The Big Shift: The Business Of Making A Difference | Personal Growth | Marketing | Sales | Conscious Business | Get Clients



The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!The Big Shift podcast is hosted by Bill Baren, one of a handful of top transformational business coaches in the world.To get to the podcast website cut and paste this link into your browser.


  • The Magic Question that Reveals Your Business Future | Ep. 61

    19/08/2015 Duration: 20min

    There’s a question that has the amazing power to tell you what will happen with your business. Are you ready to ask it? In today’s episode, you are going to answer the question that turns entrepreneurs into psychics. You’ll see how you can know in advance whether your business is heading in the right direction. Get ready to be blown away by how simple it is to discover whether you’re on track for years of enjoyment and prosperity…and what needs to change if you’re not. Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • How to Find the Courage to Stay in Business | Ep. 59

    14/08/2015 Duration: 10min

    Let’s get real. You’re building a business, but some days you feel more like hiding under the covers than stretching another inch beyond your comfort zone. So what do you do when you feel more like the cowardly lion than a business tycoon?   There’s no escaping that to succeed as an entrepreneur, you often have to look fear in the face and then step through it. From making a pitch to balancing the books, running a business offers something nerve-wracking for virtually everyone. But here’s the good news: Even when you feel like a Nervous Nellie, there’s a brave warrior inside you waiting to come out. You just have to know how to tap into it at a moment’s notice. How do you do that? Tune in today and find out! Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • How to Hit Six-Figures Your First Year of Business | Ep. 58

    12/08/2015 Duration: 56min

    Hitting six-figures in the first year of business is extremely rare, so when I heard that someone right out of college was able to do it in just one year, I quickly booked him on the Big Shift podcast. My guest today, Mark Lack, made six-figures his first year in business and within a couple years was making seven-figures. Using his own proven success strategies, Mark rapidly emerged as a master at helping others create their dream life and business in a fraction of the time it usually takes. Today Mark lays out both the mindset and practical steps that can skyrocket your reach and your earnings at lightening speed.   Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • How to Make Your Own Success Inevitable | Ep. 56

    07/08/2015 Duration: 16min

    Wildly successful entrepreneurs aren’t inherently different from other people. But there’s one thing they do that most of us haven’t caught on to yet.   They think about their business in a way that makes their success virtually inevitable (despite any doubts or fears they might have). According to superstar venture capitalist Chris Sacca, the biggest predictor of small business success is “inevitability.” But what exactly does that mean? And is the success of your business inevitable? You’ll find out in this episode—and discover how to jump on the inevitability train. Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • What It Takes to Have a Truly Profitable Business | Ep. 55

    05/08/2015 Duration: 49min

    Over 80% of small businesses survive check to check. That means if they don’t receive a new deposit this month, they’ll have trouble covering expenses and may risk going out of business. How can entrepreneurs thrive in such a stressful situation? They can’t…and here’s the way out! My guest today, bestselling author and entrepreneur Mike Michalowicz, has helped thousands of small business owners think differently and in the process actually set the stage for more profit. He’s here to tell us all about his radical new approach to the “paying yourself first” principle, where you put more emphasis on the money you keep (profit) vs. the money you generate (revenue). Ah-ha moments are guaranteed! Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • The Best Way to Banish Should's from Your Life | Ep. 53

    31/07/2015 Duration: 15min

    When you’re in business, there’s a seemingly endless stream of things you should be doing.  It’s exhausting… What if I told you that you can actually transform all of the “not so fun things” you think you ought to take care of in your business into tasks you actually look forward to? How would your day-to-day business operations be different? I am pretty sure you would enjoy your days so much more. In this episode of the Big Shift, I share with you my favorite practice that helps eliminate should’s in my business and my life.   Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • Greatest Wisdom of the Best Thinkers of Our Times | Ep. 52

    29/07/2015 Duration: 50min

    Imagine talking with a guy who could distill the wisdom of the greatest thinkers of our time into a few simple sentences. Picture him giving you a brilliant set of principles for success that could change the way you approach your business and your life. That’s what went down in today’s podversation. One of my favorite guests, Alex Mandossian, is back for an amazing glimpse into what separates the world’s true thought leaders from everyone else. After doing more than 2,500 interviews with the best and the brightest, he’s seen a striking pattern. Most people let life happen and wind up with what Alex calls a “default future.” But true thought leaders look at life differently and create personal rules that guide them to achieving what others may deem impossible. Today Alex is opening up their rulebooks for us. You’re going to want to learn some of their plays!   Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -

