If youve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element H A B I T! That's right, The Habit Factor® (bestselling book and app) exposed a timeless truth that helped to launch an entirely new genre of productivity apps (habit trackers) and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster!Theres a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhDs and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®.This is your chance to learn and apply The Habit Factor's insights and specific goal achievement methodology (plus, habit alignment technology) to achieve your biggest and most important goals faster than you ever thought possible! Check it out learn more at: http://thehabitfactor.comLook for our series: Step-by-step: How to Make 2018 a Breakthrough Year!
S02-Frequently Asked Friday 20: Why Is Tracking Important?
15/07/2016 Duration: 14min"What gets measured gets done!" A great question and now after about thirteen years of tracking important behaviors/habits Martin shares that it's almost impossible to imagine achieving any goal without tracking those behaviors/habits that align with his goals. Martin sets the table be recounting how and where tracking first entered and influenced most of our lives; school! The teacher tracked our attendance and our grades. Why? So we would know (in real time) whether we were progressing or not. Then he touches on a quick anecdote about a great camp director on Catalina who used to warn that kids that the counselors were tracking their BMs (seriously). Then Martin shares how tracking behaviors or habits is time-tested and proven process to achieve goals and once again cites and refers listeners to a prior, "Be Like Ben" Mind Bullet Monday episode #11! So, if you haven't experienced and dedicated yourself to tracking (for a period of 28 days) please check out the P.A.R.R. methodology for habit development that
S02-Mind Bullet Wed 20: How Adaptable Are You?
13/07/2016 Duration: 21min"It's not the strongest or the smartest of species that survives, but the one most adaptable to change." ~Charles Darwin In order to be "successful" you can bet you'll need to first survive— to be alive. Seems obvious enough and when considered in that context, one really cannot over-emphasis the importance of adaptability as it relates to not just survival but the attainment of success. In her bestseller Mindset (Amazon), Dr. Carol Dweck points to grit as a key predictor of success. Angela Duckworth (correction) is the author of GRIT (Amazon). Martin then shares his take on what a GRIT pyramid might look like and the visual (link here to related post) really underscores how both resilience and adaptability are essential. No adaptability— no grit. It seems we all know people who experience the same poor results and yet continue with the same behaviors. The inference is that if they could take the time to first reflect on the outcome they desire and then adapt their behaviors and habits they will improve thei
S02-Mind Bullet Monday 20: Choose Growth!
11/07/2016 Duration: 11min"In times of change the learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." Eric Hoffer It seems we all know a few people who decided that learning should cease when with their schooling. Unfortunately, these people tend to be same ones who are unhappy and discontent with themselves and their lives. It's important to ask ourselves, "Is growth and learning a habit that I've incorporated into my life?" That is, do you routinely set aside time to learn new subjects and skills; to broaden your mind, to read and explore new and different environments daily. Better yet, do you track your learning process— the development of any new skill or habit. If not, you ought to consider it since greats like Benjamin Franklin did this regularly (see Be Like Ben episode) So, whether it’s tracking your attempt to become better in your vocation, learning a new skill or reading spiritual texts, the key idea is making your continued growth intentional and
S02-Frequently Asked Friday 19: When Should I Quit?
01/07/2016 Duration: 16minQuitting is one of the easiest things to do. Hence, most people quit when the going gets tough. It's the rare person that forges ahead on not much more than faith and adapts and persists and then adapts some more. Hence, "success" seems rare. Unfortunately, it seems to be popular lately to encourage quitting, as though it was a virtue. In this episode Martin takes a different tact and recommends forging on... almost always, despite setbacks and using them to become more resourceful and adaptive. Having said all that, there are indeed times to quit. But here's a key distinction; it's typically when you've had various successes already and you know what a real failure looks like because you've experienced it. Recall that it's good judgement that comes from experience and experience that comes from bad judgement. So, there's great benefit to the continued pursuit of one's ideal outcome; character is forged, creativity is enhanced and resourcefulness grows despite the odds. Often the data that we're observing may
S02-Mind Bullet Wed 19: Getting to "Maybe"
29/06/2016 Duration: 15minIn this episode Martin recounts the classic parable about a Chinese Farmer. As you listen to the story it becomes easy to see how we, like the neighbors in the story, are intent on labeling events either "good" or "bad", "fortunate" or "unfortunate". The parable though teaches us to withhold immediate judgement and cautions us at the same time to allow events to play out further. Martin recalls a similar story when an entrepreneur within a group he was coaching/mentoring was ecstatic about finally making the perfect hire after months of frustration and struggle including dozens of interviews. Finally, the entrepreneur updated Martin with a text saying that he had made what he believed was the perfect hire! A month later though as the group reconvened, the entrepreneur shared that the new hire had only lasted a couple days and then quit. The question for us is, what events are transpiring in your life, at the moment, that appear unfavorable? And, like the wise Chinese farmer can you ask yourself if perhaps th
S02-Mind Bullet Monday 19: How Life Expands!
