It's relationships. It's harmony. It's doing good. It's receiving good. It's learning how to sell, learning how to write so that the right things come toward you. Learning, learning how money actually works in a very new way, a very unique way when you have al

  • Ep 348: Taking Inspired Action for Your Ideas

    04/01/2024 Duration: 05min

    Full site http://bit.ly/cpENJY Twitter   / sheevaun   Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn   / sheevaunmoran   Blog site http://bit.ly/2fn67jh Subscribe to my channel!    / energeticsolutions     Explore the podcast 293 episodes  

  • Ep 347: Creating More Luck

    28/12/2023 Duration: 04min

    Hi, everyone. Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success. And today's topic is Create Your Luck. And what do I mean by that? There's a story that you may have heard about how there were two groups in, uh, in a college class, and one of the groups was given a newspaper, and the other group was given the same newspaper. But in the first group's newspaper, they had put something in the very beginning that said, the group is lucky. And the second group didn't get that phrase in the newspaper in the beginning. And their task was to find a particular set of words and phrases, uh, inside that newspaper. And the really interesting thing that happened is the persons, the group that got the message that they were lucky, found it much, much faster than the ones who did not. So, you know, whether you believe you're lucky or not, um, put some words of luck in your space, around your space so that you get to maybe bring that forth to yourself again and again. And there's another story of a woman who created so much luck

  • Ep 346: THIS Leadership Energy Will Ignite

    21/12/2023 Duration: 05min

    Are frustration and anger holding back your business's success? Join Sheevaun Moran as she shares insights from successful clients who conquered internal barriers. Discover how to channel your energy positively, achieve your goals, and lead with strength. Don't miss out on valuable tips to transform your business. Visit Sheevaun Moran's website for more resources and support at S-H-E-E-V-A-U-N-M-O-R-A-N.com. Like, subscribe, share, and spread kindness for a brighter future! #SuccessTips #BusinessGrowth #OvercomingFrustration #SheevaunMoran   Unleash Your Stuck Prosperity    More Epic Tools: For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit at https://www.epiclifetoolkit.com/. Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today!  

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