Speaking Of Psychology



"Speaking of Psychology" is an audio podcast series highlighting some of the latest, most important and relevant psychological research being conducted today. Produced by the American Psychological Association, these podcasts will help listeners apply the science of psychology to their everyday lives.


  • Suicide Science (SOP84)

    03/07/2019 Duration: 40min

    Suicide rates in the U.S. climbed in all but one state from 1999 to 2016, according to a CDC report from June 2018. This alarming report and notable celebrity suicide deaths like Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade have pushed this topic further into the national spotlight. Psychologist Samuel Knapp, EdD, discusses the factors that cause people to die from suicide, the effects of past trauma on mental health and how psychologists can successfully treat suicidal patients. Suicide is the cover story for the July/August issue of the Monitor on Psychology, APA’s magazine for members. Read the story at apa.org/Monitor. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • Psychology of Fashion (SOP83)

    19/06/2019 Duration: 34min

    The clothes we put on everyday tell a story about who we are to the world and can have a major impact on our emotions and mood. Cognitive psychologist Carolyn Mair, PhD, who created the psychology of fashion department at the London College of Fashion at the University of the Arts London, explains the psychology behind our fashion choices and why psychologists are needed to help solve some of the biggest challenges facing the fashion industry now and in the future. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • How Psychologists Can Do More to Address the Opioid Crisis (SOP82)

    05/06/2019 Duration: 38min

    Every day in America, 130 people die from overdosing on opioids and an estimated two million people around the country are grappling with opioid addiction and it is devastating families and communities. In the face of these grim statistics, APA CEO Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD, explains how psychologists can offer new solutions to help end the opioid epidemic, including non-pharmaceutical treatment for pain and other interventions. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • The Dark Side of Screen Time (SOP81)

    22/05/2019 Duration: 27min

    Americans spend nearly half of the day interacting with screens of all kinds -- smartphones, televisions and computers, according to a recent Nielsen report. While these technologies have made our lives better in many ways, it is easier than ever to become addicted to screens. Guest Adam Alter, PhD, author of "Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked" discusses the dark side of screen time and how our devices are affecting our well-being and happiness. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • Anxiety and Teen Girls (SOP80)

    08/05/2019 Duration: 46min

    Anxiety among teens and young adults is rising, and studies have shown that it has skyrocketed in girls. One study found that the number of girls who often felt nervous, worried or fearful jumped by 55 percent over a five-year period. What factors are behind rising stress and anxiety in girls and what can we do about it? Our guest is Dr. Lisa Damour, a clinical psychologist and executive director of Laurel School’s Center for Research on Girls. She has a new book out called "Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls." APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • The Psychology of Climate Change (SOP79)

    24/04/2019 Duration: 35min

    As we grapple with a warming world and increasingly unstable weather, our mental health is at risk. Psychologists say that stress, anxiety, depression and PTSD will increase as climate change’s physical impacts accelerate, as many scientists predict. Is there anything we can do to mitigate the mental health risks of climate change? Our guest for this episode is Dr. Susan Clayton, a professor of psychology and environmental studies at The College of Wooster. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • The Mind-Gut Connection (SOP78)

    10/04/2019 Duration: 53min

    Is your gut a second brain? Emerging research is showing that our brains and our gastrointestinal systems may be more connected than we previously thought – potentially holding profound influence over our moods, mental health and sense of well-being. Our guests are Faith Dickerson, PhD, a psychologist who researches the role of infectious and immune factors in serious mental illness, and Emeran Mayer, MD, one of the world’s leading experts on brain-gut interactions in GI disorders. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • The Psychologically Healthy Workplace (SOP77)

    27/03/2019 Duration: 40min

    We spend a significant portion of our lives at work and feeling miserable on the job can be detrimental to our mental and physical health and productivity. A work environment that is psychologically healthy is one that focuses on employees’ health and well-being and the bottom line. Our guests for this episode are David Ballard, PsyD, who leads APA’s Office of Applied Psychology, and Bryce Veon, president and CEO of Autosoft, a winner of our 2019 Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • Bonus Episode: After New Zealand - The Spread of Extremism in the Digital Age

    21/03/2019 Duration: 34min

    In the aftermath of the New Zealand mosque attacks, we explore the psychological factors that cause a person to commit heinous acts of mass violence, technology’s role in spreading extremist propaganda and what governments and communities can do to prevent terrorism. The guest for this episode is Arie W. Kruglanski, PhD, an APA fellow and distinguished university professor in psychology at the University of Maryland, who is an expert on terrorism, radicalization and deradicalization. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • Bonus Episode: The College Admissions Scandal and the Psychology of Affluence

