Dissecting Dragons



Authors J.A. Ironside and M.E. Vaughan talk about books, films and all aspects of speculative fiction, from the nuts and bolts of writing it, to its (occasionally) obscure origins.


  • Episode 353: High Fidelity and Historical Accuracy - Do Adaptations have a Duty to be Accurate

    25/11/2022 Duration: 01h58min

    The advent of streaming television services has meant that more video content has been required and with that demand, has come a more specific requirement for less mainstream, more niche material. This has been great for SFF fans who now face an embarrassment of riches which cater to their very specific trope preferences. However, the half empty side of this is that beloved speculative fiction which has previously only been available in book form, is now being adapted for TV series...and not all series are created equal. This week the dragons tackle the big question this raises: do adaptations have a duty to be accurate? And moving on from SFF and why you might chose to not partake or an adaptation of your favourite book, is there a responsibility to not take liberties with historical adaptations? Under the microscope this week: Interview with a Vampire, The Woman King, Braveheart, His Dark Materials and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 352: 2022 A Space Oddity - Sci-fi (& Fantasy) Tropes which Don’t Work

    18/11/2022 Duration: 01h22min

    Everyone has their own trope bugbears which have more to do with personal taste than anything else, and that's fine. The dragons are no different. However there are some tropes which just fundamentally don't work - at least not if you're going to cut corners. Either they result in shoddy worldbuilding or poor story structure or they're just so ick that they knock the reader out of the story. That's not to say that they can never work but you do have to be careful how you handle them. This week, Jules and Madeleine take a look at some of the worst offenders and best examples of the same trope done right, in sci-fi and fantasy. On the slab this week - Star Trek Discovery, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Virtual Sexuality and many more.   Title Music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 351: Picture This - Enhancing Scenes with the Right Frame in Speculative Fiction

    11/11/2022 Duration: 01h32min

    Not to be confused with 'framing devices' such as a narrative within a secondary story, 'Framing' is a type of narrative enhancer which can be used to add tone or flavour to a scene. This week, Jules and Madeleine look at how specific scenes and even whole plots can be gently adjusted using this technique, especially when it comes to movies and TV. Why might you wish to use framing? How can it be used to as a subtler form of political or social messaging? And what happens when it goes wrong? Find out in this week's episode. On the slab this week - The Witcher, She-Ra Princesses of Power, Dead End: Paranormal Park and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 350: When Pain Says No - Chronic Illness Representation in Speculative Fiction

    04/11/2022 Duration: 01h37min

    This week the dragons are delighted to welcome back Laura Laakso, author of the paranormal crime/ urban fantasy series Wilde Investigations. The main character of the series - Yannia Wilde - suffers from a chronic illness, which means that her exploits in magical London, solving mysteries, are always a bit more challenging. It also makes Laura the ideal person to join Jules and Madeleine for this discussion. Like many aspects of representation, chronic illness is sometimes conflated with being the entirety of a character which does more harm than good, as does some ill researched or thoughtless inclusion of chronic illness or disability. This episode is a lively discussion of exactly what you can do to create more realistic chronically ill characters and why you might want to include one in your work. Aside from which, SFF can be the perfect place to explore the subject. Under the microscope this week: The Fault in Our Stars, the Goonies, Wilde Investigations and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling C

  • Episode 349: The Stones Remember - Cursed Places of the UK

    28/10/2022 Duration: 01h30min

    Finishing up their spooky season specials and taking inspiration from previous years 'cursed objects' episodes, this week the dragons take a look at 'cursed' places. A handful of tame hauntings will not qualify a place as 'cursed' under this definition. Oh no. A single lonely ghost sighting won't fit. The places Jules and Madeleine discuss in this episode have an ongoing pattern of centuries of hauntings, strange happenings, UFO sightings, as well as a long a bloody history of violence and atrocity. Join the dragons for a curated (though by no means exhaustive) selection of the most afflicted places in the UK.  At around the 75% mark, we briefly discuss 'murder tourism' and a certain serial killer's house. While we do not go into graphic detail, we also don't dance around the topic. If you're not in a good place to listen to that discussion, maybe put this one on the backburner and enjoy one of our back catalogue of episodes instead.    Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 348: Written in Blood - Vampires of the UK and Ireland

    21/10/2022 Duration: 01h17min

    Continuing their spooky season, this week the dragons tackle one of the best known monsters of all: the vampire. Generally regarded as more of an Eastern European creature, rather than a UK monster, it might surprise the listener to discover that there are many accounts of vampires in UK and Irish folklore. They appear in Medieval chronicles and Irish sagas. And there are still stories and reports being made in the UK up to the present day. Grab a your drink of choice and settle in for a deep dive in to the blood drinking fiends of Britain and Ireland.    Title Music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 347: Bat Beasts Kellas Cats and Wolf-men - Lesser Known Cryptids of Britain and Ireland Part 2

