Ceo Warrior Podcast With Mike Agugliaro



THE podcast dedicated to Service Industry owners, so they can achieve more wealth, freedom and market domination.


  • Number 1 Issue Robbing Your Time

    24/09/2018 Duration: 27min

    Mike Agugliaro talks about the number one issue robbing you of your time and how to get that time back. He also breaks down the tools you need to understand time management and the keys to execution. Key Lessons Learned: Time Management A lot of people are just winging their life and their business today. Not having an agenda for your tasks or your life will lead you to miss certain things, some of which could be very important. What can you knock out now to free up time tomorrow? You need some breathing room in your agenda, some time set aside for reflection and further planning as well as taking advantage of opportunities that come up. Fancy notebooks and calendars are not always the answer for time management, sometimes what you need is a basic legal pad. The medium doesn’t matter, as long as it works for you. Reward yourself for accomplishing tasks and create momentum to keep progressing forward. Whenever you complete something, reevaluate your list and ask if the next item is the most important thing on

  • Recruiting: Change Your Mind, Change Your Future

    30/07/2018 Duration: 41min

    Mike Agugliaro talks about the key secrets behind recruiting the best talent in the world for your business. Learn how to transform your business by adjusting your mindset, increasing the stakes on yourself, and being absolutely relentless. Key Lessons Learned: Learning New Things Like how an artist needs to find their way through things, some entrepreneurs are afraid of learning. Failure isn’t as big a fear as the uncertainty of learning something new. Video is huge right now, but why don’t more business owners start using it to their advantage? If Mike was too afraid to speak his message when he got started, he would never have had the opportunity to grow. Recruiting How often should you recruit? If your answer is always, what does always look like? Weak owner, weak recruiting. Do your employees trust your commitment to delivery? Rule number one is people want to work with and for strong people. Business owners are more worried about the boat they are going to buy than the solution to the problem in fron

  • How to Handle Bad Reviews

    18/07/2018 Duration: 31min

    Mike Agugliaro talks about how a bad reviews can really throw some people off their game. Instead of fighting the review or turning a blind eye, Mike gives you a three step process you can use to turn people who give your business bad reviews into raving fans. Key Lessons Learned: Social Media Technology and social media has changed the review game, it’s never been easier for your customer to publish a review of your business. Positive reviews are part of the process of getting a customer to become comfortable with trusting your business and you should ask your customers directly for one. Getting Reviews Tell your customers up front that you are going to wow them so much that they are going to want to give you a five star review. When set the expectations high you rise to the occasion. Most people are just waiting for reviews to happen, if you ask for the five star review and feedback on how you did, you are much more likely to get what you want. There are three responses to a bad review. People will eithe

  • Mandie & Ian Hagan's Service Business Story

    08/06/2018 Duration: 25min

    Mike Agugliaro talks to Mandie and Ian Hagan about how they’ve built up their business, their experience in the Warrior program, and how their life and business has transformed since joining the program. Questions Asked: What was it like for the last five years before you joined CEO Warrior? How did you find CEO Warrior? How did you feel the first day of the Service Business Edge event? What services did you do before? What do you do now? How about your relationship as a couple? What is the CEO Warrior family like? What would you tell someone who is struggling right now? Key Lessons Learned: Growing Pains When Mandie was a kid, she started off answering phones in the family business so she has pretty much always been involved. Ian joined the business after moving back to New Hampshire to help grow the business and they’ve been at it for the past 15 years. The Hagan’s business grew steadily each year but eventually they got to the point where they began asking themselves if they were doing the right thing.

