Hermetic Astrology Podcast



For years, one of the top Astrology podcasts on iTunes! Tune in to Explore the current celestial connections and cosmic interplay between various dyads such as Earth/Sky, Lunar/Solar and Fixed/Volatile. Discover how to alchemically break apart, transform and re-integrate these apparent opposites into a new whole. More at www.DreamAstrologer.com


  • The Aquarian Mythos

    09/02/2019 Duration: 01h31min

    Gary & special guest Gray Crawford discuss the archetypal mythos of Aquarius through the lens of Greek (Ganymede), Mesopotamian (Enki/Ea) and Egyptian (Hapi) cultures. We also work in classical and evolutionary astrology as well as Jungian ideas. In true Aquarian fashion, there's something for everyone!

  • Jupiter and Saturn 2019

    17/01/2019 Duration: 59min

    Gary & special guest Gemini Brett discuss the power of Astrology & the Astrology of power. Jupiter and Saturn are in signs of equal Solar power, forming an Antiscia or midpoint with the Solstice axis on Jan 22. See 2nd half, with visuals, at link below https://youtu.be/Oey5n99GPHc?t=3434

  • Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn

    02/01/2019 Duration: 01h17min

    Eclipse season is upon us again! Tune in as Gary and special guest Julene Louis discuss the nature of eclipses, the families or Saros series they belong to and the role of Ketu or the South Node with this particular eclipse.

  • Morning Star Magic 3.0

    19/12/2018 Duration: 43min

    Mercury is moving into conjunction with Jupiter and Antares, making the final of a series of three alignments in the 1st decan of Sagittarius. Tune in to hear the mythological story and occult history of this star, and some ideas for practical magic from this alignment and as Jupiter transits Sagittarius for the rest of the year.

  • In the Heart of Sagittarius 2.0

    27/11/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    Today Mercury is in the Heart of the Sun, making the second of a series of three alignments in the 1st decan of Sagittarius. Tune in as Gary expertly re-frames how the retrograde process represents a profound transformative opportunity, from an holistic and integral perspective. Gary then adds Jupiter and Antares into the mix, before returning to the primordial spirit of Fire via a reading from his popular new book, The Mercury Elemental Year.

  • On Venus Direct, Re-Birth & Gnosis

    16/11/2018 Duration: 01h17min

    Today Venus turns direct, and rapidly moves toward Her greatest brightness on Dec 1. That will be the third of a series of three alignments which occur in the last degrees of Libra and first degrees of Scorpio. Tune in as Gary frames the retrograde journey through the lens of a Universal alchemical process of transformation, which is symbolized by a series of five Bird spirits. This final phase of the Rubedo or reddening is represented by the Pelican and the Phoenix.

  • In the Heart of Scorpio

    26/10/2018 Duration: 58min

    Today Venus is in the Heart of the Sun, at Her closest approach to Earth -the closest approach of any planet. This is the second of a series of three alignments which occur in the last degrees of Libra and first degrees of Scorpio. Tune in as Gary frames the retrograde journey through the lens of a Universal alchemical process of transformation, which is symbolized by a series of five Bird spirits. Once you know the map, the retrograde can become an opportunity instead of an obstacle.

  • On Venus Retrograde, Shadows, Light & Abnormality

    19/09/2018 Duration: 55min

    Venus is shining at Her brightest as Evening Star. This is the first of a series of three alignments which occur in the last degrees of Libra and first degrees of Scorpio. Tune in as Gary reframes the upcoming retrograde journey, first through the lens of a Universal alchemical process of transformation, and later, as an astronomical loop de loop roller-coaster ride!

  • Venus opposite Mars

    21/06/2018 Duration: 57min

    Today marks a turning point not just in the yearly Solar cycle (Solstice) but also a turning point in the relationship of Venus and Mars. Tune in as Gary talks more about this rare opposition, the likes of which we haven't seen since 1860, and illustrates these energy shifts with his usual grounded practical advice and examples.

  • Chiron in Aries

    26/04/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Part 1: Mercury is making the third of a series of three alignments in the 2nd decan of Aries, Saturn is stationing on Facies, and Mars is moving into parallel with Saturn and Pluto. Part 2: Chiron in Aries: Gary explores the astronomical, personal and spiritual implications of Chiron as a maker of medicine, raiser of consciousness and revealer of complexity.  

