Joseph Clough Show - Free Hypnosis | Hypnotherapy | Life Coaching | Self Help



By #1 Bestselling Author Joseph Clough. (Over 200 hours of free audio, downloaded 200,000 downloads a month).


  • #61 Relationship Breakup Hypnosis

    21/06/2012 Duration: 31min

    podcast This  FREE Hypnosis/hypnotherapy mp3 was requested by a person who I belief is very special and deserves a lot of happiness. I was sent an email a week ago or so from this person who has recently gone through a marriage break up as asked for help in overcoming hurt, sadness, depression, anxiety and low self esteem because of recent events. So I recorded this tonight especially for this person. And I am sure, you will also have wonderful thoughts to this person so they can re-ignite their passion, confidence and love for self and life once again. So here it is my gift to you the Overcome Marriage Breakup Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy Streaming MP3 and MP3 download (click above) or feel free to download it straight at iTunes here and also if you are kind please rate, review it here. ‘Like’ and share with those who need it! :) Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coac

  • #60 Deal with Objections/Questions

    20/06/2012 Duration: 30min

    podcast How to deal with objections and question free hypnosis mp3 download A while ago I was asked if I could produce a hypnosis track on how to deal with objections/questions in a calm confident way. So this free hypnotherapy track is all about letting go of any anxiety, doubt, blushing, sweating, nerves etc and instead coming up with a new strategy, so that you can think, feel and act the way you wish. Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s Also feel free to download this podcast episode and any other on iTunes here Your friend Joseph Clough

  • #59 Law Of Attraction Success

    20/06/2012 Duration: 30min

    podcast Law of attraction or law of focus or law of action – you decide Here I discuss the law of attraction, law of focus or law of action. Are they really laws? Is it woo la la stuff? Let me tell you how we can train our mind for success. Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s Please share, ‘like’ and pass on to others, and why not do me a favour and rate this podcast on iTunes here Your friend Joseph Clough

  • #58 New Perspectives -Resolve Issues

    19/06/2012 Duration: 20min

    podcast Hey guys, In this FREE mp3 download is all about guided hypnosis/hypnotherapy/meditation process that will make you shift perceptions and dissolve issues very quickly. As Albert Einstein said 'We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them' and who am I to disagree right? well this free podcast will give you the tools to do this in reality. Its too good to even explain, so get it quick and shift to a higher consciousness and be your potential. Feel free to download it straight at iTunes here and also if you are kind please rate, review it here. Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s With love, Joseph

  • #57 Ho-oponopono Ancient Healing

    19/06/2012 Duration: 31min

    podcast In this free mp3 download Podcast I go deeply into a ancient healing process that comes from Hawaii (although it most probably did’nt start there), it will cleanse and clear emotional and psychological and I believe even biological issues. Its amazingly simple, but I explain in depth the process and go through the process with you should you want to get straight into it and let go of the obsticales holding you back. Oh…..I forgot to mention, some say it can actually change things what are percieved out of your control…. it sounds woo-woo-laa-laa, but as you know I will explain how it may do so…enjoy Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s Also feel free to download this podcast episode and any other on iTunes here Your friend, Joseph

  • #56 Healthy Money Association

    18/06/2012 Duration: 27min

    podcast Change your perception on money to attract it. Everything in life is an association, you have associations to money, health, relationships, career…everything area of life and everything in other words. Depending on your association to something will predetermine your results. If the results we are getting are poor, or a lack of then we need to change our associations consciously and unconsciously. This FREE Hypnotic download will take your on a journey of learning’s and perceptions around your relationship with money. Together you will see huge changes in your life and money. Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s Also feel free to download this podcast episode and any other on iTunes here