    15/03/2019 Duration: 27min

    The college admissions bribery scandal has generated a lot of conversations about the role of affluence and privilege in higher education. What would cause a parent to go to such great lengths to ensure their child’s spot at a prestigious university? What does this tell us about our high-pressure society? Our guest for this bonus episode is Suniya S. Luthar, PhD, foundation professor of psychology at Arizona State University, and an expert on affluence, resilience and adolescent development. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • The Molecule of More: Dopamine (SoP76)

    13/03/2019 Duration: 53min

    Dopamine is known as the chemical of love, creativity and addiction. It pushes us to achieve greatness, but it can also lead to our downfall. To help us understand this tricky molecule, the guests for this episode are Dr. Daniel Lieberman, professor and vice chair for clinical affairs in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at George Washington University, and Michael Long, a speechwriter, screenwriter and playwright who teaches writing at Georgetown University. They co-wrote a book called The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, Creativity – and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • How to Find Meaning in Life (SOP75)

    27/02/2019 Duration: 47min

    We all want to find meaning in our lives, our reason to get up in the morning, yet doing so may not be easy. What is meaning in life and how do we find it for ourselves? The guest for this episode is Clara Hill, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of Maryland and author of Meaning in Life: A Therapist’s Guide. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • Living in a Lonely World (SOP74)

    13/02/2019 Duration: 45min

    Half of Americans say they are lonely and the average person reports having only one close friend. Loneliness can also make us sick, contributing to heart disease, depression, suicide and cognitive decline. Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad, professor of psychology and neuroscience at Brigham Young University, explains the science behind why social connectedness is so essential for our health. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020 sessions, learn more at http://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • Stock Market Anxiety (SOP73)

    30/01/2019 Duration: 42min

    2018 was the worst year the U.S. stock market has seen since 2008 and worries about the economy are continuing in 2019. How do you deal with anxiety in a volatile market? Psychologist Frank Murtha, PhD, co-founder of MarketPsych, a consulting firm to the financial industry, explains how to calm stock market fears and ways to build a savvy investor identity. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020, click here to learn more https://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • Giving Away Psychology in the Digital Age (SOP72)

    16/01/2019 Duration: 28min

    Sharing your expertise with the world on YouTube and other social media platforms can be both thrilling and terrifying. If you want to know where to start, look no further than Ali Mattu, PhD. He’s a licensed clinical psychologist and creator of “The Psych Show” whose videos have been watched over 700,000 times. Mattu gives advice on where to begin, how to overcome impostor syndrome and the lessons he’s learned along the way. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020, click here to learn more https://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • The Science of Dreaming (SOP71)

    02/01/2019 Duration: 50min

    We all dream yet many of us don’t know what to make of our nocturnal adventures. Dream scholar Deirdre Barrett, PhD, explains why we dream and what our dreams may be trying to tell us. She also offers tips on how to better remember your dreams to harness the power of your sleeping mind. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020, click here to learn more https://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • How to Cope with Political Discussions and Keep it Civil this Holiday Season (SoP 70)

    19/12/2018 Duration: 33min

    Worried about making it through your next holiday gathering without it devolving into a political screaming match? Get advice from the experts, APA's Dr. Lynn Bufka and Dr. Jeanne Safer, host of the podcast, "I Love You But I Hate Your Politics." APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020, click here to learn more https://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • Philip Zimbardo, PhD, on Heroism, Shyness and the Stanford Prison Experiment (SOP69)

    05/12/2018 Duration: 31min

    Philip Zimbardo, PhD, is one of the most recognizable names in the field of psychology. In this episode, Zimbardo discusses recent criticism of his controversial 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment as well as his other work on time, shyness, men and heroism. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020, click here to learn more https://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • Stress in America: Generation Z (SOP68)

    21/11/2018 Duration: 14min

    Headline issues, from immigration to sexual assault, are causing significant stress for teens and young adults in Generation Z with mass shootings topping the list of stressful current events and more than two-thirds of adults reported feeling major stress about the nation’s future, according to the 2018 APA Stress in America™ report. APA CEO Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD, explains the findings and shares coping strategies to combat stress. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020, click here to learn more https://convention.apa.org/proposals

  • Using Psychology for Pain Relief and Opioid Reduction (SOP67)

    07/11/2018 Duration: 17min

    The national conversation on opioids focuses mostly on abuse and overdose deaths but there are millions of Americans using opioids to manage chronic pain. Can integrating psychological approaches into pain care offer some patients low-risk pain treatment options? Beth Darnall, PhD, from Stanford University, explains how psychology and mindfulness can treat pain and help people with chronic pain live better lives. APA is currently seeking proposals for APA 2020, click here to learn more https://convention.apa.org/proposals

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