National Resource Center On Adhd



Ask the Expert is a webcast series hosted by the National Resource Center on ADHD, a program of CHADD. These webcasts give the ADHD community access to lead clinicians, researchers and other ADHD professionals on a variety of topics. New podcasts will be added monthly. Podcasts from our archives will be added twice a month.


  • Guidance for Uncertain Times: Mindful Parenting

    21/04/2020 Duration: 16min

    ADHD often disrupts family life. Compound those disruptive patterns with the pressures of COVID-19, and you may find parenting wildly stressful and overwhelming, which in turn affects your child's behavior. None of us are at our best when we’re tapped out. Your parenting approach could make all the difference in the world during a tense situation. Is mindful parenting the right approach for your family’s needs? Could it improve your parenting skills? Board-certified ADHD and executive function coach Pat Hudak is the president-elect of CHADD’s board of directors. She gives us insight into the power of mindful parenting and shares useful techniques that families can incorporate in daily life to achieve positive outcomes. Learning Objectives: 1. Gain an understanding of the components of mindful parenting. 2. Learn strategies for improving mindful communication and listening skills. 3. Understand how co-occurring conditions may affect teenagers. 4. Get suggestions parents can use while sheltering at home wit

  • Guidance for Uncertain Times: Ways to Stay Healthy During the Coronavirus Pandemic

    17/04/2020 Duration: 47min

    Podcast Text Transcript: Are you among the nearly 90 percent of Americans living under stay at home orders? It can be difficult to maintain healthy eating and sleeping routines when you’re not able to leave home or when daily life is stressful because of the complete change in daily routine. Dr. Roberto Olivardia provides information on designing a healthy routine, planning simple and nutritious meals, and getting enough exercise when your opportunities for movement are limited. Supporting your good health now is critical for lowering feelings of stress and maintaining a good sense of well-being. Roberto Olivardia, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He maintains a private psychotherapy practice in Lexington, Massachusetts, where he specializes in the treatment of ADHD, executive functioning issues, and issues that face students wi

  • Guidance for Uncertain Times: Parenting Children With ADHD During A Crisis

    17/04/2020 Duration: 19min

    Parenting a child who has ADHD can be stressful, but a national health crisis can increase those stress levels in unanticipated ways. Parents can set the emotional tone for their families, help to manage children’s fears and anxieties along with their ADHD symptoms. Dr. Andrea Chronis-Tuscado shares with parents what they can do during this time to answer children’s questions about COVID-19, keep a family routine while using behavioral strategies to address children’s ADHD symptoms and co-occurring conditions. Dr. Chronis-Tuscano's research focuses broadly on understanding early predictors of developmental outcomes for children with ADHD, including depression and alcohol/substance use, and developing novel treatments that target these early risk and protective factors. Dr. Chronis-Tuscano is the president of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, an associate editor of the Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, and a member of the CHADD Professional Advisory B

  • Guidance for Uncertain Times: Avoiding Family Conflicts During the COVID-19 Crisis

    17/04/2020 Duration: 15min

    This podcast is about helping families coping with ADHD with strategies and tips to manage and avoid potential conflicts due to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Learning Objectives: 1. How ADHD impacts conflict at home during COVID-19 2. Strategies for families to decrease conflict 3. How to managing stress as a parent 4.Strategies for managing sibling conflict 5. How to handle teenagers during COVID-19 Podcast Text Transcript:

  • Guidance for Uncertain Times: Managing Anxiety

    03/04/2020 Duration: 29min

    If you’re struggling emotionally over the global pandemic, you are not alone. We talked with Craig B. Surman, MD, who offers calming tips and a guided meditation adapted for those with busy minds.

  • Guidance for Uncertain Times: Supporting the ADHD Community During the Coronavirus Pandemic

    27/03/2020 Duration: 08min

    We know how difficult this time might be for you and your family, and we will face the COVID-19 crisis as a community. CHADD wants you to know you are not alone. We are here with support and information about keeping your family safe and meeting your ADHD needs. CEO Bob Cattoi shares what CHADD can do for you during this challenging time.

  • Guidance for Uncertain Times: Tips for Creating an ADHD-Friendly Home Environment

    27/03/2020 Duration: 14min

    While schools are scrambling to finalize online curriculum plans, Maggie Sibley, PhD, a member of CHADD’s professional advisory board, offers a few ways parents can help set up their children for success and transform their home into a school environment. For more information and resources on ADHD, visit

  • What Should Parents Look for in a Good Evaluation for ADHD

    27/02/2020 Duration: 15min

    Do you know what to look for in an ADHD evaluation? How do you know if your child is appropriately diagnosed? In this episode, we learn what to look for in an assessment and how to use the findings to seek school accommodations. When you better understand your child’s learning abilities, you can help to ensure your child’s success. Harris Finkelstein, PhD, is a licensed psychologist in private practice located in Wilmington, Delaware, and Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of children, adolescents, and young adults, and provides evaluation and treatment to families in transition by request of attorneys and the family courts.

  • Helping African-American Students with ADHD Succeed

    27/02/2020 Duration: 14min

    The African-American community is affected by ADHD at the same rate as other communities in the United States. However, barriers to evaluation and treatment for children with ADHD remain. Dr. Anita Stoddard is the principal of Doswell E. Brooks Elementary School in Capitol Heights, Maryland, a predominantly African-American school. In this podcast, she shares her perspective on how ADHD affects her students and community.

