Viking Age Podcast



Sharing the History of The Viking Age, one podcast at a time.We are covering the History of Scandinavia during the Viking Age. We're exploring Raiding, Trading and Settlement of Scandinavians abroad as well as the culture and society of the Norse homelands. Join us to learn more than you ever thought you wanted to know about the people, for better or worse, history knows as the Vikings.


  • 29 - Denmark at the Dawn of the Viking Age - Viking Worlds II

    02/03/2017 Duration: 43min

    In this episode we take a birds-eye view of the natural and human landscape of Denmark at the Dawn of the Viking Age.  We'll talk about geography, settlement and set the stage for our future discussions about all the gritty details of life in the Viking Age. 

  • 28 - Viking Worlds I - Myth and Midgard

    23/02/2017 Duration: 43min

    In this episode we explore the importance of Myth within Viking Age Scandinavia. Specifically we talk about Pagan world views and how the stories we classify as Norse Mythology give us an insight into those views. We'll discuss our sources for these myths and then dive headfirst into the Norse creation myth. 

  • 27 - Charlemagne and the Saxon Wars Pt 2 - Carolingian Viking Age V

    02/02/2017 Duration: 50min

    In this episode we conclude our discussion about the reign of Charlemagne and his 30 year-long war against the Saxons.  This time, we dive into the meat of the Saxon wars, talking about the various campaigns, rebellions and mass executions which marked this brutal conflict.  Then, we turn our attention to how Charlemagne and the Franks ruled Saxony once it was conquered, with particular attention paid to how central religion was to the Carolingian ideology of rule. In many ways the Kingdom of the Franks resembled a theocracy, and we explore this in depth in this episode. 

  • 26 - Charlemagne and the Saxon Wars Pt 1 - Carolingian Viking Age IV

    19/01/2017 Duration: 47min

    In this episode we talk about the reign of Charlemagne and his three decade long war against the Saxons.  We'll talk about the early years of Charlemagne's rule - and explore just why he decided to go to war against the Saxons. Along the way we talk about the pre-Christian life in Saxony and why conversion was such an important goal for the King of the Franks. 

  • 25 - The Carolingians get a Crown - Carolingian Viking Age III

    12/01/2017 Duration: 44min

    In this episode we will witness a Carolingian ruler, Pippin the Short, finally take his seat on the throne of the Frankish Kingdom.  Before we get there, first we will take a look at the early career of Pippin and his brother Carloman, as they secure their grip on the Kingdom their father had left them. We'll see how, thanks perhaps to guilt and piety, Pippin was catapulted onto the top of the political ladder and why he decided to take the crown.  Then we'll talk about the problems of being a usurper - coups are never easy and we'll see how Pippin was able to use the endorsement of the Pope to secure his position and leave the Kingdom of the Franks to his sons.  There is a lot to cover, and with it, we move ever closer to returning to the stories the Northern Neighbors of the Franks.     

  • 24 - The Rise of Charlie the Hammer - Carolingian Viking Age II

    05/01/2017 Duration: 01h00s

    In this episode we will explore the decline of Merovingian power and the rise of the Carolingian dynasty.  Specifically, we will see how a lack of strong Merovingian rulers in the 600s led to the unchecked rise of Aristocratic wealth and power - much of which was concentrated in the hands of the Mayor of the Palace.  We will then see happened when the Carolingian dynasty got their hands on this high office - and specifically the remarkable career of the first Carolingian ruler - Charles Martel.  For more, you can always see us online at:

  • 23 - Carolingian Viking Age I - The Rise of the Franks

    15/12/2016 Duration: 01h10min

    In this episode we introduce the Carolingian Viking Age and then plot the rise of the Frankish Kingdoms to set the stage for rise of the Carolingian Empire. Along the way we will witness the Rise of Clovis, discuss the process of Ethnogenesis and take a look at the career of the infamous Merovingian Queen, Brunhild of Austrasia.  For more information on the Fall of the Western Roman Empire:

  • 22 - The Heathens still at Duhblinn: Of Viking Longphorts

    01/12/2016 Duration: 36min

    In this episode we explore the construction, function and purpose of the Viking Longphorts which were established in Eastern Ireland in 841 CE.  These sites, Linn Duachaill in County Louth and Duhblinn, give us a fascinating view into the lives of early Vikingar in Ireland and allow us to see how their role changed after the establishment of permanent bases.  Along the way we will see Irish Kings go to war with swords and bishops staffs and witness the importance of Horses to Viking warfare. 

  • 21 - The Life and Legend of Turgeis

    17/11/2016 Duration: 31min

    In this episode we talk about the Life and Legend of the infamous Viking Chieftain - Turgeis. From 838 to 845 CE we are told that Turgeis, a Chieftain from Norway ruled the Vikingar in Ireland. He led a royal fleet to ravage the North of Ireland. He and his forces usurped the Abbacy of Armagh and his Wife Ota is said to have performed Pagan rituals on the altar of Clonmacnoise. Turgeis has been the boogie-man of the Irish Viking Age ever since.  But how much of this tale is actually the stuff of legend? Well, you'll just have to listen to the episode to find out. 

  • 20 - Swords and Ships

    03/11/2016 Duration: 37min

    In this episode we are going to explore the years following the great raid on Armagh in 832. Along the way we will talk about Irish kings burning monasteries, St. Brigid and her Abbey at Kildare and of course the great fleet of 120 ships which arrived in Eastern Ireland in 837 CE. 

