Christ Church Jerusalem



Sermons, lectures and teachings from Christ Church Jerusalem, founded 1849 as a center of prayer for all nations with worship reflecting the Jewish context of the gospel.


  • Advent III: John the Baptist got it wrong! How about us?

    17/12/2019 Duration: 46min

    16 Dec 2019 - On the third Sunday of Advent, Rev. David Pileggi has us look at John the Baptist as he was in prison. John seems to be doubting that Jesus is the Anointed One. When he sends a message to Jesus, John is asking, Are you the Messiah according to my theology? Are we doubting Jesus because we've imagined him within our cultural context? Are we disappointed because Jesus doesn't look like we expect him? Is our disappointment coming from a hurt or an attack? When we are desperate and doubting, let us pray and dig into the Word as we ask God to reveal his true self in the Scriptures. Readings: Isaiah 35:1-10; James 5:1-10; Matthew 11:2-11 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Acts22:30-23:35 - Bible study

    10/12/2019 Duration: 01h27min

    Aaron Eime picks up in Acts 22, where Paul’s Roman citizenship begins to have an effect on his future. Claudius Lysias does not understand the charges against Paul and so convenes the Sanhedrin to gather information. Once Paul knows he will not receive a fair hearing, he changes tactics for confusion and exploitation. Following the uproar in the Sanhedrin, Paul is confined to quarters and is visited by the Lord Himself in the night. Notes for this study can me found at Notes for this study can be found at Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Advent II: God is glorified when we live in unity

    09/12/2019 Duration: 45min

    8 Dec 2019 - On the second Sunday of Advent, Rev. David Pileggi has us consider Paul's message of peace in Romans. Our world is not in peace, but in an uproar and hysteria, a state not far from the historical context of Paul's epistle to Rome. Paul's message in this letter is about who God is and what God is doing. The gospel is the story of God's covenant faithfulness to all of humanity; and our sin cannot stop God's mission of peace. The proof of the power of the gospel is seen when different communities can live together in peace under the reign of Jesus the Messiah. The way we bring peace in our communities is by strengthening those who are weak. Readings: Isaiah 11:1-10; Romans 15:4-13; Matthew 3:1-12 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Advent I: Jesus is coming yet he's among us now

    03/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    1 December 2019 - Rev. David Pileggi, on the first Sunday of Advent, has us consider Jesus' words in Matthew 24 as we remind oursevles of his second coming. In this remembering and preparing, we must live in the paradox the breaking in of the Kingdom continues to redeem even as we wait for Jesus' return. Yes, Jesus is coming back, but he is active among us now when we gather in his name, when we come to his table. Jesus has words of admonition for us as we wait for him; he does not want us to be complacent nor deceived nor terrified. All of us will be confronted with the unexpected. In order to be prepared to stand before our judge, we have to live a life of obedience that keeps us in a state of spiritual readiness. Readings: Isaiah 2:1-5; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:36-44 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Acts 21:37-22:29 - Bible study

    02/12/2019 Duration: 01h25min

    Neville Jones picks up in Acts 21:37 where Paul -- in Jerusalem -- has just been saved from an angry mob by Roman soldiers. Most of chapter 22 is Paul’s speech to the dangerously agitated crowd at the northern end of the temple area. When the crowd only gets more angry, Paul narrowly escapes being flogged by the Roman soldiers who had taken him into custody. Notes for this study can me found at Notes for this study can be found at Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Acts 21:1-36 - Bible study

    27/11/2019 Duration: 01h34min

    Acts 21 completes the account of Paul’s third missionary journey and moves on to the events that the Holy Spirit revealed in the latter stages of that journey – the “imprisonment and afflictions” that awaited Paul. Led by Neville Jones. Notes for this study can me found at Notes for this study can be found at Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Colossians 1: Messiah our King

    25/11/2019 Duration: 29min

    24 Nov 2019 - Rev. Alex Jacob, director of CMJ UK, spoke on Colossians 1 on Christ the King Sunday. What gives Jesus authority? These verses tell us that Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the sovereign Son, the one before all things, the head of his community. This early hymn helps us communicate the tension of the good news that the Kingdom of God and its King have come in the midst of a muddled and broken world. Readings: Jeremiah 23:1-6; Colossians 1:1-20; Luke 23:33-43 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Acts 20:17-38 - Bible Study

