Medical Medium Podcast



Anthony William was born with the unique ability to converse with a high-level spirit who provides him with extraordinarily accurate health information that’s often far ahead of its time. Since age 4, when he shocked his family by announcing that his symptom-free grandmother had lung cancer (which medical testing soon confirmed), Anthony has been using his gift to “read” people’s conditions and tell them how to recover their health. His unprecedented accuracy and success rate as the Medical Medium have earned him the trust and love of thousands worldwide, among them movie stars, billionaires, professional athletes, and countless other people from all walks of life who couldn’t find a way to heal until he provided them with insights from Spirit. To find out more information about Anthony please visit


  • 037 Ep. 3: Plot To Take Down Medical Medium

    26/04/2023 Duration: 54min

    On Episode 3: Plot To Take Down Medical Medium We are digging deeper and deeper into the recordings of a group of people who call themselves an “elite” group and the “inner circle” intent on taking down the Medical Medium and the Community. Leaders of this elite group are competitors and rivals of Anthony William and have fed a journalist at a mainstream media outlet a story about the Medical Medium that they have described as a “journalist’s dream.” Their plan? A disparaging and misleading article that will almost certainly omit key facts, and will fuel bids on a documentary, with the ultimate goal of casting out the Medium Medium to bring about a “post Medical Medium era”. Members of this “elite” group have been trying to recruit others in the space of health and wellness so that they can direct them to take medical medium information for their own businesses in health and not have to cite it back to its original source (medical medium).

  • 036 Ep. 2: Plot To Take Down Medical Medium

    23/04/2023 Duration: 58min

    On Episode 2: Plot To Take Down Medical Medium We are digging deeper into the recordings of a group of people who call themselves an “elite” group and the “inner circle” intent on taking down the Medical Medium and the Community. Leaders of this elite group are competitors and rivals of Anthony William and have fed a journalist at a mainstream media outlet a story about the Medical Medium that they have described as a “journalist’s dream.” Their plan? A disparaging article that will fuel bids on a documentary, with the ultimate goal of casting out the Medical Medium to bring about a “post Medical Medium era” with this “elite” group at the helm.

  • 035 Plot To Take Down Medical Medium

    19/04/2023 Duration: 44min

    What you are about to hear may not be easy for many of you, this isn’t the normal Medical Medium podcast episode. The Medical Medium podcast does not normally have guests, but we have learned that a group of rivals and competitors have been working on a plan for over a year to take down Medical Medium and the Medical Medium community and they have been caught red handed. In this episode you will hear our guest talk about this plot that she uncovered.

  • 034 Body Swelling: Fluid Retention, Edema, Lymphedema, Tissue Expansion

    28/11/2022 Duration: 01h18min

    So many people are uncomfortable, struggling and even suffering from swelling, fluid retention and bloating but not everyone’s swelling, bloating, and fluid retention is the same. Everyone is also experiencing something additional happening within the body that is causing a thickening of tissue, organs, and joints that has very little to do with aging. This is when someone changes as the years go by, everything including their head starts to widen, expand and internal organs start to thicken and swell. This metamorphoses happens regardless of gaining extra pounds because of additional fat on the body. Lymphatic drainage is becoming very popular as more and more people including younger people are trying to manage their own swelling problems. But what isn’t known is that it becomes a vicious cycle that never ends because the true core issues and problems creating the swelling, bloating and fluid retention are not being fixed, so constant management therapies such as lymphatic drainage and massage have to be o

  • 033 Soul Light Infusion Meditation

    18/10/2022 Duration: 14min

    This is a powerful soul-healing meditation from Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes to mend fractures in the soul that have collected throughout the years as you experienced hardships, losses, betrayal, broken trust, and times of being misunderstood, or if you fought battles against injustice in your life and lost, or if you feel you have lost a piece of your soul and you are searching to get it back. The Soul Light Infusion Meditation helps mends fractures within your soul. As fractures mend, your soul is healing. This special meditation helps your soul regain missing precious lost pieces of itself that may have been pushed away from you in times of struggle, loss, and hardship. It elevates your spiritual force as a light being in this world. Old wounds from the past will not have a grip upon your soul as they once did after completing this meditation. No one owns your soul but you, and you have every right to heal your soul. You can repeat this powerful meditation daily, or as many times as needed to