  • 19 - Armagh

    20/10/2016 Duration: 41min

    In this week’s episode we explore the circumstances around the plundering of the great monastery of Armagh by Vikingar in 832 CE. In that year the monastery, which lies 30 miles from the coast, subjected to Viking raids three times in a single month. Things are clearly getting crazy in Ireland. Along the way we will explore the history of Armagh, we will bring ourselves up to speed on the native Irish political situation, and cover some of the more minor Viking raids and battles which took place in Ireland between 826 and 832. I hope you enjoy.

  • 18 - Into the Unknown: Silver and Status in the Viking Age

    13/10/2016 Duration: 49min

    In this episode we are once again going to return to Western Norway, and explore what may have motivated young Norwegians to go a Viking. In the past we have established the material motivations behind going a Viking. Acquiring Gold and Silver allowed the leaders of expeditions to attract followers and cement political power. For the followers, such easily portable, durable wealth was extremely useful when conducting marriage negotiations.  Today, we look at the less tangible impacts of going a Viking. Namely - the fame, prestige and increased status which came from returning home from a successful journey abroad.  Along the way we will learn about Odin and Mead of Poetry, Explore poems from the Icelandic Sagas and even dip our toes into the depths of the Archeological Record. I hope you enjoy.   

  • 17 - The Martyrdom of Blathmac

    29/09/2016 Duration: 28min

    In this episode we are going to return to the roots of Vikingar activity by following a series of Viking raids on Irish monasteries which were conducted in the early 820s. This will lead us nicely to the main focus of today’s episode - the Martyrdom of the Irish Aristocrat turned Monk Blathmac.   Along the way we will encounter saintly bones gilded in gold, possible monkish hunger strikes and the several trickily pronounced words. I hope you enjoy.

  • 16 - Law & Order: Viking Unit

    22/09/2016 Duration: 36min

    If this episode we are going to look at captive taking and slavery in the Viking Age. Buckle your seat belts, this is going to be a dark one. Along the way we’ll mourn the death of King Aed of Tara, introduce the Abbasid Caliphate and tell the story of a monk named Findan. First though we’ll need to return to Ireland, and catch up on events there during the 8 years between 813 and 821 CE which saw a lull in Vikingar activity. Then we’ll then move forward and look at what happened when Vikingar finally returned, focusing on a new tactic which may only have been possible thanks to the fledgling Norse bases in Scotland. Namely: The taking of captives for ransom or slavery.

  • 15 - A Viking Kingdom in Scotland?

    15/09/2016 Duration: 35min

    In today’s episode we try to answer a simple question: While some groups of Vikingar were busy raiding monasteries and fighting pitched battles in Ireland throughout the first half of the ninth century, what was going on to the North in Scotland? In other words, what did the early Viking Age look like in Scotland? The answer to this question is much more complex than it first seems, as we confront a lack of evidence and conflicting information. Along the way to answering this question we’ll meet the Picts, the Gaels of Dal Riata and explore what happened as Western Norwegians began to settle the North of Scotland.

  • 14 - The Viking Age Heats Up

    08/09/2016 Duration: 30min

    This episode is packed full of Irish Viking Age goodness as we track the escalation of Viking activity in Ireland from 807 - 813. Along the way we explore what the Irish were up to while the Vikingar were busy raiding in the Scottish Hebrides, the first raids on the West Coast and a series of bloody skirmishes between Vikingar crews and Irish warbands.

  • 13 - My Big Fat Viking Wedding

    07/08/2016 Duration: 36min

    In this episode we seeking an answer to a simple question: Why on Earth would a Norwegian Farmer join his local lord on a Viking Raid? In our explorations we will discuss Gold and Silver, Marriage Negotiations and old Icelandic Law Codes. We'll talk about Marriage today and Marriage in the Viking Age. Hopefully, by the end of this episode, we will come away with a better understanding of what motivated young Scandinavians in the Viking Age to drop everything and go Viking.

  • 12 - Iona

    25/07/2016 Duration: 28min

    In this episode we see the Vikings shift their focus north, from Ireland to to the Inner Hebrides and a target which, from the perspective of the Vikings, must have been almost too good to be true. We are speaking of course about the great monastery of Iona. We'll explore the raids in 795 CE and 802 CE - and then the details and psychological and material impact of the brutal Viking Raid of 806 CE. Along the way we will also meet St. Columba and his journey from bad-boy churchman to missionary saint. It should be fun, why don't you give it a listen? As promised in the episode, here is a helpful map to help you keep things straight!

  • 11 - The Devastation of all the Islands of Britain

    18/07/2016 Duration: 29min

    In this episode we are going to explore what happens when our favorite scruffy farmers-turned-part-time-sea-raiders collide headlong with Irish Society. Along the way we tke a look at the nature of our sources, a funny story about St. Patrick and the intricacies of a Cattle Raid. By the end of the episode you will also know the proper plural form of Vikingr.

  • 10 - Viking Age Ireland

    11/07/2016 Duration: 26min

    In this episode we get the lay of the political, religious and social landscape of Viking Age Ireland.  Now, while it might seem excessive to spend an entire episode on Ireland in a Podcast about Vikings, it is essential to understand the nature of Irish politics and culture prior to the arrival of Scandinavians. Spending time on this now will help us put Norse-Irish interaction into perspective, and help to explain the sometimes surprising role that Scandinavians were to play in Ireland over the coming centuries. Plus, this stuff is just plain interesting! So I hope you enjoy.

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