  • #55 Two Tips For Success

    17/06/2012 Duration: 20min

    podcast How we can make changes by all by yourself – without needing Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CD’s and MP3 downloads….although I still strongly suggest them as they just work. Or maybe you have been working with a therapist, hypnotherapist, life coach etc and there is still some of the issue left over. The most probable reason for the continuing thoughts or why we hold onto issues is because it’s been a habit for a long period of time…more often enough anyway. To be honest if you have made big changes conquering it I believe any remaining symptoms will go over time as your conscious and unconscious mind is developing the new mindsets, feelings and behaviours….it can take some time But how can we speed the process up? Also maybe this is your first real attempt in making a change in your life..and you want something you can apply today? Well there are a couple of things that I suggest: 1) Break the thought pattern. As soon as you have that thought, replay that thought/self talk in the silliest voice that it seems

  • #54 Public Speaking Tips

    17/06/2012 Duration: 20min

    podcast Public Speaking Excellence – Joseph Clough I you want to get better at public speaking this podcast will help you take your public speaking skills to the next level. Remember – Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s With love, Joseph

  • #53 Introduction to NLP

    17/06/2012 Duration: 27min

    podcast Introduction to NLP By Joseph Clough - FREE MP3 download Thats right an introduction To NLP – What is NLP? In this audio mp3 download I explain what NLP is? I always get the question of what it is or what Neuro Linguistic Programming is. Also now you can download all my audio talks and free blog audio at iTunes here Has my work helped you? Want to help me more people?– Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a friend or family member. Your friend Joseph

  • #52 The False Excuse

    16/06/2012 Duration: 18min

    podcast Why hello there, On this (re-released after a year of being in my archives) free coaching streaming and for download MP3 I go quite deeply on to the self made illusions that you and I can create that fools us to think that we cannot achieve certain goals and dreams. I might upset you, make you angry, push your buttons, you may not listen to me again, but that would be fine if that is the case, as this is my personal truth, and I speak freely in order to try to help those who wish to transform their life. The illusion of judging ourselves to other people who have achieved certain things in their health, relationships, career and even the….money. How do we stop them as we all do them from time to time? Well press play above or go to iTunes here to download it and find out how. Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s With love, Joseph

  • #51 Movie Star Of Your Life

    16/06/2012 Duration: 32min

    free mp3 download podcast Movie Star Of Your Life - My Favourite FREE MP3 download  You do know you are wonderful and amazing? Its true, this world will not be the same without you, you put your stamp on what is good about this world. You are Love. A gift I was going to sell, but something’s are too good to not share with everyone who invests in themselves like you. I was speaking to a good friend of mine about a project I was co developing with the intent on changing the world – I like big goals! I told her ’Right now I feel like I am the Script Writer, The Director, The Star, The Editor and The Producer’ of this project. It got me think about each one of those roles has a definite and amazing view point and qualities of seeing the world. And that’s when it came to me and that’s when ‘Movie Star Of Your Life’ was born. One thought can create something great. So lets get to it – enjoy my new process – Movie Star Of Your Life! Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House 

  • #50 Positive Affirmations Hypnosis

    16/06/2012 Duration: 26min

    podcast As a gift to you, please find Hypnosis Positive Affirmations and Suggestions MP3 download.A gift to you for being you and I want you to become more you than ever before. This Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy MP3 download will directly imprint your unconscious mind with truth. So what is the truth? Well to me its that you are good enough, worthy, excellent, motivated, to be abundant, be healthy, attracting your desires, to love yourself, to respect yourself, to be your passion, to be your potential and hundreds other alike suggestions. So relax, enjoy, and actualise your potential! Get it on iTunes here Remember – Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s Your friend, Joseph

  • #49 Why You Do What You Do

    15/06/2012 Duration: 30min

    free mp3 download podcast This podcast gift is just awesome, I know companies who pay for the value and knowledge within this MP3 coaching gift. Seriously, its making the unconscious conscious and when applied will not only give you the knowledge as to why you do what you do in career, how to improve your relationships to a whole new level, motivated others and realign your health. In fact I have been paid a lot of money by big organisations for this, but for a limited time I’ve opened up the doors to give you this for free….why? Because I can and I want you to be the best you, you can be. In fact some therapists and so called ‘Gurus’ in the world dislike me doing these free gifts as they sell them at a high price and I do it for free (and I believe I do it better  We are motivated by unconscious motives, the ones we where instilled with as a child and even as an adult. It’s what I call your values.. Some have high values for money, or security, love and honest…the list endless but they are usually kept bene