  • 032 Save Your Brain: Before It's Too Late

    12/10/2022 Duration: 34min

    We go through life looking at everything we can see in plain sight, and then we pick and choose the things that feel most important to us, or we choose things we need, and then protect those very things. But what about what we can’t see? What about what we can’t touch? And yet, the thing we can’t touch or see is so very close to us that it resides in us, but we do not protect it. We can even avoid it without realizing it. What is it that is of extreme importance, and yet we don’t see it? It’s the brain– your brain, and it’s so close to you that it sits right in the center of your head, and of course you know this, almost everybody does, but somehow it’s not always something that we are trying to save or protect. There are tools we don’t use that we need and there are techniques and therapies we don’t know about that are critical to protecting, restoring, and saving our brain. In this episode I tackle the brain, what to bring on a hike, and how the two newest Medical Medium books, Brain Saver and its companion

  • 031 Aliens: Prophets & Monsters

    26/09/2022 Duration: 01h47min

    We are at a point in history where it is well established, and even accepted, that there are UFO’s flying around the Earth’s atmosphere and in the skies above us, and that extraterrestrials are real. But what else is there to know? What about early civilizations? Did people back then have any knowledge of other lifeforms, or lifeforms that looked humanoid-like, and were not normally here from this earth? How were ancient civilizations involved with Aliens, and to what extent? Not only do we have the extraterrestrials to think about, but what about other creatures existing among us, creatures that aren’t your everyday wildlife? Are they aliens or something else entirely? And maybe the most important question: How did we all get here? Are we a result of evolution, or were we created with more intent? Were we created by God or the Earth? In this episode I share my story of what happened to me decades ago and how it changed many things for me. For more information visit

  • 030 Intermittent Fasting: The Downfall

    20/09/2022 Duration: 01h48min

    Why do so many people struggle with their eating, trying different diets and weight loss gimmicks? Because they don’t feel good in some way, or they don’t want to keep gaining unwanted weight, or they are struggling with an eating disorder, or maybe they are just looking for an optimum way of living and want the most beneficial diet out there that they can find. This is when many stumble across intermittent fasting. Some people do very well with intermittent fasting at first and they get results in different areas of their health, but how long does it last and at what cost to the body? What price do they pay down the line that they were unaware of, while all along the style of intermittent fasting they adopted seemed so smart and even science-based? It then caused the opposite results, instead, bringing them right back to where they began, confused about what, when and how to eat. It’s no secret that the majority of intermittent fasters live on stimulants throughout the morning and afternoon, consuming mainly

  • 029 Eating & Confused: Trying To Use Food To Heal

    07/09/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    Do we listen to our body? Or are we just listening to our consciousness? Is our consciousness conditioned to choose the foods our body doesn’t want to eat? Does our body want the same foods our consciousness wants? No one should be judged upon what they are eating. In today’s harsh world it’s easy to lean on comfort foods and use them as a drug to get by. At the same time, we kind of are aware that our body really doesn’t want ice cream, chicken fingers, cheesy pasta, cheeseburgers, pizza, and chocolate. And what about our stomachs, do our stomachs want the same choices of food we want? Do our stomachs want beer and barbecue, chicken wings, cakes and cookies, donuts, macaroni and cheese, crab cakes and tuna fish sandwiches? Do our stomachs understand the term moderation and what our brainwashed conception of moderation is? Let’s face it, there is a huge disconnect between our mind and body, and many people go through life believing that their body is telling them what it really wants when it comes to food and

  • 028 Natural Flavor Scam: You've Been Had

    31/08/2022 Duration: 46min

    Have you noticed yet? There is an increasing amount of products you consume that have some form of natural flavors in the ingredient list on the bottle, package, or container. So many of us want pure, clean, organic, non-GMO foods and beverages, and we look at the labels so we can admire the goodness we are nourishing our bodies with. But when it comes to the words "natural flavors,” the question comes to mind: what are we ingesting? The truth is, no one in the world of health really knows. It’s very similar to perfumes, parfumes, fragrances—no one really knows how many dozens, hundreds or even thousands of ingredients, chemicals, and agents, are inside that fragrance. Likewise, something very interesting transpired when natural flavors came to town: the disappearance of another long time staple that was in almost every food on the market place. What is that staple? MSG. Is it possible that there’s been a game of bait and switch in our food freedoms? Were choices made that you had no part in making? And what

  • 027 Raw Honey: Too Much Sugar?