    20/11/2019 Duration: 01h33min

    Most of Acts chapter 20 recounts events during the return stage of Paul’s third missionary journey. A relatively large group of church representatives and co-workers were travelling with Paul, carrying with them a collection for the poor of the church at Jerusalem. Paul and Luke spent Passover at Philippi and then joined the main group at Troas where they spent a week. They continued by ship southwards down the coast of Asia (Western Turkey) but sailed past Ephesus and stopped at the next port city, Miletus, presumably to avoid getting drawn in to the busyness at Ephesus. Study led by Neville Jones. Notes for this study can me found at Notes for this study can be found at Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Luke 21: Remember God's faithfulness and endure

    19/11/2019 Duration: 43min

    17 Nov 2019 - Rev. David Pileggi, in looking at Luke 21, speaks about the difficulty of eschatological passages. Has this section already been fulfilled? Is it yet to come? Is God done with the Jewish people? God himself is in control of history and works in the midst of sinful Jews and sinful gentiles. Also, God is not forgetful of covenant with Jewish people. If we remember God's faithfulness, we don't have to be afraid of what is to come. Let us prepare spiritually by keeping in mind that when Jesus talks about endurance, we don't have to do it ourselves. Faith is a gift, and Jesus is with us to the end of the age. Readings: Malachi 4; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13; Luke 21:5-19 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Luke 20: The hope in resurrection

    10/11/2019 Duration: 40min

    10 Nov 2019 - Rev. Aaron Eime, on Remembrance Sunday, looks at the theme of resurrection that runs through the lectionary passages. Death was never meant to be in this world. Our risen Messiah has defeated death, and one day God will put away death. Though many in the world hopelessly believe that there is nothing beyond death, we have a story of hope to share. In our flesh we will see God and know him and each other, too. Readings: Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21; Job 19:23-27; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17; Luke 20:27-38 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Acts 20:1-16 - Bible Study

    06/11/2019 Duration: 01h21min

    Neville Jones starts Acts chapter 20, which gives us the conclusion of Paul’s almost 3-year spell at Ephesus and describes his subsequent travels in the Roman provinces of Asia, Macedonia and Achaia. Much of his activity is glossed over in a few verses but with a couple of events highlighted. Luke, like any historian, needs to be selective about what he includes, and chapters 19 and 20 would indicate that he included unusual or significant events (e.g. healings, miracles, the near riot at Ephesus) but not much about Paul’s regular work of teaching, pastoring and church-planting. Notes for this study can me found at Notes for this study can be found at Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Acts 19 - Bible Study

    05/11/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Rev. David Pileggi reminds us that Acts must be read as a continuation of the Gospel of Luke. The mission of Jesus according to that account is found in Luke 4:16-20 when Jesus reads from Isaiah 61 and 58 and applies those words to himself. The Holy Spirit is on him (and his followers) to set the captives free. In Acts 19 we have Paul and the early church preaching a gospel that specifically liberates from the demonic that finds a foothold through idolatry. The gospel ultimately overcomes all political and spiritual opposition. Following Jesus can be a risky business that results in persecution, hostility and misunderstanding. Notes for this study can me found at Notes for this study can be found at Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • All Saints Day: Remembering our Future

    04/11/2019 Duration: 35min

    3 Nov 2019 - All Saints Day is one of the seven major feasts of the church. Rev. John Howanstine tells us that the holiday calls us to persevere and endure. We, the redeemed by Messiah, are not just saved into heaven but we are recruited into the procession of the more-than-conquering saints. We don't walk with Jesus alone but with one another. And we walk not just with those who are immediately around us but also with those who have gone on before us, the great cloud of witnesses. Let us remember our identity in Jesus, especially when we suffer. We are not victims but saints of Messiah King Jesus. Readings: Daniel 7:1-3; 15-16; Ephesians 1:11-23; Luke 6:20-31 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Luke 18: From contrition to trust

    29/10/2019 Duration: 34min

    27 Oct 2019 - Rev. John Howanstine has us consider the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. Jesus looks on the human heart, and he justifies those who are penitent and humble, acknowledging their need for mercy. Our God's nature is always to have mercy. So let us move from contrition to a resting trust in the holy love of our Abba Father. See the icon John describes on Instagram: Readings: Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18; Luke 18:9-14 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Acts 18:18-28 - Bible study

