Learn Numerology

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 48475:00:00
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Join your host, Dawn, to explore the deeper meaning of numbers. Through interviews with experts in the fields of Numerology and other Divination systems, and hands-on tools for working with your Numbers, you'll learn to deepen your connection with your unique and Sacred Nature.


  • Episode 28 - The Master Numbers!

    19/07/2013 Duration: 1640h00s

    Professional Numerologist Roy Kirkland joins us this week to reveal the truth about the Master Numbers! Listen in to find out more about how this special category of numbers may be influencing your life.

  • Episode 28-Deepen your Numerological Wisdom with I AM Commands

    05/07/2013 Duration: 551h00s

    Do you know what the most POWERFUL 2 words in the world are? These 2 simple world can literally change your life - for better or worse! Find out what they are and how to use them with your unique, numerological profile, in order to command the life you desire.

  • Episode 27 - The Value of a Meditation Practice

    21/06/2013 Duration: 540h00s

    Meditation doesn't have to be a lengthy or difficult daily commitment in order to gain long-term benefits. Find out how you can incorporate even a little bit of meditation into your life for powerful long-term benefits!

  • Episode 26 - Your Personal Power

    09/06/2013 Duration: 887h00s

    Do you feel powerful or powerless to create the life you want? In this podcast, join Dawn to explore the concept of Personal Power, and how you can use Numerological Wisdom - along with a very important decision - to reclaim your power in areas of your life where you may have been giving it away.

  • Episode 25 - Heal Your Negative Thoughts

    20/05/2013 Duration: 812h00s

    Want a powerful way to heal yourself of subconscious negative thoughts? In this week's podcast, Dawn shares how she radically improved her life with this powerful, personal growth tool!

  • Episode 24 - How to Manifest your Dreams with "Mom-Energy"

    05/05/2013 Duration: 714h00s

    In this podcast you’ll explore the deeper, broader meaning behind Mother’s Day, and how you can use the theme of honoring “Mom-Energy” to improve your life and “birth” your sweetest dreams!

  • Episode 23 - Closure Ceremonies

    22/04/2013 Duration: 623h00s

    Good, Bad or Bittersweet, we all have to say goodbye from time-to-time in our lives. In this episode, Dawn gives you two creative ways to honor ANY goodbye using small closure ceremonies.

  • Episode 22 - What are your Priorities?

    07/04/2013 Duration: 633h00s

    If you're having trouble manifesting something - even something as big as the the life of your dreams - here's some great ways to organize, reprioritize and take action with Numerology to get you there!

  • Episode 21 - How to be Free of Other People's Vibrations

    24/03/2013 Duration: 644h00s

    When the negative energies and attitudes of other people "harsh on your mellow" or get you spiraling down a negative though black hole, it's time to free yourself of their vibes! In this podcast, Dawn gives you a simple way to free yourself of other people's vibrations using your Life Path Number.

  • Episode 20 - Your Pinnacle Cycles

    01/03/2013 Duration: 427h00s

    Everyone has 4 Pinnacles throughout their life. These are long-term cycles. A Pinnacle Cycle number clues you in to the essential challenge you will be faced with during the years it is active.

  • Episode 19 - How to Just BE

    22/02/2013 Duration: 456h00s

    The Information Age has made our world increasingly hectic, fast-paced and stressful. But right along side this over-stimulation, excess busy-ness and pressure to DO more and HAVE more, has been valuable wisdom coming forward on how to simply BE - with yourself, with life, and with the very moment of now. In this episode, Dawn teaches you a simple, 5 minute way of BE-ing to bring more calm, focus and peace to your life.

  • Episode 18 - Relationships, Love & Numerology

    07/02/2013 Duration: 1353h00s

    Professional Numerologist Roy Kirkland joins Dawn to discuss the connection between Relationships, Love and Numerology. (Hint: it's not as simple as comparing numbers). Find out how aligning with your Soul Urge has EVERYTHING to do with the quality of your love life. And stay tuned to the end when Dawn announces a special surprise!

  • Episode 17 - How to Detoxify your Life using your Karmic Lesson Numbers

    28/01/2013 Duration: 730h00s

    Find out how you can use your Karmic Lesson Numbers to help you 'detoxify' your life from negative influences that bring you down. As a follow-up to last week's video on Numerologist.com, Dawn guides you through a step-by-step system to clean out harmful elements in your vibrational field AND embrace your karmic lessons!

  • Episode 16 - How to Activate Positive Thinking

    13/01/2013 Duration: 593h00s

    Having trouble changing your thoughts from a negative or critical focus to a more positive frame of mind? Learn 2 great tools to help you energize your thinking for the better so you can start attracting the life you want!

  • Episode 15 - New World New Thoughts

    23/12/2012 Duration: 332h00s

    If the thoughts you've been thinking, the words you've been thinking and the posts you've been sharing (on Facebook) are not 'seeding' a positive future, it's time to correct your course! Dawn guides you to reconsider the way you are using your mind to attract and create your life in this Post-Mayan Calendar new world.

  • Episode 14-What will Happen on December 21, 2012?

    08/12/2012 Duration: 634h00s

    Explore some of the theories behind this heralded (and sometime feared) date. Dawn shares the astrological indicator that connects the end of the Mayan Calendar with the revolutionary nature of the 1960s, looks at the Numerological significance of what's to come, and invites you to prepare for the 21st and beyond in a conscious, intentional way.

  • Episode 13 – Gratitude

    12/10/2012 Duration: 806h00s

    Gratitude ... it's not just for Thanksgiving anymore! Go beyond the surface of giving thanks to actually transform your life by keeping a daily Gratitude practice.

  • Episode 12 - 3 Strategies for Self-Understanding

    12/10/2012 Duration: 705h00s

    The vowels in your name add up to your Soul Urge Number. This is the 'inner' or 'hidden' part of you. Join Dawn as she guides you through 3 strategies for working with this number to gain deeper self-understanding.

  • Episode 10 - The Magic of your Name Pt. 1

    12/09/2012 Duration: 1988h00s

    Meet Master Numerologist Roy Kirkland for a lively discussion on the important numbers connected with your Name. • Find out how to calculate your 'Everyday' Name, and how it's different from your full name. • Discover the hidden 'You' embedded in your middle name. • Learn why your last name is not your personal energy. • Uncover what your Power Letters are ... • and much, much more. Dawn DelVecchio interviews Roy in the first of an ongoing series of in-depth, Numerology podcasts for Numerologist.com.

  • Episode 11 - The Magic of your Name Pt. 2

    11/09/2012 Duration: 1745h00s

    Master Numerologist Roy Kirkland offers valuable insights on the important numbers connected with your Name. • Find out how to calculate your 'Everyday' Name, and how it's different from your full name. • Discover the hidden 'You' embedded in your middle name. • Learn why your last name is not your personal energy. • Uncover what your Power Letters are ... • and much, much more. Dawn DelVecchio interviews Roy in the 2nd of an ongoing series of in-depth, Numerology podcasts for Numerologist.com.

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