    24/08/2022 Duration: 01h23min

    Too many times you hear out there, “stay away from honey, it’s all sugar,” but is it? Food Science and research would have you believe its made out of all sugar, and most health professionals would have you believe that as well, but honey isn’t just made up of just sugar. It’s a powerful plant medicine, and the sugar in honey is the healing glucose your body utilizes to function and your brain utilizes to restore itself and stay fueled. Not all water is the same, not all food is the same, not all supplements are the same, not all people are the same, not all souls are the same, not all friends are the same and not all sugar is the same. Lumping honey into an “all sugars are the same” basket is not an insightful message to say the least. Honey is in a league if it’s own, not only because of the long standing history of it being a true survival food for humankind for thousands of years, but a survival food with multitudes of phytochemical compounds undiscovered by medical science and research. The bee gathers n

  • 026 Nutritional Yeast: Is It A Beauty Or A Beast?

    17/08/2022 Duration: 50min

    Nutritional yeast has always been heralded as a highly nutritious food source, but is it really? Or has nutritional yeast only just gotten good for us because the word ‘nutritional’ was placed in front of the yeast and we are being fooled? These days nutritional yeast is thrown on almost everything that is in the healthy snack food arena to give fun foods an extra tasty kick. Many people who love their “Nooch” never want to let it go and they believe nutritional yeast is highly nutritious and they are giving their body something it really needs to stay healthy. For many, this gives them permission to be generous as to how much nutritional yeast they consume, and leads to lots of “Nooch” in and on everything they eat: hummus, mac and cheese, oat meal, rice, dips, dressings, chips, cookies, cakes, salads, soups, sauces, and pretty much sprinkled on everything. Sounds so good and innocent, doesn’t it? But what is it that we don’t know about this fortified tasty yeast? What is it we should know? Surprisingly, the

  • 025 Healing Story: Alyssa Degati

    10/08/2022 Duration: 01h37min

    Millions of people either have or know somebody who has struggled with the symptoms and conditions of a chronic illness from a young age. In this podcast I talk to someone who not only began her battle against debilitating symptoms at the early age of nine, but someone who fought this battle against illness for over a decade. From pulmonary embolisms, weight gain and eating disorders to hot flashes, fainting, blood clots and more, Alyssa Degati had no shortage of conditions that no amount of visits to the doctors and specialists could fix. To the point of depression, Alyssa had lost all hope. That is, until she was introduced to Medical Medium information. Listen as Alyssa and I discuss her tumultuous health issues throughout her youth and young adulthood, how she was able to overcome and how her experiences inspired her music. Learn about different conditions and how Medical Medium information could also help you heal. To learn more visit: including: - Join the Medical Medium

  • 024 Avocado: Are You Avocado Toast?

    02/08/2022 Duration: 01h28s

    The avocado was not always a favorite in the alternative health world, nor was it even a favorite in the conventional health world. It was considered bad for the heart, or even toxic, and likewise labeled as a feared food in medical universities. What most people don’t realize is that avocados do have health positivities but also have health drawbacks—health drawbacks that are far different than any concern or fear of the past. In this podcast episode I talk you through these details and explain why the avocado could be a beneficial healing tool for some, while also being an unfavorable tool for others. Discover why the avocado went from such a feared food to one of the most trending health assets, and why this trend is not as one-size-fits-all as it may seem. I talk about Omega-6’s and how food science is lacking when it comes to the avocado. This episode goes into the nuances behind the fats from avocados and what those fats can do for you. Additionally, learn the recipe containing avocado that is a great s

  • 023 Breathing Light Meditation: For Healing The Mental, Emotional & Physical

    26/07/2022 Duration: 18min

    When we learn how to access the light from above for our healing, we empower ourselves in a way that can alter and change how we feel. Working alongside the light from above to allow our bodily systems to engage in healing enables us to speed up repairing old wounds emotionally and physically, and to reroute the body’s energy grid in order to ignite profound changes and levels that are deep within the core of our body’s foundation, strength and reserves. When we learn how to accept, receive and guide this divine light with our consciousness, this divine light can enter our organs, bones and bloodstream, opening the door for transformation, recovery, healing, movement forward and freedom with what we struggle from. This can provide us a sanctuary of safety within our emotional and mental consciousness. Learn how to access the light and make a profound connection that can help change your life. For more visit: including: - Join the Medical Medium Newsletter for Exclusive Weekly

  • 022 Banana: Worst Food On The Planet?