  • Why The Coaching Industry Is Evil

    30/05/2018 Duration: 33min

    Mike Agugliaro talks about the state of the coaching industry and how it’s actually downright evil. He breaks down what you need to see in a coach in terms of mindset, alignment, and results and lays out three major decisions you have to make right now. Key Lessons Learned: Coaching Mike once failed gym class, as unbelievable as that sounds. And that’s because the teacher was the worst kind of coach, the one that’s completely unable to do the things they are telling other people how to do. Every industry has coaches that think the best way to get a result is by asking good questions, but people work with a coach because they don’t know the answer. A guy who has built a business to 2 or 3 million dollars can certainly coach you to get to 2 to 3 million dollars, but they won’t be able take you further than that. If your coach has not gone through the whole journey that you want to take yourself, how are they going to be able to take you where you want to go? Coaching is not a one size fits all template, it has

  • State of the Union For The Service Industry

    29/05/2018 Duration: 46min

    Mike Agugliaro and Mike Disney deliver the State of the Union for the service industry. The talk about how the industry has to move away from the tendency to break each other down and instead shift towards a brotherhood mentality, where they help build each other up instead. Key Lessons Learned: The Service Industry Your name matters. Mike would never recommend putting the word “hack” in your business’s name. People like to complain and make fun of the way other people do business, but almost no one will call the person and offer them another way of doing things. Everyone is doing the best they can with the skillsets they have. The media likes to portray the trades as shady and always trying to rip people off, but do they ever cover all the quality work that gets done everyday? Instead of breaking each other down, we should be helping build each other up. Don’t just invest in your own pocket, invest in the industry. Your best people don’t start out as the expert, they often are completely unskilled when they

  • Jay Abraham on the Future of Service

    08/05/2018 Duration: 01h33min

    Jay Abraham is an American business executive, conference speaker, and author. He is known for his work in developing strategies for direct-response marketing in the 1970s. In 2000, Forbes listed him as one of the top five executive coaches in the US. He is the founder and CEO of the Abraham Group, a marketing consultant firm focused on providing growth strategies to businesses. Jay’s experience with working with thousands of industries allows him to see combinations of opportunities in marketing and profitability that he shares with his followers. Main Questions Asked: What insight would you give to business owner around temporary motivation? How do you see the opportunities you do? What is something that people should think about in business today? Key Lessons Learned: Business and Knowledge There are as many as 50 hidden income points in someone’s business that can be leveraged to increase profitability. Expanding your mind is stimulating intellectual entertainment. When you look at one thing, your know

  • Taking Your Profit First with Mike Michalowicz

    04/05/2018 Duration: 31min

    By his 35th birthday MIKE MICHALOWICZ (pronounced mi-‘kal-o-wits) had founded and sold two multi-million dollar companies. Confident that he had the formula to success, he became an angel investor…and proceeded to lose his entire fortune. Then he started all over again, driven to find better ways to grow healthy, strong companies. Among other innovative strategies, Mike created the “Profit First Formula”, a way for businesses to ensure profitability from their very next deposit forward. Main Questions Asked: Give us some insight into profit. Tell us about the hope method. What your favourite piece of the pumpkin plan? Tell us about Clockwork. Key Lessons Learned: Profit First The fundamental flaw business owners make is they try to comply with what the experts say instead of channelling their natural behaviour. Profit First is a bank based accounting system. By setting up multiple accounts with different names, you know the allocated use of that money before you spend it, therefore you spend money more wis

  • The Art Of Business Growth With Tim Grover

    30/03/2018 Duration: 32min

    Mike Agugliaro interviews Tim Grover in this special episode of the CEO Warrior Podcast. Tim Grover is the authority in the science of the art of physical and mental dominance and the author of the best selling Relentless: How To Go From Good To Great To Unstoppable. Key Lessons Learned: Excellence Tim Grover teaches that individuals can be divided into three categories when it comes to competition, work, and what they think: coolers, closers, and cleaners. Coolers are the people that prefers to watch rather than do. They watch the game and criticize the ones who are actually playing. Closers are the people who participate in whatever they do. Cleaners are the people who dominate their space and always excel at what they do. There is a big difference between acting and action. The people who are actually cleaners put action behind their words, cleaners always want more. They don’t remember the deals that they closed, they remember the deal that got away. Everybody needs a coach and a mentor, you just have to

  • The Power of the Word is the Power of the Outcome!