  • The Secret to the Wildest Business Ideas Succeeding | Ep. 50

    24/07/2015 Duration: 17min

    Sometimes the craziest ideas get traction in the marketplace and become a wild success.  There’s actually a secret to turning any idea into a promising business enterprise.  It’s easy if you know how. How many business ideas have you rejected because they just sounded too crazy? “No one would ever pay me to do that!” In this episode of the Big Shift, I discuss some of the wackiest successful businesses. And yes, you can seriously learn a lot from the secret to their success!   Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • Pat Flynn on The Path to a Million Dollar Business | Ep. 49

    22/07/2015 Duration: 01h02min

    What’s the first step to to a million dollar business? Sometimes it’s failing an important test… Stop by Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income blog and you’ll see a banner announcing his earnings last month—more than $120K. How’d he get there? Would you believe it all started with him losing his job as an architect. In today’s podversation, Pat lays out how failing the architect certification exam eventually lead to his decision to help others avoid the same fate… and this eventually led him to inadvertently build an online empire. If you want to achieve incredible and sustainable business success, you’ll love how simply Pat explains what works (and what doesn’t) in creating online revenue. And if you ever worry you aren’t enough of an expert in your field or that your niche is too small, you’re about to feel a whole lot better!   Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • How Nigerian Scam Emails Earn Billions Every Year | Ep. 46

    10/07/2015 Duration: 18min

    You know those Nigerian scam emails saying you’re entitled to a huge sum of money? What if I told you they could lead you to more success (with integrity) in your own business? You probably delete those messages right away and wonder how anyone could fall for them. I always used to laugh about how dumb the people writing them must be. But guess what? They’re actually brilliant. And once you understand why, you’ll be on the road to getting more clients—without scamming anybody!   Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • How to Launch Your Offerings with Scott Duffy | Ep. 45

    08/07/2015 Duration: 43min

    How do you make your business take off in just 90 days?  My podversation guest, Scott Duffy, will break it all down for you. He wrote the book on how to launch your business and you’ve gotta hear what he’s learned from hanging out with Richard Branson and Tony Robbins – and from doing a scavenger hunt with MC Hammer. You’ll see why every time a rocket launches into space, you should feel inspired about your business. And you’ll never have to wonder what it takes to buy (and save) a rainforest again.  I know, you woke up this morning wondering… now your wish is my command. Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • You Will Never Succeed Until You Suck | Ep. 44

    03/07/2015 Duration: 16min

    If you think feeling that you suck at what you do is a bad thing, your life is about to change… It’s human nature to enjoy doing what you’re good at.  In fact, you often say “it’s not my thing” to anything you don’t do well. Yet, it’s actually not natural to us to reject the things we are bad at.   You don’t see babies choosing not to risk walking because it isn’t in their skill-set, do you? Somewhere along the way, we decided that protecting our pride and our feelings was more important than learning to walk. Today’s podcast is all about learning to walk as an entrepreneur. You’ll find out the three things you need to be good at for your business to stop crawling and really get off the ground—and you’ll get an incredible formula for mastering all of them. You’ll never view committing to something, or sucking at something, the same way again. In fact, you just might commit to sucking!   Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome

  • Is Being Rich Like Flipping a Switch? | Ep. 43

    01/07/2015 Duration: 38min

    How do you stand out when everyone in your line of work pretty much follows the same advice and does things the same way?  What if you were able to get awesome inspiration from a totally unexpected source? The music business! Sound crazy? Here’s the thing: A copycat never builds a blockbuster business. What David Hooper, today’s podversation guest, has to share about the music industry and marketing will give you a completely fresh perspective on your business. Hooper is widely known for helping musicians create six-figure incomes. I wish everyone could hear his perspective on the vibrations of money and the power of charitable giving. And what he has to say about the way that musicians respond to their audience will help any entrepreneur get in the groove.   Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • You Are Not In The Business You Think You're In | Ep. 41

    26/06/2015 Duration: 09min

    You may not actually be in the business you think you’re in.  How do you find out? Being confused about what business you are really in is a common business mistake.  And most entrepreneurs really are confused about it.  Dispersing the fog around it can mean the difference between closing shop and having a thriving business for decades. You’ll understand this perfectly once you hear why Starbucks isn’t in the business of making coffee. And you’ll see how important this is as I help an audience member discover her true business so she can take her consulting practice to the next level. Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • Incredible Money Breakthroughs with Joan Sotkin | Ep. 40