    14/10/2022 Duration: 01h28min

    Continuing with their spooky theme for October, this week the dragons take a look at another six UK and Irish cryptids. From the origins of werewolves in Ossary leading to the Tipperary wolf-man, to the bizarre Bat-beast of Kent, to a genuine cryptid which may have fed legends of the Scottish Cait Sith, this episode is a wild ride through folkloric imagination with a few creepy tales thrown in.   Title Music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 346: Wodewose, Owlman & Morag - Lesser Known Cryptids of Britain & Ireland

    07/10/2022 Duration: 01h20min

    It's October and you know what that means! Tis the season to be spooky! In line with their usual policy of providing Hallowe'en themed episodes during October, the dragons are delighted to start with a look at some of the UK and Irelands least known and strange cryptids. This week discover one of Nessie's other loch dwelling 'cousins', discuss the likelihood of 'Owlman', and explore two possible candidates for the title of UK Bigfoot, as well as many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 345: Once More with Feeling - The Successes and Failures of Musical Episodes in Genre TV Shows

    30/09/2022 Duration: 01h33min

    The dragons are once again delighted to welcome Hamish Steele, author of popular comics/ graphic novels Deadendia and Pantheon, and creator of hit Netflix series Deadend: Paranormal Park, to the show. (And with some exciting news too!) This week Jules and Madeleine take a look at that peculiar but appealing phenomenon in long running TV shows - the musical episode. As a long time lover of musicals and a creator of just such a musical episode, Hamish is ideally situated to wade in on the discussion. Tracing the 'lineage' of the trend from cult classics like 'Fame' (1980) through a few very dicey attempts in the 80s and early 90s, before the sub-genre was cemented by Buffy the Vampire Slayer, this dissection looks at why a musical episode might be appealing, why it can make or break a show with your audience, and why sometimes it doesn't work. Under the microscope this week: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Deadend: Paranormal Park, Ally McBeal, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cyni

  • Episode 344: Enough to Make a Cat Laugh - Tracing the Origins of Puss in Boots

    23/09/2022 Duration: 01h27min

    This week the dragons bring you another episode in their 'fairy tales in focus' series. Puss in Boots is incredibly popular, especially with children, and unlike many fairy tales, it contains no real moral. So just where did this story originate and what do its characters symbolise? The Perrault version is by far the best known, but even he struggled to paste a 'lesson' onto the story, so in what ways did he misunderstand the subversive nature of the story? Find out as Jules and Madeleine trace the tale's origins back to Italy and from there across Europe, Asia and Africa. On the slab this week: Pixar's Puss in Boots, A Tale of Two Castles - Gail Carson Levine and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling cynic

  • Episode 343: Exiles, OutCasts and Outsiders - Solitary Villains and Isolated Heroes

    16/09/2022 Duration: 58min

    The base setting for the human species is sociability to some degree. Even the most misanthropic or introverted of us are not meant to be completely cut off from all other people. In narrative terms, however, isolation can be a great way to test your character. It can also provide interesting back story or provide a setting or frame for a survival story. So what sort of tests can you set for your MC? How can you use isolation to explore characterisation or setting? Find out in this week's episode. Under the microscope this week: Castaway, The Martian, The Clan of the Cave Bear and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic 

  • Episode 342: Distant Fathers 2D Beefcakes and Tortured Villains - Sexist Tropes Against Men in Speculative Fiction

    09/09/2022 Duration: 01h46min

    Regular listeners of the podcast will be quite well versed in the dragons opinions on sexist tropes against women, however there are certainly tropes which are sexist against men too, which they haven't covered in quite as much detail. This week the dragons take a look at some of these tropes as well as discussing the insidious growing trend of punishing male characters for their biological sex in speculative fiction. From fathers always being distant to male villains always being sex offenders, here are the tropes Jules and Madeleine think could do with being retired. On the slab this week: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Mrs Doubtfire, Leon and many more   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 341: True Beauty is Found Within - Tracing the Origins of Beauty & the Beast

    02/09/2022 Duration: 01h25min

    The dragons return this week with another 'fairy tales in focus' episode. Beauty and the Beast is one of the most beloved fairy tales of all time - quite an achievement when the story as we now know it, the most popular iteration, is a mere two hundred and sixty years old! While many of the themes and motifs can be found in earlier folk tales and myths, the current version is incredibly young by fairy tale standards and is probably partially inspired by historical events at the court of the French king, Henry II. Jules and Madeleine trace it's journey and permutations from myth to history to folk tale and beyond. On the slab this week - Heart's Blood - Juliet Marillier, Disney's Beauty & the Beast, Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte, Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 340: There is none so capable as Anne - Why we should celebrate gentle characters