27/06/2016 Duration: 12min"Life shrinks or expands according to one's courage." Anais Nin If we're not growing we're probably slowly dying. Sounds like a painful cliche but there is ample truth to the statement. The root or foundation of growth in personal all development can be traced to what Aristotle deemed the "mother" of all virtues—courage. We have reviewed courage many times on this podcast. And, it's important to remember that any virtue is simply a habit long sustained. Nobody is born virtuous and therefore we know that courage habit can be cultivated like any other habit and ultimately become a virtue. But how and where can we apply Anais' quote to our lives? Martin poses questions like this: If you learned a new skill would that make life expand or contract? Would that take courage? If you volunteered for a leadership position at work or at a local non-profit would that make life expand or shrink? Would that take courage? If you set and went after your big, improbably goal? Do you think life would expand? Would that take c
S02-Frequently Asked Friday 18: What's a Paradigm Shift?
24/06/2016 Duration: 21min"We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are." ~Anais Nin When people talk about shifting their paradigm it might sound corny, or perhaps trendy, or both. The importance of shifting one's paradigm particularly when it comes to self-imposed limitations or limiting beliefs can not be overstated. In fact, Einstein once said you can't solve a problem using the same level of thinking that created the problem and that is precisely the value of a paradigm shift. Martin provides the example of how The Habit Factor, itself, by exploring the subject of HABIT very deeply helped to shift people's paradigms about habit. And in particular, how habit helps to drive goal achievement. He even shares the example of Apple's "Think Different" campaign which was their way to underscore Apple's belief that a computer isn't a computer (as we know it) but rather an extension of our personality, how we work and even in many ways could be viewed as art. Martin also recounts a great story, originally shared by the late Dr. St
S02-Mind Bullet: Success in Common Hours
22/06/2016 Duration: 13min"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." Henry David Thoreau In this episode Martin revisits this quote by the famous essayist — a quote that sent him on a journey of personal discovery and analysis about the enigma that is "success". In this famous quote Henry David Thoreau points out with great assurance that, "he WILL meet with a success in common hours". Notice that HDT doesn't say he "might" or that he "could" but that he "WILL"! After years of analysis and reaffirming this statement, Martin has settled on much the same truth. That success is not a destination but a realization along the journey and is experienced as one pursues their ideal future confidently. It seems that it is only when one advances confidently toward their dreams and works hard realize the life that they have imaged that the improbable happens — that they are met with the feeling of success in "common" h
S02-Mind Bullet Monday 18: "Getting To!"
20/06/2016 Duration: 08min"As long as you are above ground, these are ALL things you 'Get to do!'" How we talk to ourselves determines a vast majority of what we do and do not do. The language that we use often creates resistance. So, then what happens? Well, we know what we need to do but still don't do it. What are the chances that some of that resistance is simply tied to the language that we use? In this episode Martin begins by asking you to imagine you both work at the same company and he get to "tell you what you have to do". Doesn't sound too pleasant does it? Yet, many of use will go through each day saying that exact statement to ourselves, things like; "I have to pay my bills". "I have to go to the gym." "I have to get the car washed." "I have to go to school" etc. A subtle and significant shift takes place when we revisit our language and change the way we talk to ourselves. Simply saying, "I get to pay my bills." "I get to go to the gym" etc. will reduced our reluctance to do them! What are you telling yourself "you have
S02-Frequently Asked Friday 17: Subconscious vs the Superconscious
17/06/2016 Duration: 15min"There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why.” ~Albert Einstein What is the difference between the superconscious and the subconscious? When a problem is well defined it seems that when we are relaxed, and in a subconscious, habitual state that we make that "leap in consciousness" that Einstein talks about. Einstein calls it a "leap" in consciousness and many theorize that is exactly what it is. But the "how" and the "why" may in fact be related to the subconscious and in particular HABIT. Many personal development greats like Brian Tracy and Napoleon Hill (video link below) have also termed this the "God-Mind" and "Infinite Intelligence". Whatever you call it, it's a powerful aspect to one's creativity and it appears to be most often fostered when we are performing habitual activities such as; brushing our teeth, showering, shaving, driving, etc. In this episode Martin uses the "three-layer cake" analogy and shares his exper
S02-Mind Bullet: Acres of Diamonds
15/06/2016 Duration: 13minA diamond in the rough doesn't look like a diamond and that's an important point to remember. In this episode Martin revisits a timeless classic from the personal development archives, "Acres of Diamonds" by Russell Conwell. Russell Conwell shares the story of an African farmer who becomes excited about the prospect of finding a fortune of diamonds elsewhere. He hurriedly sells his farmland and heads out to seek his treasure. After years of searching, dejected, despondent and alone, he ultimately kills drowns himself. The moral to the story is timeless, that our real fortunes lie within. That we already have a fortune within our selves as long as we are willing to take the time to refine our skills and character. Check out this episode and be sure to share this Mind Bullet Wednesday! BTW: It's easy to SUBSCRIBE and to have each episode sent to you automatically. ***NEW Giveaway! Each week we select ONE, new iTunes review (good, bad or indifferent) and send a FREE signed book. Either email the review screen
S02-Mind Bullet Monday 17: The Power of Quadrant #2!
