Project Management Insights



Project Management Insights delve below the surface of Project Management. We explore those areas that aren't covered in standard project management training. The aim is to up-skill you as a PM to be more effective as a leader and project manager. If you like to learn and be challenged, we're here to do that.


  • Does Culture Affect Project Team Performance?

    24/10/2019 Duration: 11min

    The answer is ABSOLUTELY because the culture is the way that a TEAM engages and interacts with each other. Unless there are strong open, honest and trusting relationships built then it will definitely impact team output.

  • What Should the Relationship Between PM and Project Sponsor Be?

    17/10/2019 Duration: 11min

    What should the relationship between the Project Manager and the Project Sponsor be like? It would say it needs to have trust, honesty, openness and clear communication at the core of it. Let's explore this relationship more.

  • Do You Need Clearly Defined Roles on a Project Team?

    10/10/2019 Duration: 10min

    My answer is No! What is more important is making sure that expectations and assumptions are spelt out so everyone knows what is required of them to help the group or TEAM to deliver. Defined roles are a safety mechanism that doesn't always add to inclusion.

  • Why You Should Engage Your Stakeholders Early

    03/10/2019 Duration: 11min

    Not engaging your stakeholders as you begin building your Business Case is going to cause your problems. Forget waiting until you are in full Project Planning mode. Get them involved as soon as you begin developing a Business Case.

  • Are You Politically Aware?

    26/09/2019 Duration: 11min

    Do you understand what's happening when people are being political? Do you even notice when this is happening? Let's talk about why people are political, within a team or organization and how you can change your interaction with them.

  • 7 Tips For Setting Up the Perfect Project Schedule

    19/09/2019 Duration: 13min

    These seven tips will help you to put together a project schedule that is easy to work with and monitor. It's all about engaging the team and getting their help to pull together a schedule that is complete, realistic and with dependencies called out.

  • Do You Know How the Words You Use Impact Team Output?

    12/09/2019 Duration: 09min

    Have you considered the impact of your words or the language that you use in your interaction with others? Your language not only says a lot about you, but it also impacts on the strength of the relationship you have with others around you. Maybe it's time to begin to mind your language.

  • Why Everyone Is Not On the Same Page As You and How To Get Them There

    05/09/2019 Duration: 25min

    Do you notice people are just don't have the same level of understanding about the project as you do? There are reasons for that. Mark Steele talks to me about six reasons that he's found that make the difference, on a project. The difference between everyone being 'on purpose' and 'off purpose.'

  • 5 Ways a Gantt Chart Can Help You Manage Your Project

    29/08/2019 Duration: 12min

    I think we all underestimate the value of using a Gantt chart for our project. I know I've struggled when I've used Excel to set up a project schedule. Here are the 5 ways that a Gantt Chart can help you manage your project easier.

  • Stop Needing To Be Right All the Time

    22/08/2019 Duration: 12min

    Needing to be right all the time gets you nowhere. People won't respond to you and give you what you want, no matter what you think. It's only when you're willing to meet people without any story of right or wrong that you really get what you want.

  • How To Get the Best From Each Team Member

    15/08/2019 Duration: 23min

    Each and every team member you have has their own personality, their own way of working. Sometimes that might conflict with the way you work, other times it might match your style. Jill Valdez provides some insights and tips on how to work with these different personality types.

  • Negotiating Isn't About Winning or Losing

    08/08/2019 Duration: 12min

    Maybe like me, you thought negotiating was all about them winning and you losing. I'm here to tell you that's not the case. There is a formula to negotiating and in this episode, I share that with you.

  • Stop Focusing On Budget Timelines and Scope

    01/08/2019 Duration: 10min

    You are spending too much time focusing on Budget, Scope and Timeline when the key to delivering a successful project is focusing on the people. That's why I'm coining a new phrase 'People Focused Project Management'. Try It!

  • The Top Skill You Need To Be a Good Leader

    25/07/2019 Duration: 10min

    What do you think that skill is? For me, you can't be a good leader if you haven't mastered this skill. And yes, being a leader is all about having certain skills that make the difference between whether people will follow you, or not.

  • Why Do Projects Fail?

    18/07/2019 Duration: 10min

    Why do you think projects fail? I'm sure your answer will be that it's about timelines not being met, or things costing more than they should. Is that really the reason, or might there be another 'cause' of project failure? Listen to Jason Scott and I talk about this very topic.

  • Your Ego Is Getting In the Way of Teamwork

    11/07/2019 Duration: 08min

    Do you have so much confirmation bias that you aren't open to exploring any possibilities put forward by your team? That is one way to set your project team up for failure. Let's explore this concept some more.

  • Accountability Versus Predictability. The Key To Team Success

    04/07/2019 Duration: 14min

    You understand predictable but do you understand the connection to accountability? In this episode, we start our discussion with what accountability is and how that creates predictability.

  • Do You Know What It Takes To Be A Better Leader?

    28/06/2019 Duration: 17min

    Do you know what it takes to be a leader? In this conversation with Jason Scott we talk about leadership versus being in charge and managing. It takes different skills to manage, some of which don't come either naturally or comfortably to you.  That's okay. You can learn to be different.

  • How To Respond When Thing Don't Go As Planned

    28/06/2019 Duration: 10min

    How do you respond to the unexpected? Building a schedule or project plan doesn't mean everything is going to run just as it should. In today's episode, I explore how to respond when things don't go as planned.

  • How To Be More Confident With the Decisions You Make

    14/06/2019 Duration: 10min

    Are you confident with the decisions you make or do you often rush them? Then regret your choice afterwards. Here are tips and ideas on how to be more confident with the decisions you make.

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