    26/08/2022 Duration: 01h24min

    Characters who are more extroverted and more obviously dynamic are generally easier to shape a story around. However, stories featuring gentler, more introverted characters can be very rewarding to both write and read too. In fact, many beloved, favourite characters across genres fall into this category. So what's the problem? Well, unless you get a screenwriter who understands how to portray these characters in film, often gentler characters get butchered during adaptation. But there are good reasons for keeping the characters as they are and excellent reasons for including gentler characters in your work. This week the dragons dive into why and how to write and include quieter characters. Under the microscope this week: Persuasion - Jane Austen, The Lord of the Rings, I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smith and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 339: You Can’t Take the Sky From Me - Weird Westerns and Why We love Them

    19/08/2022 Duration: 01h05min

    The dragons are always happy to consider requests and this episode is a response to one such request. Weird Western is an odd genre in many ways, being a mixture of the western sub-genre of general or saga style historical fiction with 'weird' elements. These may include dark fantasy, sci-fi, horror, paranormal or even romance. And yet despite being a complete hotch podge, Weird Western is very definitely its own genre and is growing in popularity. So this week Jules and Madeleine take a look at what goes into one, the common archetypes and tropes and a peek at their favourite examples. On the slab this week: Firefly, Cowboy Bee-bop, Stephen King's The Dark Tower and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 338: There are Wolves in the Woods - What Folklore Can Teach Us About Storytelling

    12/08/2022 Duration: 01h11min

    This week the dragons are delighted to welcome Lorraine Wilson back to the show. Lorraine is the author of This is our Undoing and the recently released folkloric mystery/ family suspense The Way the Light Bends. The latter is an exceptional example of this week's discussion which makes Lorraine the perfect person to join the episode.  Anyone who has paid any attention at all will have noticed that Jules and Madeleine are enthusiastic about folklore. But what actually defines a folk tale as opposed to a fairy tale or a myth? What are the basic structural tenets of a folk tale and how can writers tap in to them for storytelling purposes? Why is it an advantage to do so? Find out in this week's episode.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 337: Relatable or Debateable - Avoiding Mediocre Main Characters in Speculative Fiction.

    05/08/2022 Duration: 01h19min

    We've all read them; books with great setting, promising story, engaging prose...and a damp squib for a main character. Sometimes this is because the author has been pushed into supplying what industry representatives think readers want in a main  character and sometimes it's just that the author has failed to listen to their own story, perhaps missing that a secondary character is both more engaging and has a better story to tell. This week the dragons look at what makes a MC engaging and what you should avoid doing when you create a character. On the slab this week: Deep Space Nine, Stranger Things, A Court of Silver Fire and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic.

  • Episode 336: The Lesser of Two Evils - Creating Moral Dilemmas in Speculative Fiction

    29/07/2022 Duration: 01h22min

    There are many ways to create tension and suspense in fiction. One popular device is to give your main character a moral dilemma - a difficult choice which challenges their personal beliefs, morality or even their own view of themselves. However, this is one of those things that's really easy to do wrong, leaving your readers unsatisfied. This week Jules and Madeleine take a look at what defines a moral dilemma in speculative fiction and how it differs from impossible choices, as well as how to set it up so it will land with your audience. Under the microscope this week - Firefly, Deep Space Nine, The Next Generation and many more.   Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic

  • Episode 335: Cottage Core & Interdimensional Cafes - Cosy Speculative Fiction

    22/07/2022 Duration: 01h13min

    On a lighter note this week, Jules and Madeleine look at the growing demand for cosy speculative fiction. While this term now gets applied to various subsections of genre fiction - for example cosy mysteries - it's relatively new in sci-fi and fantasy terms. Think of it as very character driven fiction which is relatively small in scale - no huge sprawling epic worlds here - which revolves around the more mundane problems of the tightly knit cast of characters. You might not find chosen ones, fights to the death or world ending events, but you probably will find an orc setting up a coffee shop, a bakery wizard making gingerbread golems or a spaceship full of loveable misfits getting into amusing hot water. The dragons delve into what makes up cosy speculative fiction and why it's becoming increasingly popular.  Title music: Ecstasy by Smiling Cynic  

  • Episode 334: Devotion, Betrayal & Misadventure - Queer Romance in Speculative Fiction

    15/07/2022 Duration: 01h21min

    The dragons tackle a slightly contentious topic this week - or at least a potentially contentious angle on this topic - and take a deep dive into how LGBTQ+ characters are depicted in the media. Specifically, in speculative fiction. There's been a decided uptick in easily accessible fiction featuring queer protagonists and side characters over the last ten years or so, and this is undoubtedly a good thing. However, there are many in the bookish community who would like to see only positive examples queerness represented, where characters are only shown in positive relationships and generally as mostly good people. Respectfully, the dragons find this viewpoint just as limiting as previous trends which would only allow queer characters to be deviants and villains. This week, Jules and Madeleine take a look at why only allowing a narrow set of parameters for 'acceptable' queer characters is a problem, and what they would like to see more of.  On the slab this week: Gentleman Jack, Harker & Blackthorn, Pennyb

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