13/06/2016 Duration: 14min"The key is tricking yourself to move quadrant two items to quadrant one whenever possible." This episode Martin revisits Stephen Covey's classic Effectiveness or Time Management Grid. Many of us become great at "getting stuff done" (GTD) the only challenge is that often it's NOT the the important stuff that, in the long run, will make us feel content, accomplished and like we've lived a life that was worth living. All too often that "stuff" resides in quadrant one as Dr. Covey points out yet, it's quadrant #2 as Covey defines it, where things the important but not urgent items are that have the most value to us. What sort of things can be found in quadrant #2? -Planning and strategy -Setting a vision -Exercising -Reading to your children -Vocation -Prevention -Long-Term Goals Martin explores this idea that within his latest book, The Pressure Paradox™ one of the underlying themes was the importance to creating a sense of urgency (pressure) and how a key to being more effective is moving the those long-term g
S02-Frequently Asked Friday 16: "Should I Worry?"
10/06/2016 Duration: 10min"Worrying is like paying interest on a loan that may never come due." But, is there really no value in worrying? It's a great question and one worth considering. What is the value of worry? Why have we been given this capacity to worry? It turns out that worry can be damaging and a great waste of time and energy. However, there are many instances where worry serves a tremendous purpose; to get us off our butts— to take action! So how do you know which type of worrying is beneficial? There are essentially two types of worry; things you can influence and control and things that you can not. To worry about the weather next week is likely a waste of time and energy. However, when you worry about things that you can influence and it forces you to think and act resourcefully then the worry provides great value. Examine your own worry patterns; when and where you place your time, energy and attention particularly when it comes to things beyond your sphere of influence. The subject than reminds Martin about the o
S02-Mind Bullet: The Power of Conditioning
08/06/2016 Duration: 13min"Comfort is the great enemy of success." ~Brian Tracy In this episode Martin explores the upside and the downside of becoming conditioned. In any environment over time (humans) become conditioned but it isn't just the environment that we become conditioned to. We are conditioned to our diets, to the amount of money we earn, to our friendship, professional and social circle. In fact, we are conditioned to our thinking (habituated) about things like how much money we can make, how strong we are, what we are good and bad at (our self-concept), etc. The relationship between being "conditioned" and habit is hard to avoid and in psychology it's directly tied to habit formation; think Pavlov's dog, stimulus and response. It's difficult to imagine any person who is habituated to a "thing" and not at the same time conditioned to it. The key is knowing that conditioning (all forms) can serve us as much as harm us— to use the power of conditioning to get stronger— physically, mentally and even emotionally. Therefore it'
S02-Mind Bullet Monday 16: Permission Granted!
06/06/2016 Duration: 07min"Creativity takes courage." ~Henri Matisss This episode may be the perfect follow-up to last Friday's Frequently Asked Friday (FAF), "What if I fail?" With the thought of "failure" comes a lot of resistance that prevents many of us from ever getting started. Similarly, when a person is considering taking on any creative endeavor, they often will unknowingly seek permission to begin— as though someone is going to grant them that ability. What happens when you give yourself permission to: -Take the first step -Start that company -Write that book -Develop that app -Start that blog -Fail (at anything), etc. Martin explores this idea that we (YOU) don't need permission from anyone to begin your creative project/endeavor NOW and recognizes that had he sought permission to write The Habit Factor® or The Pressure Paradox™ or develop his apps, he could have been waiting a lifetime. The interesting thing is not only was nobody going to grant him permission but the impact that the book and app have had on thousands of p
S02-Frequently Asked Friday 15: "What If I Fail?"