    20/07/2022 Duration: 01h14min

    The banana is far from the most liked food out there in the world of health. Bananas are hated greatly because of their natural fruit sugars, something that is feared by almost all health practitioners. Sugar is the enemy of the health and wellness world. But is it that bad? In this podcast episode I answer that question and go deeper, diving into the why behind the banana’s grim public image, and how the same people who tell you to stay away from bananas are also the ones promoting chocolate in the health world. I discuss the things that food science doesn’t know or doesn’t want you to know. Learn about bananas: what roles they play in your body, their soothing effects, what they have to do with anti-viral compounds, and so much more. I don’t hold back in telling you the harsh truths about why science and research chooses not to invest in learning about the medicinal properties of some foods. We talk about what might be feeding the pathogens causing your viral inflammation, how the starch in bananas interact

  • 021 Teeth: Everyone's Getting Drilled

    13/07/2022 Duration: 01h11min

    There are millions of people sitting in dentists’ offices around the world getting their teeth drilled. Crowns, implants, bridges, fillings, root canals, veneers and tooth repairs are a common theme while the causes of teeth problems are still a mystery. In this podcast episode we uncover that mystery, peeling the pages apart and dissecting what it is that has led people astray when it comes to the health of their teeth. We get into the grit of fruit fear, how it came to be that fruit was associated with teeth problems and why it is named to be the enemy of teeth. I talk about mineral deficiencies and how we accumulate them over time. See why one kid in high school may be eating the same diet as another high schooler, but one gets three cavities and the other gets fifteen. Discover what I mean when I say that teeth are like time capsules, tiny enamel blueprints of not only our own past but that of our family line. I break down how our teeth become porous in a way that x-rays may not be able to detect, and wha

  • 020 Lemon Water: Is It Really That Bad?

    06/07/2022 Duration: 01h03min

    There are many misconceptions in the realm of health. One particular misconception is lemon water harming our teeth. In this episode you will learn about the abundance of healing properties that lemon water possesses. I uncover how lemons came to be the scapegoat of people’s health issues and illnesses, especially dental problems, when really there are other real and worse threats to your health that could actually weaken your teeth and bones. Discover the flushing and cleansing effect of lemon water, and the common misconceptions when it comes to dental health. You’ll see how Medical Medium information made the vital connection between drinking 16 to 32 ounces of lemon water in the morning and the purging of toxins in the liver. I’ll show you how lemons actually fight against tooth decay, and reveal what foods and beverages are really deteriorating your teeth, such as vinegar. Listen to answer the common questions of whether lemon water should be consumed hot or cold, whether lemon juice replacements are the

  • 019 Supplements: Do or Don't?

    01/07/2022 Duration: 45min

    There isn’t a one size fits all when it comes down to chronic illness. Some people have one symptom that keeps them up at night and others have over a dozen. While one person may focus on foods for their healing process, and that be all they need to rid their symptoms, someone else may need to do the same plus multiple cleanses and supplementation. When it comes to supplements, there are those who have had uncomfortable experiences with supplements, whether they were taking supplements with toxic fillers, or the supplements they were taking were not specifically geared towards fixing their health issues, and these experiences could make someone shy away from the opportunity to heal, especially when the right answers and more helpful supplementation comes along. To find out more about why good supplements are important and how they play a role in the healing process of the chronically ill, enjoy the Medical Medium advertisement-free podcast, no interruptions. To learn more, visit

  • 018 Blood Draw: Bloodletting & Vampirism

    31/03/2021 Duration: 01h10min

    Many people battling symptoms, conditions, or chronic illness are subjected to routine blood draws and tests. How can these routine blood draws affect the body? In this episode, I uncover important truths about blood draws and reveal why the blood testing and donation system is broken and outdated. I explain how blood testing affects the immune system and why this can be dangerous, especially for the chronically ill. Find out how to determine the amount needed when getting your blood drawn and tested, and learn how much of your blood is discarded and wasted, and how very little of your blood is used for the testing process. Listen as I share what variables should be considered before getting a blood test and how gender can affect these variables. I cover what to ask for from your doctor when it comes to getting your blood tested and how best to protect yourself before and after a blood draw or blood donation. To learn more, visit

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