    20/03/2018 Duration: 33min

    Mike Agugliaro discusses the potential for words to change your world. Discover how to program your reality with words that empower you and push you to greater heights instead of limiting your potential. The power of words matter more than you probably realize. Key Lessons Learned: The Power of Words Words can do things for you or to What are some words that you can’t stand as a business owner? Words carry emotion based on your perspective and program you to certain mindsets. You program your reality with the words you use. Using a word like “small” can limit your perspective of your world and the opportunities you see. If you have a “problem”, you may not be able to see a solution, where if you have a “situation” you are in the process of working through it. The difference between “waiting to land” and “land” is different thinking. Don’t use limiting words when describing your world. What are some words that you use in your regular language that are haunting you. Don’t try, don’t hope something works, you a

  • The Advantage of Understanding Trends in your Business

    02/03/2018 Duration: 41min

    Mike Agugliaro reveals the secret to understanding business trends and how to take advantage of them. Learn about the major trends that determine the mindset of your customers and how it affects their buying patterns. Key Lessons Learned: Past Business Trends Not enough people pay attention to the past because they are trained to look into the future. The past is there as an education so that you can leverage things into making new decisions. Most people aren’t thinking of the past because it may be painful, but there are valuable lessons in the past that can be learned. Past trends allow you to ask good questions. It’s important to avoid being frustrated or depressed by missed opportunities in the past and instead become motivated by them. Many people feel paralyzed because they know what happened in the past and aren’t not convinced they are capable of changing. People have three modes of reaction: fight, flight, or freeze. The very worst of these three is freeze because you become paralyzed and incapable

  • Handling Confrontation

    06/02/2018 Duration: 24min

    A POWERFUL lesson on the Communication and Results Model. Learn more about handling confrontation in your life.

  • What I Wish I Had 20 Years Ago - Life Skills, Resources, and Wisdom

    29/01/2018 Duration: 01h10min

    Mike Agugliaro wants to share with you the life skills, wisdom, and resources he wished he had access to when he was 20. Skip the learning curve and get a jump start on mastering your life, health, and business with these resources, skills, and books. Key Lessons Learned: The Books Five Love Languages. Loving What Is. The Four Agreements. The Way of the Superior Man. When you read a book, you read it through the lens of where you are at that time in your life. You should always be looking for one big takeaway from each book you read. If a book made an impact for you, read it every three or four years. Each time you will bring something else to the experience and you will take new things away. When you learn something new, don’t wait to implement on it. Share the things that are working for you. Chances are people want to know what worked for you. Don’t keep it a secret. Health Inside Tracker is a service that you can use to measure all the important health metrics and tells you what you should be doing.

  • 3 H's of Relationships To Boost Your Business

    19/01/2018 Duration: 51min

    Mike Agugliaro wants you to be prepared and ready for 2018. The time is now for you to take action and make 2018 an amazing year. Key Lessons Learned: Planning Your Day Whatever you believe you can achieve. Look at the habits of the most successful people in the world. Success leaves clues and you should adopt the habits that have made those people who they are. The first week of the year should be a powerful week, not a week where everyone is off to a slow start. All of people are doing the right things at the wrong time. You need to focus on the tasks that move the needle. When planning your day, ask what are the top 3 things you want to get done and what is the return on investment and return on time for those tasks. Next, you have to think about the top 3 things that are going to help you accomplish those tasks. Most of the fires that you deal with are based off of poor planning. Hold people accountable so that you can keep making progress instead of constantly reminding your team how to do the things th