  • #48 Success vs Failure

    14/06/2012 Duration: 26min

    podcast I think this free streaming mp3/download will really inspire you to great things. What is Success and what is Failure, well there is a fine line between them, in fact it comes down to our perspective and how we have learnt to put meaning and judgement on both ‘words’. Remember – Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s Your friend, Joseph

  • #47 Speak To Anyone Hypnosis

    13/06/2012 Duration: 23min

    podcast As you can tell by the subject line, this FREE hypnosis/hypnotherapy mp3 download is all about developing and acquiring a great Confidence when speaking to anyone. That means to family, to friends, socially, work and naturally meeting new people. Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s Also feel free to download this podcast episode and any other on iTunes here Your friend Joseph

  • #46 Breaking Negative Behaviours

    12/06/2012 Duration: 22min

    podcast Breaking down negative behaviours free Coaching MP3 Download I discuss how all behaviours we have from the good to bad and how they are all simply strategies. Yes just strategies. Now thats great news, as it means we can break them down and when you change the stragegy who change the behavour and therefore your results. Its time to get back in control the mind! Isn't it? Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s If you really like this podcast please share, pass on to others, and please  do me a favour and rate this podcast on iTunes here, this helps others know about them and that helps me, I appreciate your help. Your friend Joseph Clough

  • #45 Five Steps to Happiness

    11/06/2012 Duration: 24min

    podcast Hey Hey Hey, I hope all is well! I wanted to do a quick 5-10 minutes podcast for you on how we can become happy in 5 steps....... Well me being me it went from a 5-10 minute podcast gift to a full out jam packed just under 25 minute free coaching podcast. Not only do you get the 5 steps to making changes in your life, whether we wish to change issues such as anxiety, low self esteem, blushing, ocd, eating disorders and physical issues but also how we can improve any behaviour such as becoming more confident, happier, successful or any behaviour that you wish to expand upon. But you also get to hear some random birds wishing to get in on the podcast action and also me making a right mess of my attempt to give you some resource links. Tut Tut Joseph ;) Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s Let me know what you think by ‘sharing’, ple

  • #45 Financial Abundance Mindsets

    09/06/2012 Duration: 18min

    podcast Financial Abundence Mindsets - Joseph Clough FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD I’ve ready quite a few biographies, and the once that I love reading are all about entrepreneurs. In this podcast I go into some common themes and mindsets on how people have come from nothing, even huge amount of debt to being financially abundant rich beyond our wildest dreams. Oh by the way despite some beliefs we have about money being bad let’s quickly get something straight. Money is not bad, it is energy, energy which is ultimately a transaction or exchange of goods, services and work which once we have healthy associations to we can get money and give more of it away to charities, form our own, invest it and enjoying it. I think being spiritually evolved includes money, when we have the illusion of judging it as evil do we actually take power away from ourselves and our own spirituality. Life is about being rich and abundant in health, in our relationships, our career, our personal development, spiritual growth and also money. Aft

  • #44 Let Go Of Any Issue Hypnosis

    06/06/2012 Duration: 21min

    podcast Hey Hey Hey, Here is a great Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy Free MP3 Download. Its a track you can use for any issue, so nothing specific, but can still work with anything. So here it is – enjoy! Remember - Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s. Oh please rate and review my podcast on iTunes here, just so people will be attracted to listening to it, and that means I can spend more time on these just for you! Also share, share, share! Your friend Joseph

  • #43 Why You May Not Be Achieving

    26/04/2012 Duration: 29min

    Joseph Cough Hey Guys, Ever curious as to why you may not be achieving your goals? Well I might just have the answer and also the solution for you. In fact I am going through an issue right now which I am resolving with myself and I talk about it and how I am intergrating for the solution. Curious to know what it is? Take a listen and be sure to 'like' with a comment and also let me know what you think on Facebook and Twitter! Get the MP3 on iTunes too right here! With love from Thailand! Joseph

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