  • What is MeHealth for ADHD?

    16/12/2019 Duration: 19min

    It's important to have clear communication with all parties involved when you're seeking diagnosis and treatment for ADHD. Is MeHealth for ADHD the breakthrough assessing and treating tool that will help make communication between physicians, parents, and teachers better? How can it be used to optimize medication treatment and minimize side effects? These and more questions will be answered by the guest, Dr. Tanya Froehlich. Tanya Froehlich, MD, MS, is a developmental-behavioral pediatrician and an ADHD clinical specialist and researcher who strives to improve ADHD care in numerous ways. She is a member of the board of directors for the Society of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics and for the American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders. Dr. Froehlich currently serves on national ADHD clinical practice guideline development committees for both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Society for Development and Behavioral Pediatrics. Dr. Froehlich earned her medical degree from Yale Un

  • Can ADHD Symptoms Be Treated By Stimulating The Brain?

    30/09/2019 Duration: 16min

    Can ADHD symptoms be treated by stimulating the brain while someone sleeps? The Monarch external Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation (eTNS) System, a new device recently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration offers that possibility. Some parents on social media say they’re ready to sign up their child for testing. Is it too soon for people managing ADHD to jump ship from their current treatment regimen? We will hear from Dr. Max Wiznitzer, an associate professor of pediatrics, neurology, and international health at Case Western Reserve University. He serves on CHADD's board of directors and the editorial advisory board for Attention magazine, as well as the editorial boards of Lancet Neurology, and the Journal of Child Neurology. Dr. Wiznitzer lectures nationally and internationally about various neurodevelopmental disabilities.

  • Holding Teens With ADHD Accountable

    10/09/2019 Duration: 20min

    In this episode, we're talking with Jodi Sleeper-Triplett about holding teens with ADHD accountable. She gives us insight into how ADHD coaching may help with executive functioning and coping skills and shares advice to help first-year college students succeed.

  • Executive Functions and ADHD in Childhood

    01/08/2019 Duration: 20min

    Mark Bertin, MD, gives us insight about the role of executive functioning in child development and the importance of self-care for parents. He shares many tips for parents and pediatricians who care for children with ADHD.

  • Video Games, Screens and ADHD—A Potent Mix

    11/07/2019 Duration: 43min

    This podcast looks at how children and young people use technology and what that means when they also have ADHD. While there are many helpful apps for children and families, sometimes choices can be overwhelming when deciding how best to use technology at home. Randy Kulman, PhD, is the founder and president of LearningWorks for Kids, an educational technology company that specializes in using video games to teach executive-functioning and academic skills. For the past 30 years, Dr. Kulman has also been the clinical director and president of South County Child and Family Consultants, a private practice that specializes in the assessment of children with learning disorders and attention difficulties. Additionally, Dr. Kulman is the author of numerous essays and book chapters on the use of digital technologies for improving executive-functioning skills in children. His current research projects include the development of a parent and teacher scale for assessing executive-functioning skills in children and a l

  • Managing Challenging Classroom Behaviors in Early Elementary Students with ADHD

    11/07/2019 Duration: 52min

    Managing Challenging Classroom Behaviors in Early Elementary Students with ADHD by Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD)

  • Couples with ADHD: Creating Caring Connection Amid the Chaos

    11/07/2019 Duration: 46min

    This podcast will review the common relationship impacts of ADHD on couples and present solutions and strategies to overcome them. Learn the three golden rules to repair and retain connection in a relationship and manage reactivity. Experience the benefits of using the Couple’s Dialogue to deepen communication and create emotional safety. Useful apps will be recommended to coordinate tasks, lists, and routines.

  • Understanding the ABCs of ADHD Medications with Max Wiznitzer, MD

    01/07/2019 Duration: 20min

    The decision to medicate a child with ADHD is a difficult choice for many parents. The news and social media have accounts of people benefiting from medication, while there also are stories of grave dangers associated with these drugs. What are the benefits and risks of taking ADHD medication? How do you know what’s right for your child?

  • Executive Functions and Impulsivity in Children with ADHD

    23/05/2019 Duration: 19min

    In this podcast, Connor Patros, PhD, postdoctoral research fellow in the department of psychology at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and CHADD's 2018 Young Scientist Research Awards post-doc winner, discusses his interest in looking at how neurocognitive factors (or executive functions) are related to symptoms of impulsivity in ADHD, and also the interventions that can strengthen executive function deficits.

  • Students with ADHD Transitioning from High School to College

    17/04/2019 Duration: 20min

    For teens with ADHD, finishing high school and preparing for college can be exciting and daunting at the same time. How do parents and students seek a college in getting the appropriate accommodations to ensure success? Listen to CHADD's ADHD 365 podcast on Students with ADHD Transitioning from High School to College, featuring Certified Educational Planner Judith Bass, for tips and strategies that may help your child succeed in college.

  • The Science of Time Management

    01/03/2019 Duration: 46min

    Most people with ADHD struggle to manage their time. We will take a deeper look at the science of time awareness and time management through an ADHD lens. Uncovered the reasons why the ADHD brain estimates, uses and values time differently. This podcast will teach adults to “see” time by externalizing it and “feel” time by building motivation.

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