    24/06/2015 Duration: 38min

    There are five basic human emotions business owners have around money that keep them stuck under-earning and definitely under-performing.  Once you know what these emotions are and how to move through them, you can generate money more easily and define “success” on your own terms. Today’s podversation guest, Joan Sotkin, went from having a thriving business selling crystals to bankruptcy to then becoming a foremost expert on making and managing money. Out of her experience, she created an easy-to-understand system to release negative thoughts and emotions about money. I love her mission of helping business owners go from a contracted state to an expansive one around cash flow. Just one tip on what to ask yourself whenever you face an obstacle in life can change everything! Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • Do Your Choices Set You Free or Keep You In Prison? | Ep. 38

    19/06/2015 Duration: 23min

    Do you ever agonize over what to do, second guess what you want, or take on so much that you’re not fully present for any of it? These are all symptoms of having too many choices, and I’m going to share a simple solution. We think choice equals freedom. But these days we have so many choices to make about everything that choice has become a prison. Too many choices can zap your energy, waste your time, and impede your business. In today’s episode, you’ll discover how making fewer decisions—and making the ones you need to make quickly, with little effort—can greatly enhance your success. Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • How to Write a Facebook Post that Changes Your Life (and Millions of Others)| Ep. 37

    17/06/2015 Duration: 54min

    You lose the love of your life, and you’re not sure how to even get through the pain. So you write about it from your heart—raw, vulnerable, authentic advice to yourself. Then you post it on Facebook. A week later, it’s been shared 70,000 times. The Huffington Post runs it, The Today Show books you as a guest, and you’ve discovered a whole new life purpose. Soon you’re a recognized expert helping millions around the world. And you’re making six figures just from Facebook alone. That’s the incredible story of my guest today, Gerald Rogers. I’ve never known anyone who could explain so clearly how to find your audience and turn them into a loyal, avid tribe. Would you believe it all comes down to a simple five-step formula and the willingness to tell the world when you’re a mess? You’ll believe it after you hear this. Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • What's Newmania and Why Is It Hurting Your Business? | Ep. 35

    12/06/2015 Duration: 17min

    There is a disease sweeping the nation. I’ve seen it so many times that I had to give it a name. I’m calling it Newmania. Do you have this disease? If you need to have the latest, greatest, most awesome-shiny-new-everything, you probably suffer from Newmania. Is it possible that it is the thing preventing you from creating success in your business? In today’s live episode, I give you the three-part antidote that you’ll need to create a thriving, successful business that’s designed to give back to the people you serve. This antidote goes in direct opposition to today’s popular conventional wisdom. Now to learn what this contrarian business advice is, you’ll just have to listen to this episode. You’ll also get a bonus question round with members of my live audience. Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->

  • Can a Nice Guy Really Finish First in Business? | Ep. 34

    10/06/2015 Duration: 43min

    Meet Nick Unsworth, serial entrepreneur and founder of Life on Fire. Besides being phenomenally successful online and as a social media expert, Nick is simply the “nicest guy ever.”  Can you be nice and super successful?  Are those two traits mutually exclusive? In this podversation, Nick candidly tells us his philosophy behind his success and his happiness: “My life’s mission was to find my passion and do what I love. I decided to start a business I just enjoy.” I get up close and personal with Nick to find out what it took to take his life from the brink of destruction to the halls of success.  We even talk about how he proposed to his newfound love, Megan.  It’s a pretty awesome story that I can’t get enough of. Nick and I delve into ways to truly embrace your fear and what it takes to start trusting your intuition once and for all. I love Nick (yes, it’s a bromance) and you will, too. Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesom

  • What Every Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Needs to Know About the New Economy | Ep. 32

    05/06/2015 Duration: 18min

    In a recent documentary, Living on One Dollar, two filmmakers picked numbers out of a hat to decide how much money they would live on each day. Sometimes they picked $9 and sometimes they picked $0. This dollar-a-day concept formed the basis of what life was like before the Industrial Revolution. The workforce had zero job security. Most of the time laborers did not know if they could feed their families from one day to the next. The economy and people’s prospects really changed in the 2oth century.  We had job security, health benefits and pension plans.  But those days are quickly evaporating in the 21st century. What does this mean for entrepreneurship going forward? Today we’ll talk about how to prepare for the changes in the decades to come and exactly what you can do to make sure you don’t get stuck in a time warp. You’ll even get to hear me tell you my funniest, most embarrassing story ever. You won’t believe what happened to me and how I was forced way beyond my comfort zone in one second flat. Get ou

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