03/06/2016 Duration: 10minMartin begins this episode by talking about his 13 year old daughter and her recent run for student council president. His first thought... "Oh no! What if she loses!" And, then he silently figures he'd better prepare a consolation speech for her. The encounter got him thinking though about a few things. First, how brave she was (only two other candidates -girls- were willing to run) and that somewhere in her mind (perhaps) she had to be accepting of the idea of failure— not winning the election. Considering the value of being willing to fail further, Martin mentions that in a prior episode he spoke about the idea, what would you do if you knew you could NOT fail. However, now, thinking about this event, he recognizes that there may be even more power in accepting the possibility of failure and proceeding anyway. In fact, it's the acceptance of failure not the rejection that helps to remove the resistance and may actually facilitate getting on started on ANY journey— knowing that they might fail but doi
S02-Mind Bullet: The Value of Listening
01/06/2016 Duration: 09min"Being listened to feels so much like being loved people can hardly tell the difference." ~David Augsberg "I never learned anything while I was talking." ~Larry King The real value of listening may be beyond measure. Countless proverbs proclaim the value of this virtue but how many of us can say we are good listeners? How many of us can say we've developed the listening habit? Martin shares his struggles with the art of listening and how it was the "listening is like love" quote referenced above that led him on his journey to "revisit" the art and try to become a better listener. Martin recalls an entrepreneur using The Habit Factor app as a as a way to strengthen his listening habit and recommends you give it a try if this episode resonates with you. Check out this episode and be sure to share this Mind Bullet Wednesday! ***NEW Giveaway! Each week we select ONE, new iTunes review (good, bad or indifferent) and send a FREE signed book. Either email the review screenshot or add your twitter handle and we'll fi
S02-Mind Bullet Monday 15: The Law of Forced Efficiency
30/05/2016 Duration: 08min"There is never enough time to do everything and there is always enough time to do the most important things." ~Brian Tracy The Law of Forced Efficiency tells us that we can NEVER use the excuse that we don't have enough time to achieve our goals. Today's episode highlights a profound lesson and "law" shared by the great Brian Tracy in his Psychology of Achievement. By separating and prioritizing your habit list versus your To-Do list you focus on the habits (recurring behaviors) that will help you achieve your goal. Plan. Act. Record and Reassess. The P.A.R.R. methodology and The Habit Factor® are the perfect complement to The Law of Forced Efficiency. Subscribe and be sure to share this Mind Bullet Monday with a friend! ***NEW Giveaway! Each week we select ONE, new iTunes review (good, bad or indifferent) and send a FREE signed book. Either email the review screenshot or add your twitter handle and we'll find you that way! BTW: It's easy to SUBSCRIBE and to have each episode sent to you automatically. Subs
S02-Frequently Asked Friday 14: How to Get and Stay Motivated
27/05/2016 Duration: 11minMotivation is often fleeting and while it's important not to wait for motivation to strike there are a few mindsets that help getting and staying motivated easier. In this episode, Martin reviews these strategies and shares his experience about what has helped when motivation was lacking. A precept is understanding the critical importance of getting started. In order to give yourself a shot you must begin... sounds obvious but many never take that first step. Next, making your vision as vivid and compelling as possible (prior episode) will help greatly! Another key idea is self-efficacy which is the ability to create a desired result which creates momentum. This is best achieved when one follows The Habit Factor's PARR methodology; Planning, Acting, Recording and Reassessing. It helps to regard achievement as a process rather than a single event. This facilitates the most essential ingredient and perhaps a surprise one to staying motivated, patience. Check out this short FAF episode... and SUBSCRIBE now to ge
S02-Mind Bullet : Vision: Everything Is Created Twice
25/05/2016 Duration: 10minEverything is created twice... Where there is no vision the people perish. ~Proverbs If success can be defined as "creating your ideal future" then it's essential to know what your ideal future looks like. Are you able to clearly articulate that vision. If you close your eyes now, can you envision what it might look like three or five years out? "Your imagination is your preview to life's coming attractions." Albert Einstein Unfortunately, out of one hundred people it's likely that less than ten will take the time to really think through and envision their ideal future. Fewer still will write it out! Martin suggests that you identify all the major categories of your life: professional, health, family, relationships, mind, spiritual, adventure, recreation and where you will live and detail each as a vivid and descriptive paragraph. A Chinese proverb says, "Vision without execution is a day dream and execution without vision is a nightmare." Once a compelling vision is crafted you'll be "pulled" by it as Steve