  • In the Heart of Aries

    15/03/2018 Duration: 54min

    Mercury is making the first of a series of three alignments in the 2nd decan of Aries, from now through the end of April. Tune in as Gary expertly re-frames how the retrograde process represents a profound transformative opportunity, from an holistic and integral perspective, through the element of Fire, and the Mythic scripts from the stars.

  • Mars in Sagittarius

    12/02/2018 Duration: 45min

    Today Mars joins forces with the intense fixed star Antares and will be interacting all month with the powerful and long-lasting Saturn-Pluto parallel. Tune in as Gary likens these to the Alchemical operations of calcination and separation and explains how we can work with these energies for personal transformation and growth.

  • Sun Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

    09/01/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    Today Venus moves through the Heart of the Sun, on the far side of Earth. All three are aligned with Pluto, as Pluto is making one of its rare crossings of the Ecliptic. Tune in as Gary interprets the chart of this extraordinary conjunction, which will be active for (at least) the next 9 months, as the spiritual impulse of this moment will be gradually embodied by a series of successive Lunar alignments over the course of 7 months this Spring and Summer.

  • Galactic Sol Niger & The Capricorn Re-Model

    21/12/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Today we have the Sun's yearly ingress to Capricorn at the Winter Solstice or Yule. Along with Sol, we have Saturn, traditionally associated with the alchemical operation of Nigredo or Blackening. Gary reviews the basic expressions of the Capricorn and Saturn archetypes and how this mutual ingress represents a chance for fundamental updates to our ideas and experience of structure and authority. Finally, we'll also touch on the more esoteric factors of the Galactic equator and planetary nodes. Tune in to find out what they might mean and how they contribute to a fantastically rare opportunity to re-boot the Capricorn archetype.

  • The Heart of Sagittarius

    24/11/2017 Duration: 56min

    Mercury is making a series of three alignments in the 3rd decan of Sagittarius from now through the end of the year. Tune in as Gary expertly re-frames how the retrograde process represents a profound transformative opportunity, from an holistic and integral perspective. Gary also shares a reading from his popular new book, The Mercury Elemental Year, and info on how to get a FREE trial subscription for this month's premium content, as well as a chance at a free one year subscription to ALL the premium content at the Gold level!

  • Venus conjunct Mars in Virgo

    05/10/2017 Duration: 01h07min

    The two planets closest to Earth are joining in the sign of the Harvest Goddess. This is the second of 3 consecutive Venus-Mars conjunctions to occur in Virgo, and also part of a 5 conjunction, 7 year cycle which began and ends in Leo. Tune in as Gary expertly outlines the psychological, historical and socio-political ramifications of the 2 year, 7 year and 300 year Venus-Mars cycles.

  • Outer Planet Smorgasbord

    19/09/2017 Duration: 56min

    The gas giants Jupiter and Saturn are moving out of their sextile aspect and now the focus is on their interaction with the invisible planets Uranus and Pluto. Tune in as Gary outlines the psychological, historical and socio-political ramifications of the intense and long-lasting Saturn-Pluto parallel. Then we outline opportunities for liberation represented by the Jupiter-Uranus opposition, especially as Venus interacts with them by antiscia and contra-antiscia at the Equinox and for several days afterward by parallel and contra-parallel.

  • The Heart of Virgo

    27/08/2017 Duration: 41min

    Mercury passes by the Sun, in the middle of his backward trickster medicine dance through Virgo, the final conjunction in Earth signs for several years. Tune in as Gary reviews the expressions of the Earth archetype, both in terms of the current Mercury cycle as well as the 200 year Jupiter-Saturn cycle in Earth which is rapidly coming to a close.

  • Eclipse Myths

    31/07/2017 Duration: 52min

    Eclipse season is upon us! Tune in as Gary shares the wonderful Vedic eclipse myth called Samudra Manthan, as well as lessons he's learned about how to deal with eclipses. Gary also shares the Western myth of the Fisher King and illuminates the role of the Behenian (magical) and Royal star Regulus.

  • Gas Giant Magic

    27/06/2017 Duration: 51min

    Jupiter and Saturn are both visible in the evening sky and moving toward the final aspect (sextile) of their final cycle begun in Earth signs (Taurus in 2000). Tune in as Gary shares lessons he's learned about both the signs Jupiter and Saturn are transiting, as well as the magical stars involved.

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