Weekly environmental news on Canadian community radio
The Climate Activist Experience
12/08/2019 Duration: 29minThis week on Terra Informa we talk with OurTime and Climate Justice Edmonton organizers Stephen, Madison, and Chen about who these organizations are and what they do, experiences from the front lines of climate action, and how each one found a community to keep them going.★ Support this podcast ★
Planning for Resilience in a Changing Climate
05/08/2019 Duration: 28minThis week, we talk about the importance of resilience, or how to minimize the damage of the climate crisis. We will be providing you with some of the latest information on climate crisis and impacts. We’ll also hear from Terra Informer Sonak Patel sitting down with Nicole Bonnett to discuss her research into resilience planning on Vancouver Island. ★ Support this podcast ★
CBC Change the Debate
29/07/2019 Duration: 28minThis week on Terra Informa we focus on the proposed climate action policies of each major federal party in the upcoming 2019 election, and speak with Stephen Buhler of Our Time, the group who organized "CBC Change the Debate" rallies across Canada just two weeks ago. We talk about the importance of climate action at the federal scale, why Canadians should be demanding the federal government seriously respond to the climate crisis, and share some audio from the Edmonton demonstration.★ Support this podcast ★
22/07/2019 Duration: 28minIt is no question that art holds powerful implications for how we view our surroundings, others and ourselves. In 2019 communities of Indigenous artists are coming to the cultural forefront to dispel misrepresentations of Indigenous people as well as centering and celebrating indigenous resilience, sovereignty and cultures. Terra Informers spoke with Cree, Métis and Norwegian […]★ Support this podcast ★
Workers and the Future of Energy
15/07/2019 Duration: 28minThis week on Terra Informa, Andrea Wiebe met with Lliam Hildebrand of the Iron and Earth Organization about their work advocating for oil and gas development to incorporate more renewable energy. They discussed how oil and gas sector workers can adapt to and support the low carbon transition. ★ Support this podcast ★
Soakin’ Up The Sun With Solar Power
08/07/2019 Duration: 28minThis week on Terra Informa, we discuss solar energy, including topics such as the definition of solar, how it works, the pros and cons to solar, and who the solar power leaders are around the world.★ Support this podcast ★
The Less-Than-Fabulous Footprint of Fashion
01/07/2019 Duration: 29minThis week on Terra Informa Dylan Hall ventures into the world of fashion. Dylan caught up with Jess Montgomery at the 2019 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences held at the University of British Columbia campus. Montgomery holds a BFA with Distinction in Art History from Concordia University, and a MA in the History and Theory […]★ Support this podcast ★
Cycling and a Couple of Queers
24/06/2019 Duration: 29minThis week, Charlotte speaks with Mackenzy Albright, one of the founders of SNAQCS, a Slow Nice And Queer Cycloventure Squad based out of Victoria, British Columbia that creates a welcoming space for members of the LGBTQIA2S community who want to have fun and ride bikes! Tune in to hear Charlotte and Mackenzy share cycling stories, talk about businesses and queerbaiting, the binary of the outdoors community, and how SNAQCS is pushing the boundaries. ★ Support this podcast ★
The Perils and Responsibilities of Science Communication
17/06/2019 Duration: 28minImage by: Discover Magazine Blogs This week on Terra Informa, we discuss some of the world’s big problems, like climate change and antimicrobial resistance, and how the communication of information about them can either be motivating or discouraging. Download episode now. It would be understandable if you used the word ‘apocalyptic’ to describe issues such […]★ Support this podcast ★
All About Birds Continued!
10/06/2019 Duration: 29minWe were so amazingly overwhelmed with bird-related content for our June 4, 2019 episode that we didn't have a chance to use all of it, so we're bringing it to you this week. This time, it's PERSONAL - that is, lots of lovely stories about why people love birds, which birds are their favourites, and wild encounters.★ Support this podcast ★
All about BIRDS
03/06/2019 Duration: 29minPhoto by: Rick Bohn This week, Charlotte Thomasson talked to resident Nature Nut, John Acorn, about local bird songs and birding stories, with audio captured by Terra Informers live in Edmonton, Alberta, near Drumheller, Alberta, and on Saturna Island in British Columbia. Download episode here Find out your bird name! Photo by Moore Laboratory of […]★ Support this podcast ★
Sharing is Caring: Urban planning, entrepreneurship, and collaborative consumption
27/05/2019 Duration: 28minThis week on Terra Informa we’ll be discussing what sustainability means to urban planning and talking toolsharing with an entrepreneur interested in collaborative consumption. ★ Support this podcast ★
Endangered Habitat, Past and Present
20/05/2019 Duration: 28minThis week at Terra Informa we deep dive into the World Wildlife Foundation report on conservation lands, hear from University of Alberta professor Rene Belland about endangered species, and visit an archive from 2010 about a public land sale known as "Potatogate".★ Support this podcast ★
Treaty, Climate Change, and Relationships to the Land
13/05/2019 Duration: 28minThis week we asked what treaty means for our relationships to land, the more-than-human, and to each other.★ Support this podcast ★
Literature in the Face of Climate Crisis
06/05/2019 Duration: 28minThis week on Terra Informa, we’re diving into the world of storytelling and literature. How can the humanities help us prepare ourselves for the environmental troubles we are facing today and into the future? What do works of fiction have to do with environmental activism?★ Support this podcast ★
Menstruation Innovation
29/04/2019 Duration: 28minThis week on Terra Informa, we're talking about periods. Own very own Terra Informer Sydney Karbonik recently hosted an educational event about the environmental, social and economic impact of menstrual products and what other options exist for women.★ Support this podcast ★
The Sounds of Climate Activism
22/04/2019 Duration: 29minThis week on Terra Informa, our own Kesia Dias reads a self-written an open letter to Albertans about our complicated relationship with our environment, economy, and our future. We also provide a soundscape of content our Terra Informers collected at the youth climate strike that took place in Edmonton, Alberta on March 15, 2019 - sit back and picture yourself in the heart of the action as we bring you sounds, conversations, and interviews. ★ Support this podcast ★
In the grey —Alberta’s relationship with oil in a changing world
15/04/2019 Duration: 29minTune in to hear co-authors Elizabeth Gierl and Sofia Osborne read their feature article entitled “In the Grey”. They reflect on our relationship to oil and pose an important question - who's even buying?★ Support this podcast ★
Elections and the Environment
08/04/2019 Duration: 28minThis week on Terra Informa, we talk about the recently released Canada's Changing Climate Report, which inspired us to revisit an archive about the 2013 flooding in Calgary. We also hear Alice Major recite some poetry from her book "Welcome to the Anthropocene", and get a run-down on Alberta's upcoming 2019 election.★ Support this podcast ★
The Re Re Re Re Return of Terra Misinforma
01/04/2019 Duration: 29minAPRIL FOOLS HAS STRUCK AGAIN. Tune in to Terra Informa as we travel in time. Download episode now. What would the world look like if we made drastic changes and prevented climatic warming? How would politics change, stocks, resource market trends? How are people shopping now, what is the latest tech? Take a journey with […]★ Support this podcast ★