  • Level Up Your Life In 2018 By Building A Foundation Of Power

    16/01/2018 Duration: 01h36min

    Mike Agugliaro helps you become laser focused for 2018 so that you can level up your life, accomplish your business goals, and dominate your market. Learn about the three kinds of fights you don’t even know you are in, how to drill down and identify what’s holding you back, and how to build a foundation of power for 2018. Key Lessons Learned: Three Fights There are three fights that are universal to everyone. We fight ourselves, our relationships, and the world. Some people fight out loud with themselves, some people internalize it but we tend to break ourselves down and dwell on the negative. What are the things that you fight about yourself about? Do you feel you are worthy of the things that you desire? If you know you are dealing with a fight you have a choice, you can lose and become the victim or you can choose to step and become the victor. Wherever you are today, you deserve to be there but that also means that you deserve the opportunity to change it. When you are fighting against yourself, you can

  • The Truth About Selling a Business

    22/12/2017 Duration: 44min

    There are so many people looking for a silver bullet today, listening to coaches that haven’t done what they are telling you to do. Mike Agugliaro gives you the real deal when it comes to building and growing a business that you can sell for a massive pay day. Key Lessons Learned: Building to Sell If you suck at business, it’s going to be hard to sell it. The only way to sell a business is to build in processes and systems that allow it to run on its own. Selling your business can’t be a move of desperation. You have to fix the issues before you go to sell. You have to have the right mindset for before you go to sell your business but you also have to have the right mindset for after the business is sold. There is no long term marketing plan, marketing is always changing and you have to be able to pivot. Marketing is an emotional game, you need to understand the emotion of the market in order to pick the marketing that will have the most impact. Marketing is just one of many systems that you need to build in

  • Changing Your Professional Or Personal World

    15/12/2017 Duration: 50min

    The saying that knowledge is power isn't quite right. It should really be "applied knowledge is power." If there is was something you could change in your world, what would it be and what would you do if you could make those changes today? Listen to Mike Agugliaro describe a new model for setting targets and transforming your life. Key Lessons Learned: Knowledge Information is powerful but is has to be actionable if it’s going to make an impact on your life. Changing the world doesn’t have to mean the global world, it can just mean your personal and professional world. The problem is many people encounter a problem and then blame the world for it. The Life/Business Balance doesn’t exist. Business is a component of your life, you just have to find a way to make everything fit together. Setting Targets You need clarity on your targets if you want them to mean anything. You need to know what you want to accomplish as well as be clear what that means specifically. Make your target laser clear. Set a date, a ti

  • Mental Clarity and The Key To Greatness

    08/12/2017 Duration: 24min

    Mike Agugliaro reveals why having mental clarity in your mindset is the only way you can achieve greatness in any area of your life. Listen to Mike as he shows you how to understand your emotional mindset and take action steps to get it to where you want it to be. Key Lessons Learned: Mental Clarity The biggest load that people carry isn’t physical, it’s mental and spiritual. What emotional pain have you been carrying around that is holding you back? Having clarity in your mind is the key to greatness. You can’t have inspired ideas if your mind is clouded and jaded. Ask yourself “where is your mindset right now on a scale of 1 to 10.” Without a way to measure something, you have no idea where you are. Your mindset is a choice. You can look at something bad as a problem and a failure, or as a learning opportunity. Most of your emotional state is created by you projecting into the future what you think is going to happen. Peak performance comes from what you allow to be in your mind. What do you have to do to

  • Are You Driven By Fear? Demand Success In Your Life

    01/12/2017 Duration: 39min

    Mike Agugliaro asks you the question “Are you driven by fear?” Just when you think you know how businesses are built, Mike steps in to deliver a paradigm shift. Key Lessons Learned: Fear The first thing you have to have in your life is purpose, but it’s extremely easy to become derailed by fear. You can either be driven by fear or by purpose and passion. Look at the amount of time you have left in your life. How many days do you have left? You have one life to live. You can either live that life as a leader or you can be ruled by fear. You have to make a conscious decision to be in charge of your destiny. Human beings were built for combat and challenges, take them head on. It’s easy to stay complacent and lead a half ass life. If you want to 10x your life, you have to know where you want to go and then reverse engineer the process to get there. It’s not about 10x the effort, it’s about 10x the impact. Personal power, spiritual and physical, is the key to growth. Clarity and alignment gets pulled apart by is

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