Redeeming God

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 121:14:50
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Rescuing Scripture, Theology, & Church from the Shackles of Religion


  • [#59] Genesis 4:16-26 – How Civilization is Founded on Sin, Death, and Religion

    08/12/2016 Duration: 30min

    What event is at the foundation of all human society and civilization? We see what the answer is as we look at Genesis 4:16-26. It is important to understand what forms the foundation of society and civilization because doing so helps us understand our own lives, and also what is going on all around us all the time in current events and culture.

  • [#58] Genesis 4:13-15 – Three Ways out of Violence

    17/11/2016 Duration: 36min

    There is lots of turmoil in the United States right now because of the election results. The increasing turmoil makes me nervous because history, theology, and psychology show that there are typically only three ways out of such turmoil, and I am not yet sure which way our country will go. In this episode, I briefly discuss these three ways out of violence and turmoil, and explain from Genesis 4:13-15 which of these three approaches humans usually choose.

  • [#57] Genesis 4:9-12 – From the Blood of Abel

    10/11/2016 Duration: 43min

    In Genesis 4:10 we read that the blood of Abel cried out to God from the ground. Have you ever wondered what it said? Well, the book of Hebrews gives us a hint, and we will be looking at this question in today’s podcast episode.

  • [#56] Genesis 4:8 – The Founding Murder

    02/11/2016 Duration: 33min

    If you have been listening to my podcast for the past year, you may recall that as we were working our way through Genesis 3, I kept mentioning the six foundational and revolutionary truths from Genesis 2, 3, and 4. We looked at the first 5 of these, and then I haven’t really mentioned too much more about them. So maybe you were thinking, “Hey! What about the sixth?” Well, that is what we are finally getting to today. Genesis 4:8 contains the sixth and final revolutionary and foundational truth. Understanding this will help you understand the Bible, God, yourself, your relationships, politics, economics, history, and pretty much everything else that goes on in the world.

  • [#55] Genesis 4:6-7 – The First Sin in the Bible

    27/10/2016 Duration: 30min

    Where is the first sin in the Bible? What is the first sin in the Bible? I explain more in this podcast episode.

  • [#54] Genesis 4:4-5 – Why Did God Reject Cain’s Offering?

    20/10/2016 Duration: 29min

    Have you ever wondered why God did not accept Cain’s offering in Genesis 4? You have probably heard some sermons on this or have read about it in books. In this study of Genesis 4:4-5, we look at some of the theories of why God rejected Cain’s offering, and then seek an answer to this question by looking at why God accepted Abel’s offering, and what this tells us about Cain’s offering.

  • [#53] Genesis 4:1-3 – Raising Cain

    13/10/2016 Duration: 24min

    Have you ever wondered why Cain brought an offering of fruit to God in Genesis 4? Have you wondered what was wrong with Cain’s offering so that God did not accept it? In Episode 53 of the One Verse Podcast, we look at Genesis 4:1-3 for answers to these questions.

  • [#52] Genesis 4 Introduction – The Story we Find Ourselves In

    06/10/2016 Duration: 41min

    This study looks at Genesis 4. And rather than dive right into the text, I thought I would first tell you a story. Hearing this story will help you better understand what is going on in this critical chapter of the Bible.

  • [#51] Genesis 3 Summary – The Redemption of Sin

    29/09/2016 Duration: 34min

    This episode of the One Verse Podcast provides a summary of what we have seen from Genesis 3. There is still some new stuff in this episode, so if you have listened to all the previous episodes on Genesis 3, you will still want to listen to this one. But if you are just joining us on the One Verse Podcast and have missed most of the previous episodes, this one will get you up to speed. Of course, since what I share today might be a bit challenging, you might also want to go back and listen to some of the episodes from Genesis 3 to get a further explanation and understanding of what we discuss today.

  • [#50] Genesis 3:22-24 – The Blessing of Death

    22/09/2016 Duration: 34min

    What do you think about death? Maybe, if you are like most people, you try not to think about it. But if and when you are faced with the issue of death, what are your thoughts about it? In this episode of the One Verse Podcast as we look at Genesis 3:22-24, I am going to invite you to start thinking about death differently than the way most people think about it.

  • [#49] Genesis 3:20-21 – The Emperor Has No Clothes

    15/09/2016 Duration: 33min

    When did the first sacrifice in Scripture take place? Lots of people think it happened in Genesis 3:20-21 when God gave tunics of skin to Adam and Eve before He kicked them out of the Garden of Eden. But this is not the first sacrifice in the Bible.

  • [#48] Genesis 3:17-19 – The Curse Upon the Ground

    08/09/2016 Duration: 36min

    Did God curse Adam after he ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? Nope. Remember, God does not curse humans and God does not punish. Of course, in Genesis 3:17-19, God does pronounce a curse, so we will see what that is about in this episode. Our study will also lead us into a little fun speculation.

  • [#47] Genesis 3:16b – Do Men Get to Rule Women?

    01/09/2016 Duration: 29min

    Is it God’s will for men to rule over women? Lots of men sure think so, and one verse that has been used to defend this idea is Genesis 3:16 where God tells Eve that her desire shall be for her husband, but he shall rule over her. So is this verse describing God’s ordained order for the marriage relationship? Is God commanding women to let men rule them? That is what we are looking at in today’s episode of the One Verse Podcast.

  • [#46] Genesis 3:16a – God Does Not Abuse Women

    18/08/2016 Duration: 43min

    Have you ever heard a woman use Genesis 3:16 to say that the reason women experience pain in childbearing is because God cursed Eve? In other words, have you ever heard someone blame God for the pain that women experience in giving birth?

  • Is God a wife beater?

    11/08/2016 Duration: 09min

    Genesis 3:16 shows God telling Eve He will greatly increase her pain. Does God inflict pain on people? Does God hurt women? Is God a cosmic wife beater?

  • [#45] Genesis 3:14-15 – The Serpent and the Seed

    28/07/2016 Duration: 36min

    Does God curse animals and people? Genesis 3:14 indicates that God cursed the serpent. But what did the serpent do to deserve being cursed? And what is the whole thing about the serpent crawling on the ground and eating dirt? And then there is Genesis 3:15 which talks about the serpent striking the heel of the woman’s seed, but the seed crushing the serpent’s head. What is all that about? Is it truly a prophecy about Jesus?

  • [#44] Genesis 3:11-13 – The Blame Game

    14/07/2016 Duration: 48min

    There are six revolutionary and foundational truths in Genesis 2–3. Today we see the fifth. These truths help you understand God, Scripture, society, culture, and yourself like never before. The one we see today is absolutely critical for understanding why God appears so violent at various places in the Bible. If you have ever wondered how to understand the violence of God in the Bible, make sure you listen to today’s episode.

  • Look what happened to my book on Amazon!

    10/07/2016 Duration: 03min

    Whoa! My book is 53% off at Amazon. If you're a Prime Member, you get free shipping too! Read my post to learn more.

  • [#43] Genesis 3:8-10 – Do Not be Afraid

    30/06/2016 Duration: 37min

    If you have ever been afraid of God, or have thought that God is out to get you, to punish you for some sin, if you think that the bad things which happen to you in life are because God hates you or is making you pay for something you did, this study of Genesis 3:8-10 is for you.

  • [#42] Genesis 3:7 – The Greatest Rivalry of All Time

    23/06/2016 Duration: 29min

    Genesis 3:6-7 are the central two verses of Genesis chapters 2–3. In a previous episode, we looked at Genesis 3:6, and learned a foundational truth about humanity. This episode reveals another foundational truth from Genesis 3:7.

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