    22/10/2019 Duration: 01h12min

    Rev. Aaron Eime picks up with Paul in Corinth in the second half of Acts 18. Paul, Priscilla and Aquila then begin a journey eastwards to Syria. Silas and Timothy remain in Corinth. n Ephesus the party go to the Synagogue on the Sabbath. Paul encounters no opposition in his discussion of Messiah, rather gets a request to stay and explain further. A little out of character and perhaps pressed for time, Paul declines the invitation. Paul it seems is destined for Jerusalem, to fulfill that vow he made. Priscilla and Aquila remain in Ephesus instead and Paul lands at Caesarea. Notes for this study can be found at Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Genesis 32: Desperate, vulnerable, transforming faith

    20/10/2019 Duration: 38min

    20 Oct 2019 - Rev. David Pileggi looks at the strange story of Jacob wrestling God through the night. Jacob was a fearful schemer, bad behavior he learned from his parents and grandparents. Yet after this incident on Genesis 32, he emerges transformed. His identity is change and he is no longer afraid. The lectionary pairs Jacob with the parable of the widow and the unjust judge, in which we also see desperate persistence, which God honors. What is faith? It's not only trust, but it's a refusal to give up. When Jesus returns, will he find us vulnerable enough, desperate enough for him? Will he find faithful ones? Readings: Genesis 32:22-31; Luke 18:1-8 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Luke 17: The Faithfulness of Gratitude

    14/10/2019 Duration: 37min

    13 October 2019 - On the morning of Erev Sukkot, Rev. David Pileggi compares the gratitude of the healed Samaritan leper with the biblical Feast of Tabernacles. Jesus on way to Jerusalem modeling discipleship. Earlier in the chapter, when disciples say "Increase our faith," they are asking "What does faith look like?" The answer comes in the encounter with the Samaritan leper who is persistence in expressing his gratitude and worship. The Feast of Tabernacles welcomes the outsiders to worship and express gratitude to the Creator God. Entering into the rickety sukkah is coming before to the LORD in faith and trusting him for our security. Readings: Leviticus 23:34-44; Deuteronomy 16:11-17; Luke 17:11-19 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Acts 18:1-17 - Bible study

    14/10/2019 Duration: 01h22min

    Rev. Aaron Eime walks us through the first half of Acts 18. Paul leaves Athens for Corinth, where he meets Aquila and Priscilla. Paul first preaches in the town synagogue, but leaves them in frustration. In a dream, God tells Paul that it is safe for him to stay in Corinth, so he stays for a year and half before trouble brews again. [UPDATED: Thank you to the alert listeners who let us know we uploaded the wrong audio. Thank you for your grace and patience.] Notes for this study can be found at Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

  • Habakkuk 1 & 2: Ask questions, but keep trusting

    06/10/2019 Duration: 42min

    6 Oct 2019 - Rev. David Pileggi has us consider the Habakkuk, who complains to God as he sees violence coming and his personal safety is in doubt. Habakkuk asks questions. Questions are OK, especially when they come out of desire to know God better. But let us also remember that God doesn't answer ever question. We must learn to live faithfully even with mystery. "The righteous will live by his faith," his trust, his faithfulness, his persistence even in the face of trouble or violence. God is calling us to be faithful even as we see the world in confusion and turmoil. It's easy for us to say we give up, or we don't believe any more. God says, wait. Be trusting. Be faithful. When we acknowledge God is in control, that doesn't mean we are passive or isolationist. The Gospel of the Kingdom and the Glory of God are expanding in the world by the power of the Holy Spirit. Remaining faithful means we pray, we evangelize, we stand up against injustice, we care for the needy.. Readings: Lamentations 1:1-6, 3:19-26;

  • Acts 17:16-34 - Bible Study

    02/10/2019 Duration: 01h27min

    Rev. Aaron Eime walks us through Acts 17, as we now find Paul in Athens. Paul has, as was his custom, preached in the synagogue, but his spirit is was provoked by the idolatry in the city. So Paul also sat in the market to converse with philosophers and the like. They were willing to listen to his new ideas, until Paul mentioned the resurrection. Some sneered, but others were intrigued. Notes for this study can be found at Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.

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